Module DEWPython Documentation

Expand source code
global Tr, bigQ, Chi, Pr, E_PrTr, bigR, Psi, Theta, Upsilon, Conversion, mineralDictionary

# Defining global constants analagous to DEW 2019    
bigQ = 5.903E-07
'''Big Q is the 5.903E-07, and has units of bar^-1 '''
Chi = -3.090E-07
'''X is the constant -3.090E-07 and has units of K^-2'''
T_r = 298.15
'''The standard state temperature 298.15 with units K'''
Pr = 1
'''The standard state pressure of 1 bar'''
E_PrTr = 78.47
'''Epsilon_{P_rT_r} is a unitless constant with value of 78.47'''
bigR = 1.9858775
'''The gas constant with value 1.9858775 cal mol^-1 k^-1'''
Psy = 2600
'''The value of this constant is 2600 bar'''
Theta = 228
'''The value of this temperature is 228 Kelvin'''
Upsilon = -5.79865E-05
'''The value of this constant is -5.79865E-05 K^-1'''
Conversion = 41.8393
'''A conversion factor present in DEW publications'''

# Search function - can take any length of string
def search(string):
    '''A function to searh for species within DEWython'''
    for item in nameLst:
        if str.lower(string) in str.lower(item):
    for item in GasLst:
        if str.lower(string) in str.lower(item):
    for key in mineralDictionary:
        if str.lower(string) in str.lower(key):

# # An Object Class that Can Calculate and Return Parameters for Different Options of the Deep Earth Water Model
class DEW(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # User Option Parameters
        self.ptInput = 'Psat'
        '''The temperature and pressure input, options are Regular, Psat, or custom. Default is regular'''
        self.RhoOfWater = 'Z&D 2005'
        '''The density of water equation input, can be Zheng and Duan 2005, Zheng and Duan 2009, or custom. Default is Z&D 2005'''
        self.forceCustom = False
        '''The option to force custom Rho for P< 1 kb. Default is False'''
        self.dielectricEq = 'Supcrt'
        '''The dielectric equation input. The default is Sverjensky.'''
        self.ForceSupcrt = True
        '''The option to force supcrt for P < 5 kb. Default is set to true'''
        self.WaterFreeEq = 'D&H 1978'
        '''The option for the Water free energy equation. Options are D&H 1978, integral, and custom
        Default is Delaney and Hegelson 1978.'''
        self.DisplayVolOpt = True
        '''The option to display volume, default set to true'''
        self.PsatDisplayVol = True
        '''The option to display volume under Psat conditions. Default is set to true.'''
        self.DisplayVol = True
        '''Another display volume option. Default to true.'''
        self.equation = 1
        '''A variable that stores the number of the density of water equation. Needs to be renamed'''
        self.diaEq = 1
        '''A variable that stores the number of dielectric constant equation.'''
        self.psat = True
        '''A variable that stores the Psat option defined by input'''
        self.waterDensity = 1
        '''A variable that stores the number of the density of water equation.'''

        # Input Arrays
        self.aqueousInputs = []
        '''The array of aqueous inputs and multipliers defined by a user'''
        self.mineralInputs = []
        '''The array of mineral inputs and multipliers defined by a user'''
        self.gasInputs = []
        '''The array of gas inputs and multipliers defined by a user'''
        self.waterInputs = []
        '''An array that defines if water is used in the input and hOw mUcH wAtEr?'''
        # Input Matrices
        self.inGasMat = []
        '''A matrix that stores in gasseous inputs with their properties from the dicitonary inputs'''
        self.inAqMat = []
        '''A matrix that stores in aqueous inputs with their properties from the dicitonary inputs'''
        # Output Arrays
        self.aqueousOutputs = []
        '''The array of aqueous outputs and multipliers defined by a user'''
        self.mineralOutputs = []
        '''The array of mineral outputs and multipliers defined by a user'''
        self.gasOutputs = []
        '''The array of gas outputs and multipliers defined by a user'''
        self.waterOutputs = []
        '''An array that defines if water is used in the outputand hOw mUcH wAtEr?'''
        # Output Matrices
        self.outGasMat = []
        '''A matrix that stores in gasseous outputs with their properties from the dicitonary inputs'''
        self.outAqMat = []
        '''A matrix that stores in aqueous outputs with their properties from the dicitonary inputs'''
        # Arrays used for Calculations
        self.tempUsed = []
        '''An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains all the temperatures used for calculation in celsius'''
        self.pressureUsed = []
        '''An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains all the pressures used for calculation'''
        self.tKelvin = []
        '''An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains all the temperatures used for calculation in Kelvin'''
        self.RhoWatArr = []
        '''An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains calculated water densities at the temperatures and pressures used
        self.DiaArr = []
        '''An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains calculated dielectric constants at temp/pressure used'''
        self.QArr = []
        '''An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains calculated Q constants at temp/pressure used'''
        self.GibbsH2O = []
        '''A collection of the gibbs of water values.'''
        # Collections of Custom Values
        self.dielectricCollection = []
        '''If custom values are used for the dielectric constant this will store them to be queried by the custom function'''
        self.gibbsCollection = []
        '''If custom values are used for the gibbs of water this will store them to be queried by the custom function'''
        self.densityCollection = []
        '''If custom values are used for the density of water this will store them to be queried by the custom function'''
        # Calculated Matrices
        self.gasInpGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of gases'''
        self.aqInpGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of aqueous inputs'''
        self.gasInpV = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of gasseous inputs'''
        self.aqInpV = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of aqueous inputs'''
        self.gasOutGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of gasseous inputs'''
        self.aqOutGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of aqueous outputs'''
        self.gasOutV = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of gasseous outputs'''
        self.aqOutV = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of aqueous outputs'''
        #Mineral Matrices
        self.mineralInpGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of mineral inputs'''
        self.mineralOutGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of mineral outputs'''
        self.mineralInpV = [] 
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of mineral inputs'''
        self.mineralOutV = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of mineral outputs'''
        self.waterInpGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of water outputs'''
        self.waterInpV = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of water inputs'''
        self.waterOutGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of water outputs'''
        self.waterOutV = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of water outputs'''
        # Finals Arrays
        self.gibbsLst = []
        '''A storage variable that lists the gibbs free energy changes. Not sure if necessary'''
        self.logK = []
        '''Stores the list of all logK values with temperatures and pressures'''
        self.vLst = []
        '''A storage variable that lists all the volume changes. Not sure if necessary '''
        self.delG = []
        '''Stores the list of all delG values with temperatures and pressures'''
        self.delV = []
        '''Stores the list of all delV values with temperatures and pressures'''
        # Variables to Help with Plotting
        self.pressRed = []
        '''Reduced pressure list with no repeats'''
        self.tempRed = []
        '''Reduced temperature list with no repeats'''

        self.pLogK = []
        '''LogK split into arrays with respect to the number of isobars'''
        self.pDelG = []
        '''DelG split into arrays with respect to the number of isobars'''
        self.pDelV = []
        '''DelV split into arrays with respect to the number of isobars'''
        self.tLogK = []
        '''LogK split into arrays with respect to the number of isotherms'''
        self.tDelG = []
        '''DelG split into arrays with respect to the number of isotherms'''
        self.tDelV = []
        '''DelV split into arrays with respect to the number of isotherms'''
        # Variables to run SUPCRTBL
        self.proc = None
        '''Needed to run supcrt'''
        self.pout = None
        '''Needed to run supcrt''' = None
        '''Needed to run supcrt'''
        self.supcrtFile = None
        '''Stores the most recently run SUPCRT file, or none if none have been run'''
        self.supcrtOut = None
        '''Stores the output from calculate_supcrt'''

    def clear(self):
        '''Clears variables'''
    def set_inputs(self):
        '''Call this to set the input Arrays. This is not dependent on anything else being called first.'''
        # A list of integers
        intLst = ['1','2','3','4', '5', '6','7', '8', '9', '10', '11']
        # Mineral Loop
        mineralCount = 0
        aqCount = 0
        gasCount = 0
        self.mineralInputs = []
        self.aqueousInputs = []
        self.gasInputs = []
        self.waterInputs = []
        while mineralCount < 15:
            mineralCount += 1
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                inp = input('Input Mineral Species')
                # can insert mineral validation here if possible
                if inp in mineralDictionary:
                    validBool = True
                elif inp == "":
                    validBool = True
                    print('Your Species is not in the list, please check your spelling')
                validBool2 = False
                while not validBool2:
                    inp2 = input('Input Mineral Species Multiplier')
                    if inp2 in intLst:
                        validBool2 = True
                    elif inp == "":
                        validBool2 = True
                        print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure this is an integer')
            if inp == "":
            self.mineralInputs.append([inp, inp2])
        while aqCount <15:
            aqCount += 1
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                inp = input('Input Aqueous Species') 
                if inp in nameLst:
                    validBool = True
                elif inp == "":
                    validBool = True
                    print('Your Species is not in the list, please check your spelling')
                validBool2 = False
                if validBool:
                    while not validBool2:
                        inp2 = input('Input Aqueous Species Multiplier')
                        if inp2 in intLst:
                            validBool2 = True
                        elif inp == "":
                            validBool2 = True
                            print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure this is an integer')
            if inp == "":
            self.aqueousInputs.append([inp, inp2])
        while gasCount < 15:
            gasCount += 1
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                inp = input('Input Gas Species') 
                if inp in GasLst:
                    validBool = True
                elif inp == "":
                    validBool = True
                    print('Your Species is not in the list, please check your spelling')
                if validBool:
                    validBool2 = False
                    while not validBool2:
                        inp2 = input('Input Gas Species Multiplier')
                        if inp2 in intLst:
                            validBool2 = True
                        elif inp == "":
                            validBool2 = True
                            print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure this is an integer')
            if inp == "":
            self.gasInputs.append([inp, inp2])
            # Water
        validBool3 = False
        while not validBool3:
            inpWater = input('Would you like to use water? (yes/no)')
            if inpWater in ['yes', 'no']:
                validBool3 = True
                print('Please answer yes or no')
            if inpWater == 'yes':
                validBool3 = False
                while not validBool3:
                    m3 = input('Enter enter water Multiplier')
                    if m3 in intLst:
                        validBool3 = True
                        print('Please enter a valid integer multiplier ')
                m3 = 0
            self.waterInputs.append([inpWater, m3])
    def set_outputs(self):
        '''Call this to set the output Arrays. This is not dependent on anything else being called first.'''
        # A list of integers
        intLst = ['1','2','3','4', '5', '6','7', '8', '9', '10', '11']
        # Mineral Loop
        mineralCount = 0
        aqCount = 0
        gasCount = 0
        self.mineralOutputs = []
        self.aqueousOutputs = []
        self.gasOutputs = []
        self.waterOutputs = []

        while mineralCount < 15:
            mineralCount += 1
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                inp = input('Output Mineral Species')
                # can insert mineral validation here if possible
                validBool = True
                validBool2 = False
                while not validBool2:
                    inp2 = input('Output Mineral Species Multiplier')
                    if inp2 in intLst:
                        validBool2 = True
                    elif inp == "":
                        validBool2 = True
                        print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure this is an integer')
            if inp == "":
            self.mineralOutputs.append([inp, inp2])
        while aqCount <15:
            aqCount += 1
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                inp = input('Output Aqueous Species') 
                if inp in nameLst:
                    validBool = True
                elif inp == "":
                    validBool = True
                    print('Your Species is not in the list, please check your spelling')
                validBool2 = False
                if validBool:
                    while not validBool2:
                        inp2 = input('Output Aqueous Species Multiplier')
                        if inp2 in intLst:
                            validBool2 = True
                        elif inp == "":
                            validBool2 = True
                            print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure this is an integer')
            if inp == "":
            self.aqueousOutputs.append([inp, inp2])
        while gasCount < 15:
            gasCount += 1
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                inp = input('Input Gas Species') 
                if inp in GasLst:
                    validBool = True
                elif inp == "":
                    validBool = True
                    print('Your Species is not in the list, please check your spelling')
                validBool2 = False
                if validBool:
                    while not validBool2:
                        inp2 = input('Input Gas Species Multiplier')
                        if inp2 in intLst:
                            validBool2 = True
                        elif inp == "":
                            validBool2 = True
                            print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure fthis is an integer')
            if inp == "":
            self.gasOutputs.append([inp, inp2])
            # Water
        validBool3 = False
        while not validBool3:
            outWater = input('Would you like to use water in the output? (yes/no)')
            if outWater in ['yes', 'no']:
                validBool3 = True
                print('Please answer yes or no')
            if outWater == 'yes':
                validBool3 = False
                while not validBool3:
                    m3 = input('Enter enter water Multiplier')
                    if m3 in intLst:
                        validBool3 = True
                        print('Please enter a valid integer multiplier ')
                m3 = 0
            self.waterOutputs.append([outWater, m3])
    def set_preferences(self):
        '''A function that prompts for user inputs. This is not dependent on anything else being called first. Defaults
        are set to be identical to the example calculation on the Deep Earth Water Model Excel Sheet.'''
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:  
            ptInp = input('Which P-T input would you like to use? "Custom", "Regular", or "Psat"')
            if ptInp in ['Custom', 'Regular', 'Psat']:
                validBool = True
                self.ptInput = ptInp
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            RhoOfwater = input('Which density of water would you like to use? "Z&D 2005", "Z&D 2009", or "Custom"')
            if RhoOfwater in ['Z&D 2005', 'Z&D 2009', 'Custom']:
                validBool = True
                self.RhoOfWater = RhoOfwater
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            force = input('Force Custom? (yes/no)')
            if force == 'yes':
                validBool = True
            elif force == 'no':
                validBool = True
                self.forceCustom = False
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            dia = input('Dielectric Constant Equation Option: "Supcrt", "Franck", "Fernandez", "Sverjensky", or "Custom"')
            if dia in ['Supcrt', 'Franck', 'Fernandez', 'Sverjensky','Custom']:
                validBool = True
                self.dielectricEq = dia
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            forceS = input('Force Supcrt? (yes/no)')
            if forceS == 'yes':
                validBool = True
            elif forceS == 'no':
                validBool = True
                self.ForceSupcrt = False
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            freeE = input('Water Free Energy Equation Option: "D&H 1978", "Integral", "Custom"')
            if freeE in ['D&H 1978', 'Integral', 'Custom']:
                validBool = True
                self.WaterFreeEq = freeE

        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            dispO = input('Display Volume Option? (yes/no)')
            if dispO == 'yes':
                validBool = True
            elif dispO == 'no':
                validBool = True
                self.DisplayVolOpt = False
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        validBool = False            
        while not validBool:
            PsatdispO = input('Psat Display Volume Option? (yes/no)')
            if PsatdispO == 'yes':
                validBool = True
            elif PsatdispO == 'no':
                validBool = True
                self.PsatDisplayVol = False
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            dispV = input('Display Volume? (yes/no)')
            if dispV == 'yes':
                validBool = True
            elif dispV == 'no':
                validBool = True
                self.DisplayVol = False
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        if self.WaterFreeEq == "Custom" or self.dielectricEq == "Custom" or self.RhoOfWater == "Custom":
            self.dielectricCollection, self.densityCollection, self.gibbsCollection = self.import_custom_sheets()
    def import_custom_sheets(self):
        '''A helper function to import custom data from the Deep Earth Water Model.
        This only currently works for an unmodified Deep Earth Water Model Sheet format (6_23_20). 
        This is not dependent on anything else being called first.'''
        diaL = pd.read_csv(diePath, header = None)
        dia = diaL.to_numpy()
        dia = dia[4:, 1:]
        diaTrim = dia[1:, 1:]
        diaCollection = []
        for row in range(len(diaTrim)):
            for pressure in range(len(diaTrim[0])):
                # in form pressure, temperature, value
                diaCollection.append([dia[0][pressure + 1], dia[row + 1][0], diaTrim[row][pressure]])

        watDen = pd.read_csv(denPath, header = None)
        w = watDen.to_numpy()
        w = w[4:, 1:]
        wTrim = w[1:,1:]
        watDenCollection = []
        for row in range(len(wTrim)):
            for pressure in range(len(wTrim[0])):
                # in form pressure, temperature, value
                watDenCollection.append([w[0][pressure + 1], w[row + 1][0], wTrim[row][pressure]])

        gibbsOfWater = pd.read_csv(gPath, header = None)
        gibbs = gibbsOfWater.to_numpy()
        gibbs = gibbs[3:,:]
        gibbsTrim = gibbs[1:, 1:]
        gibbsCollection = []
        for row in range(len(gibbsTrim)):
            for pressure in range(len(gibbsTrim[0])):
                # in form pressure, temperature, value
                gibbsCollection.append([gibbs[0][pressure + 1], gibbs[row + 1][0], gibbsTrim[row][pressure]])
        return diaCollection, watDenCollection, gibbsCollection
    def set_TPRho(self):
        '''Sets arrays of temperature, pressure, water density, and Q to be used in the model based on user input. 
        Requires that the input and output arrays have been set up otherwise it will return a divide by 0 error in the 
        pressArr = []
        tempArr = []
        self.RhoWatArr = []
        self.DiaArr = []
        self.QArr =[]
        self.gibbsLst = []
        self.logK = []
        self.vLst = []
        self.delG = []
        self.delV = []

        if self.ptInput == "Custom":
            ptSheet = pd.read_csv(inpPath,encoding= 'unicode_escape', header = None)
            ptFinder = ptSheet.to_numpy()
            tempArr = [float(i[1]) for i in ptFinder[4:]]
            pressArr = [float(i[0]) for i in ptFinder[4:]]

        elif self.ptInput == "Regular":
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                    templow = int(input('Input the minimum temperature'))
                    temphigh = int(input('Input the maximum temperature'))
                    tempstep = int(input('Input the temperature step'))
                    pmin = float(input('Input the minimum pressure (Kb)'))
                    pmax = float(input('Input the maximum pressure (Kb)'))
                    pstep = float(input('Input the pressure step (Kb)'))
                    validBool = True
                except ValueError:
                    print('You have entered a non-integer value, please start again')
            tempArr = np.arange(start= templow, stop = temphigh + .00001, step = tempstep)
            parrHelp = np.arange(start= pmin, stop = pmax + .00001, step = pstep)
            for i in range(len(parrHelp)):
                pressArr.append([parrHelp[i]]* len(tempArr))
            pressArr = np.multiply(pressArr, 1000)
            tempArr = [tempArr] * len(parrHelp)
        elif self.ptInput == "Psat":
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                    templow = int(input('Input the minimum temperature'))
                    temphigh = int(input('Input the mamximum temperature'))
                    tempstep = int(input('Input the temperature step'))
                    validBool = True
                except ValueError:
                    print('You have entered a non-integer value, please start again')
            tempArr = np.arange(start= templow, stop = temphigh + 1, step = tempstep)
            for i in range(len(tempArr)):
                if tempArr[i] < 100:
                    pressArr.append(2.1650906415E-11*np.double(tempArr[i])**5 + 0.0008467019353*np.double(tempArr[i])**2 - 0.17973651666*tempArr[i] + 10.7768850763807)
            # If I've done the checking correctly above it should never reach this
            raise ValueError("You have not set your options yet, please set them before continuing")
        self.tempUsed = np.ndarray.flatten(np.asarray(tempArr))
        self.pressureUsed = np.ndarray.flatten(np.asarray(pressArr))
        self.tKelvin = np.add(self.tempUsed, 273.15)
        # code to set options in a way the equations can understand
        if self.ptInput == "Psat":
            self.psat = True
            self.psat = False
        if self.RhoOfWater =='Z&D 2005':
            self.equation = 1
        elif self.RhoOfWater == 'Z&D 2009':
            self.equation = 2
            self.equation = 3
        if self.dielectricEq == "Supcrt":
            self.diaEq = 1
        elif self.dielectricEq == "Franck":
            self.diaEq = 2
        elif self.dielectricEq == "Fernandez":
            self.diaEq = 3
        elif self.dielectricEq == "Sverjensky":
            self.diaEq = 4
            self.diaEq = 5
        # write code to take in custom Rho, G, and Water Values here
        self.densityCollection = np.asarray(self.densityCollection).astype(float)
        self.dielectricCollection = np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection).astype(float)
        self.gibbsCollection = np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection).astype(float)
        # Sets the water density array
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):        
            # For the custom array
            if self.RhoOfWater =="Custom" or (self.forceCustom == True and self.pressureUsed[i] < 1000):
                idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.densityCollection) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.densityCollection) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
                if not np.isnan(self.densityCollection[idx][2]):
                self.RhoWatArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateDensity(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.equation, 0.01, self.psat))
        # Sets the dielectric constant array
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            # for the custom array
            if self.dielectricEq == "Custom":
                idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
                if not np.isnan(self.dielectricCollection[idx][2]):
                if self.ForceSupcrt == True and self.pressureUsed[i] < 5000 and self.psat == False:
                    self.DiaArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(self.RhoWatArr[i], self.tempUsed[i], 1, self.psat))
                    self.DiaArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(self.RhoWatArr[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.diaEq, self.psat))
        ### The function works up until this point, I haven't debugged further yet (6_29_20) ###
        # Sets up the Q array
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            if self.DisplayVol == True:
                    # Has issues with some Q, not sure if problematic
                    self.QArr.append(float(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateQ(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.RhoWatArr[i], self.equation, self.diaEq, self.psat))*np.double(10)**6)
        # Sets up custom Gibbs of Water Array:
        if self.WaterFreeEq == "Custom":
            for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
                idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
                if not np.isnan(self.gibbsCollection[idx][2]):

    def calculate_matrices(self):
        '''A helper function to aggregate the values to the input and output matrices. 
        It requires both the input and output arrays to be set up to function. It is called within "calculate"'''
        self.inAqMat = []
        self.inGasMat = []
        self.outAqMat = []
        self.outGasMat = []
        for i in self.aqueousInputs:
            self.inAqMat.append([i[0],symbolDict[i[0]], delGf[i[0]], delHf[i[0]], entropy[i[0]],volume[i[0]],specHeat[i[0]],
                            a1x10[i[0]], a2x10_2[i[0]], a3[i[0]],a4x10_4[i[0]],c1[i[0]],c2x10_4[i[0]],omegax10_5[i[0]],Z[i[0]], i[1]])
        for i in self.gasInputs:
            self.inGasMat.append([i[0],GasSymb[i[0]],GasDelGf[i[0]],GasDelHf[i[0]],GasEntropy[i[0]],GasCp[i[0]], GasA[i[0]],
                             GasBx103[i[0]],GasCx10_5[i[0]],GasT[i[0]], i[1]])
        for i in self.aqueousOutputs:
            self.outAqMat.append([i[0],symbolDict[i[0]], delGf[i[0]], delHf[i[0]], entropy[i[0]],volume[i[0]],specHeat[i[0]],
                            a1x10[i[0]], a2x10_2[i[0]], a3[i[0]],a4x10_4[i[0]],c1[i[0]],c2x10_4[i[0]],omegax10_5[i[0]],Z[i[0]], i[1]])

        for i in self.gasOutputs:
            self.outGasMat.append([i[0],GasSymb[i[0]],GasDelGf[i[0]],GasDelHf[i[0]],GasEntropy[i[0]],GasCp[i[0]], GasA[i[0]],
    def calculate_gas(self):
        '''A helper function to calculate the gasseous columns and output them as a matrix. Specifically returns the arrays 
        gasInGibbs, gasOutGibbs, gasInV, gasOuV. Needs self.tempUsed and self.tKelvin to be set, as well as the input gas matrix.
        It is called within the calculate function.'''
        gasInGibbs = []
        gasOuGibbs = []
        gasInV = []
        gasOuV = []
        for gas in self.inGasMat:
            storelst = []
            storelst2 =[]
            for i in range(len(self.tempUsed)):
                if self.DisplayVol == False or self.tempUsed[i] == 0:
            for i in range(len(self.tKelvin)):
                storelst.append(gas[2] - gas[4]*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r) +                                 gas[6]*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r - self.tKelvin[i]*np.log(self.tKelvin[i]/T_r)) +                                 gas[7]*(0.001)/2*(2*self.tKelvin[i]*T_r -np.double(self.tKelvin[i])**2 - np.double(T_r) **2) +                                 gas[8]*100000*(np.double(self.tKelvin[i])**2 + np.double(T_r)**2 -2*self.tKelvin[i]*T_r)/(2*self.tKelvin[i]*np.double(T_r)**2))
        for gas in self.outGasMat:
            storelst = []
            storelst2 = []
            for i in range(len(self.tempUsed)):
                if self.DisplayVol == False or self.tempUsed[i] == 0:
            for i in range(len(self.tKelvin)):
                storelst.append(gas[2] - gas[4]*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r) +                                 gas[6]*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r - self.tKelvin[i]*np.log(self.tKelvin[i]/T_r)) +                                 gas[7]*(0.001)/2*(2*self.tKelvin[i]*T_r -np.double(self.tKelvin[i])**2 - np.double(T_r) **2) +                                 gas[8]*100000*(np.double(self.tKelvin[i])**2 + np.double(T_r)**2 -2*self.tKelvin[i]*T_r)/(2*self.tKelvin[i]*np.double(T_r)**2))
        if len(gasInGibbs) == 0:
            gasInGibbs = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        if len(gasOuGibbs) == 0:
            gasOuGibbs = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        if len(gasInV) == 0:
            gasInV = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        if len(gasOuV) == 0:
            gasOuV = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        return gasInGibbs, gasOuGibbs, gasInV, gasOuV

    def calculate_H2O(self):
        '''This function requires input and output matrices to be set. This is called within the calculate function.'''
        waterMatInGibbs = []
        waterMatOutGibbs = []
        waterMatInV = []
        waterMatOutV = []
        if self.WaterFreeEq == 'D&H 1978':
            self.waterDensity = 1
        elif self.WaterFreeEq == 'Integral':
            self.waterDensity = 2
            self.waterDensity = 3
        if self.waterInputs[0][0] == 'yes':
            waterLst = []
            waterLst2 = []
            for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            #for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
                if self.WaterFreeEq == 'Custom':
                        if self.GibbsH2O[i] == 0:
                    store = DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateGibbsOfWater(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.waterDensity, self.equation, self.psat)
                if self.DisplayVol == True:
        if self.waterOutputs[0][0] =='yes':
            waterLst = []
            waterLst2 = []
            for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
                if self.WaterFreeEq == 'Custom':
                        if GibbsH2O[i] == 0:
                    waterLst.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateGibbsOfWater(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.waterDensity, self.equation, self.psat))
                if self.DisplayVol == True:
        if len(waterMatInGibbs) == 0:
            waterMatInGibbs = np.zeros((len(self.tKelvin) + 2))
        if len(waterMatInV) == 0:
            waterMatInV = np.zeros((len(self.tKelvin) + 2))
        if len(waterMatOutGibbs) == 0:
            waterMatOutGibbs = np.zeros((len(self.tKelvin) + 2))
        if len(waterMatOutV) == 0:
            waterMatOutV = np.zeros((len(self.tKelvin) + 2))
        return waterMatInGibbs, waterMatInV, waterMatOutGibbs, waterMatOutV

    def calculate_aq(self):
        '''A helper function to calculate the aqueous columns and output them as a matrix. This is called within calculate.'''
        aqInGibbs = []
        aqOuGibbs = []
        aqInV = []
        aqOuV = []
        for aq in self.inAqMat:
            storelst = []
            storelst2= []
            for i in range(len(self.tKelvin)):
                storelst.append(aq[2] - aq[4] * (self.tKelvin[i] - T_r)
                                - aq[11] * (self.tKelvin[i] * np.log(self.tKelvin[i]/T_r) - self.tKelvin[i] + T_r)
                                - aq[12]*(10**4)*(((1/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta)) - (1/(T_r-Theta)))*((Theta-self.tKelvin[i])/(Theta))- (self.tKelvin[i]/(Theta*Theta)) * np.log((T_r*(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta))/(self.tKelvin[i]*(T_r-Theta))))
                                + aq[7]*(10**-1)*(self.pressureUsed[i]-Pr)
                                + aq[8]*(10**2)*np.log((Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])/(Psy+Pr))
                                + (1/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta))*(aq[9]*(self.pressureUsed[i]-Pr)
                                                               + aq[10]*(10**4)*np.log((Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])/(Psy+Pr)))
                                + DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateOmega(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14])*((1/self.DiaArr[i])-1)
                                - aq[13]*(10**5)*((1/E_PrTr)-1)
                                + aq[13]*(10**5)*Upsilon*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r))
            for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
                storelst2.append((aq[7]/10 + aq[8]*100/(Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])
                                  + (aq[9] + aq[10]*10000/(Psy+self.pressureUsed[i]))/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta)
                                  - DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateOmega(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14])*(self.QArr[i]*10**-6 )
                                  + (1/self.DiaArr[i] - 1) * DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculate_domegadP(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14],self.equation,self.psat))*41.84)
        for aq in self.outAqMat:
            storelst = []
            storelst2= []
            for i in range(len(self.tKelvin)):
                storelst.append(aq[2] - aq[4] * (self.tKelvin[i] - T_r)
                                - aq[11] * (self.tKelvin[i] * np.log(self.tKelvin[i]/T_r) - self.tKelvin[i] + T_r)
                                - aq[12]*(10**4)*(((1/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta)) - (1/(T_r-Theta)))*((Theta-self.tKelvin[i])/(Theta))- (self.tKelvin[i]/(Theta*Theta)) * np.log((T_r*(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta))/(self.tKelvin[i]*(T_r-Theta))))
                                + aq[7]*(10**-1)*(self.pressureUsed[i]-Pr)
                                + aq[8]*(10**2)*np.log((Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])/(Psy+Pr))
                                + (1/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta))*(aq[9]*(self.pressureUsed[i]-Pr)
                                                               + aq[10]*(10**4)*np.log((Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])/(Psy+Pr)))
                                + DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateOmega(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14])*((1/self.DiaArr[i])-1)
                                - aq[13]*(10**5)*((1/E_PrTr)-1)
                                + aq[13]*(10**5)*Upsilon*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r))
            for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
                storelst2.append((aq[7]/10 + aq[8]*100/(Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])
                                  + (aq[9] + aq[10]*10000/(Psy+self.pressureUsed[i]))/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta)
                                  - DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateOmega(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14])*(self.QArr[i]*10**-6 )
                                  + (1/self.DiaArr[i] - 1) * DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculate_domegadP(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14],self.equation,self.psat))*41.84)
        if len(aqInGibbs) == 0:
            aqInGibbs = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        if len(aqOuGibbs) == 0:
            aqOuGibbs = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        if len(aqInV) == 0:
            aqInV = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        if len(aqOuV) == 0:
            aqOuV = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        return aqInGibbs, aqOuGibbs, aqInV, aqOuV

    def calculate(self):
        '''The function called that will update all of the parameters. It has no outputs, but allows certain arrays to be queried.
        self.waterInpGibbs, self.waterInpV, self.waterOutGibbs, self.waterOutV = self.calculate_H2O()
        self.aqInpGibbs, self.aqOutGibbs, self.aqInpV, self.aqOutV = self.calculate_aq()
        self.gasInpGibbs, self.gasOutGibbs, self.gasInpV, self.gasOutV = self.calculate_gas()

        G1 = np.delete(np.asarray(self.waterInpGibbs), [0,1]).astype(np.float) * int(self.waterInputs[0][1])
        V1 = np.delete(np.asarray(self.waterInpV), [0,1]).astype(np.float) * int(self.waterInputs[0][1])
        G4 = np.delete(np.asarray(self.waterOutGibbs), [0,1]).astype(np.float) * int(self.waterOutputs[0][1])
        V4 = np.delete(np.asarray(self.waterOutV), [0,1]).astype(np.float) * int(self.waterOutputs[0][1])
        # Gas Loops
        G3, V3 = ([], [])
        for i in range(len(self.gasInpGibbs)):
            G3.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.gasInpGibbs[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float), int(self.gasInpGibbs[i][1])))
            V3.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.gasInpV[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float), int(self.gasInpV[i][1])))
        G3 = np.sum(G3, axis = 0)
        V3 = np.sum(V3, axis = 0)
        G6, V6 = ([], [])
        for i in range(len(self.gasOutGibbs)):
            G6.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.gasOutGibbs[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float), int(self.gasOutGibbs[i][1])))
            V6.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.gasOutV[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float),  int(self.gasOutV[i][1])))
        G6 = np.sum(G6, axis = 0)
        V6 = np.sum(V6, axis = 0)
        # Aqueous Inputs
        G2, V2 = ([], [])
        for i in range(len(self.aqInpGibbs)):
            G2.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.aqInpGibbs[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float),  int(self.aqInpGibbs[i][1])))
            V2.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.aqInpV[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float),  int(self.aqInpV[i][1])))
        G2 = np.sum(G2, axis = 0)
        V2 = np.sum(V2, axis = 0)    
        G5, V5 = ([], [])
        for i in range(len(self.aqOutGibbs)):
            G5.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.aqOutGibbs[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float), int(self.aqOutGibbs[i][1])))
            V5.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.aqOutV[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float), int(self.aqOutV[i][1])))
        G5 = np.sum(G5, axis = 0)
        V5 = np.sum(V5, axis = 0)

        dG = [np.sum([G4, G5, G6], axis = 0) - np.sum([G1, G2, G3], axis = 0)]
        dV = [np.sum([V4, V5, V6], axis = 0) - np.sum([V1, V2, V3], axis = 0)]
        # Adding the mineral contributions if they exist, must be at the same temperatures and pressures 
        if len(self.mineralInputs) > 0:
            for i in range(len(self.mineralInputs)):
                if self.psat == False:
                    myMinPath = mineralDictionary2
                    myMinPath = mineralDictionary
                for temp in self.tempUsed:
                    self.mineralInpGibbs.append(np.multiply(myMinPath[self.mineralInputs[i][0]]['delG'][myMinPath[self.mineralInputs[i][0]]['Temperature'].index(temp)], int(self.mineralInputs[i][1]))) 
                    self.mineralInpV.append(np.multiply(myMinPath[self.mineralInputs[i][0]]['delV'][myMinPath[self.mineralInputs[i][0]]['Temperature'].index(temp)], int(self.mineralInputs[i][1]))) 
            dG = np.sum([dG, np.sum([self.mineralInpGibbs], axis = 0)], axis = 0)
            dV = np.sum([dV, np.sum([self.mineralInpV], axis = 0)], axis = 0)     
        if len(self.mineralOutputs) > 0:
            for i in range(len(self.mineralOutputs)):
                for temp in self.tempUsed:
                    self.mineralOutGibbs.append(np.multiply(myMinPath[self.mineralOutputs[i][0]]['delG'][myMinPath[self.mineralOutputs[i][0]]['Temperature'].index(temp)], int(self.mineralInputs[i][1]))) 
                    self.mineralOutV.append(np.multiply(myMinPath[self.mineralOutputs[i][0]]['delV'][myMinPath[self.mineralOutputs[i][0]]['Temperature'].index(temp)], int(self.mineralInputs[i][1]))) 
            dG = np.sum([dG, -np.sum([self.mineralOutGibbs],axis = 0)], axis = 0)
            dV = np.sum([dV, -np.sum([self.mineralOutV],axis = 0)], axis = 0)  
        self.logK = []
        self.delG = []
        self.delV = []
        for i in range(len(dG[0])):
            self.logK.append([-dG[0][i]/(2.302585*self.tKelvin[i]*bigR), self.tempUsed[i], self.pressureUsed[i]])
            self.delG.append([dG[0][i], self.tempUsed[i], self.pressureUsed[i]])
            self.delV.append([dV[0][i], self.tempUsed[i], self.pressureUsed[i]])
        # Sets plotting arrays for convenient plotting of isotherms/isobars    
        if self.ptInput!= 'Psat' or self.psat == False:
            self.pressRed = list(set(self.pressureUsed))
            self.tempRed = list(set(self.tempUsed))
            temppLogK = defaultdict(list)
            temppDelG = defaultdict(list)
            temppDelV = defaultdict(list)
            temptLogK = defaultdict(list)
            temptDelG = defaultdict(list)
            temptDelV = defaultdict(list)

            for logK, temp, pressure in self.logK:

            for delG, temp, pressure in self.delG:

            for delV, temp, pressure in self.delV:

            for item in temppDelG:
            for item in temppDelV:
            for item in temppLogK:
            for item in temptDelG:
            for item in temptDelV:
            for item in temptLogK:

####### Methods to auto #######        

    def set_tp(self, pt_arr):
        '''Setting the PT values, but automated for the helperfunction. Can also be used to quick set tp with prompted input'''
        pressArr = []
        tempArr = []
        self.RhoWatArr = []
        self.DiaArr = []
        self.QArr =[]
        self.gibbsLst = []
        self.logK = []
        self.vLst = []
        self.delG = []
        self.delV = []
        if self.ptInput == "Custom":
            ptSheet =pd.read_csv(inpPath,encoding= 'unicode_escape', header = None)
            ptFinder = ptSheet.to_numpy()
            tempArr = [float(i[1]) for i in ptFinder[4:]]
            pressArr = [float(i[0]) for i in ptFinder[4:]]
        elif self.ptInput == "Regular":
                templow = pt_arr[0][0]
                temphigh =pt_arr[0][1]
                tempstep = pt_arr[0][2]
                pmin = pt_arr[1][0]
                pmax = pt_arr[1][1]
                pstep = pt_arr[1][2]
            except ValueError:
                print('Your PT array is not formatted correctly. Please use the format [[tmin, tmax, tstep][pmin, pmax, pstep]]')
            tempArr = np.arange(start= templow, stop = temphigh + 1, step = tempstep)
            parrHelp = np.arange(start= pmin, stop = pmax + 1, step = pstep)
            for i in range(len(parrHelp)):
                pressArr.append([parrHelp[i]]* len(tempArr))
            pressArr = np.multiply(pressArr, 1000)
            tempArr = [tempArr] * len(parrHelp)
        elif self.ptInput == "Psat":
                templow = pt_arr[0]
                temphigh = pt_arr[1]
                tempstep = pt_arr[2]
                validBool = True
            except ValueError:
                print('Your input is not formatted correctly. Please use the format for psat of [tmin, tmax, tstep]')
            tempArr = np.arange(start= templow, stop = temphigh + 1, step = tempstep)
            for i in range(len(tempArr)):
                if tempArr[i] < 100:
                    pressArr.append(2.1650906415E-11*np.double(tempArr[i])**5 + 0.0008467019353*np.double(tempArr[i])**2 - 0.17973651666*tempArr[i] + 10.7768850763807)
            # If I've done the checking correctly above it should never reach this
            raise ValueError("You have not set your options yet, please set them before continuing")
        self.tempUsed = np.ndarray.flatten(np.asarray(tempArr))
        self.pressureUsed = np.ndarray.flatten(np.asarray(pressArr))
        self.tKelvin = np.add(self.tempUsed, 273.15)
        # code to set options in a way the equations can understand
        if self.ptInput == "Psat":
            self.psat = True
            self.psat = False
        if self.RhoOfWater =='Z&D 2005':
            self.equation = 1
        elif self.RhoOfWater == 'Z&D 2009':
            self.equation = 2
            self.equation = 3
        if self.dielectricEq == "Supcrt":
            self.diaEq = 1
        elif self.dielectricEq == "Franck":
            self.diaEq = 2
        elif self.dielectricEq == "Fernandez":
            self.diaEq = 3
        elif self.dielectricEq == "Sverjensky":
            self.diaEq = 4
            self.diaEq = 5
        # write code to take in custom Rho, G, and Water Values here
        self.densityCollection = np.asarray(self.densityCollection).astype(float)
        self.dielectricCollection = np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection).astype(float)
        self.gibbsCollection = np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection).astype(float)
        # Sets the water density array
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):        
            # For the custom array
            if self.RhoOfWater =="Custom" or (self.forceCustom == True and self.pressureUsed[i] < 1000):
                idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.densityCollection).astype(float) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.densityCollection).astype(float) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
                if not np.isnan(self.densityCollection[idx][2]):
                self.RhoWatArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateDensity(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.equation, 0.01, self.psat))
        # Sets the dielectric constant array
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            # for the custom array
            if self.dielectricEq == "Custom":
                idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection).astype(float) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection).astype(float) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
                if not np.isnan(self.dielectricCollection[idx][2]):
                if self.ForceSupcrt == True and self.pressureUsed[i] < 5000 and self.psat == False:
                    self.DiaArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(self.RhoWatArr[i], self.tempUsed[i], 1, self.psat))
                    self.DiaArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(self.RhoWatArr[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.diaEq, self.psat))
        # Sets up the Q array
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            if self.DisplayVol == True:
                    self.QArr.append(float(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateQ(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.RhoWatArr[i], self.equation, self.diaEq, self.psat))*np.double(10)**6)
        # Sets up custom Gibbs of Water Array:
        if self.WaterFreeEq == "Custom":
            for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
                idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection).astype(float) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection).astype(float) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
                if not np.isnan(self.gibbsCollection[idx][2]):
    def run(self, pt_arr, min_inp =[], aq_inp = [], g_inp = [], h2o_inp = 0, min_out = [],aq_out =[], g_out = [],h2o_out = 0, 
        ptInp = 'Psat', rhoWat = 'Z&D 2005', forceBool = False, dieEQ = 'Supcrt', forceSC = True, 
        WFEQ ='D&H 1978', dsV = True, pdsV = True, DV = True, EQ = 1, dEQ = 1, pst = True, mWn = 1, makeP = False):

        if h2o_inp > 0:
            self.waterInputs = [['yes',h2o_inp]]
            self.waterInputs = [['no',0]]
        if h2o_out > 0:
            self.waterOutputs = [['yes',h2o_out]]
            self.waterOutputs = [['no',0]]

        self.mineralInputs = min_inp
        self.aqueousInputs = aq_inp
        self.gasInputs = g_inp

        self.mineralOutputs = min_out
        self.aqueousOutputs = aq_out
        self.gasOutputs = g_out

        self.ptInput = ptInp
        self.RhoOfWater = rhoWat
        self.forceCustom = forceBool
        self.dielectricEq = dieEQ     
        self.ForceSupcrt = forceSC
        self.WaterFreeEq =  WFEQ
        self.DisplayVolOpt = dsV
        self.PsatDisplayVol = pdsV
        self.DisplayVol = DV
        self.equation = EQ
        self.diaEq = dEQ
        self.psat = pst
        self.waterDensity = mWn

        # to actually run:
        if makeP == True:
 ###### MAKE PLOTS###########
    def make_plots(self):
        '''A final function that the user calls to make the plots possible in the Excel spreadsheet. '''
        ###### PSAT PLOTS #######
        if self.psat == True or self.ptInput =='Psat':
            plt.plot(self.pressureUsed, [i[0] for i in self.logK])
            plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
            plt.title('Pressure vs. LogK Psat Curve')
            plt.plot(self.pressureUsed, [i[0] for i in self.delG])
            plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
            plt.title('Pressure vs. $\Delta$G Psat Curve')
            plt.plot(self.pressureUsed, [i[0] for i in self.delV])
            plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
            plt.title('Pressure vs. $\Delta$V Psat Curve')
            plt.plot(self.tempUsed, [i[0] for i in self.logK])
            plt.xlabel(r'Temperature ($^\circ$ C)')
            plt.title('Temperature vs. LogK Psat Curve')
            plt.plot(self.tempUsed, [i[0] for i in self.delG])
            plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^\circ$ C)')
            plt.title('Temperature vs. $\Delta$G Psat Curve')
            plt.plot(self.tempUsed, [i[0] for i in self.delV])
            plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^\circ$ C)')
            plt.title('Temperature vs. $\Delta$V Psat Curve')
        ####### NON PSAT PLOTS ########    
            # T Plots
            for i in self.pDelG:
                plt.plot(self.tempRed, i)
                plt.legend(self.pressRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Pressure (bar)', loc='upper left')
                plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^\circ$C)')
                plt.title('Temperature vs. $\Delta$G')
            for i in self.pDelV:
                plt.plot(self.tempRed, i)
                plt.legend(self.pressRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Pressure (bar)', loc='upper left')
                plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^\circ$C)')
                plt.title('Temperature vs. $\Delta$V')
            for i in self.pLogK:
                plt.plot(self.tempRed, i)
                plt.legend(self.pressRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Pressure (bar)', loc='upper left')
                plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^\circ$C)')
                plt.title('Temperature vs. LogK')
            # P Plots
            for i in self.tDelG:
                plt.plot(self.pressRed, i)
                plt.legend(self.tempRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Temperature ($^\circ$C)', loc='upper left')
                plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
                plt.title('Pressure vs. $\Delta$G')
            for i in self.tDelV:
                plt.plot(self.pressRed, i)
                plt.legend(self.tempRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Temperature ($^\circ$C)', loc='upper left')
                plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
                plt.title('Pressure vs. $\Delta$V')
            for i in self.tLogK:
                plt.plot(self.pressRed, i)
                plt.legend(self.tempRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Temperature ($^\circ$C)', loc='upper left')
                plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
                plt.title('Pressure vs. LogK')
######### OTHER #############
    def export_to_csv(self):
        dV = [row[0] for row in self.delV]
        dG = [row[0] for row in self.delG]
        lK = [row[0] for row in self.logK]
        T = [row[1] for row in self.logK]
        P = [row[2] for row in self.logK]
        output_array = np.column_stack([T,P, dV,dG,lK])
        df = pd.DataFrame(output_array)
        df.columns = ['Temperature','Pressure','delV','delG','LogK']
        name = input('Input the name of the CSV file')
        finalName = name + ".csv"
        df.to_csv(finalName, index = False)
    def options(self):
        print('Welcome to DEWPython, here are the options you can run:')
        print('1. DEW(): this initializes a Deep Earth Water Model Object')
        print('  -The DEW object requires the set_inputs, set_outputs, set_TPRho, and calculate methods to be run.')
        print('  -You can also utilize the import_custom_sheets method to import custom CSV data')
        print('  -After calculating you can use the make_plots or export_to_csv methods.')
        print('2. run_supcrt: this initializes an inline run of SUPCRTBL')
        print('  -After initializing the SUPCRTBL object, run calculate_supcrt to store the supcrt outputs in arrays')
        print('  -You can also use run_supcrt on a supcrt ouput file that has already been run by adding the optional argument of the file name')
        print('  -After this you can run make_supcrt_plots to plot the supcrt files akin the a DEW file')

####### METHODS FOR SUPCRT ###########

    def outLoop(self):
        '''A helper function to allow SUPCRTBL to run'''
        running = True
            line = self.pout.readline().decode(sys.stdout.encoding)
            print(line, end='')
            running='\n' in line
    def outLoop2(self):
        '''A helper function to allow SUPCRT96 to run'''
        running = True
            line = self.pout.readline().decode(sys.stdout.encoding)
            running='\n' in line
    def run_supcrt(self, version = '96'):
        '''A function that runs the pre-compiled SUPCRTBL found in the file folder'''
        if version != '96':
            sup_path = '/'.join(('resources', 'SUPCRTBL.exe'))
            supPath =  pkg_resources.resource_filename(resource_package, sup_path)
            sup_path = '/'.join(('resources', 'supcrt96.exe'))
            supPath =  pkg_resources.resource_filename(resource_package, sup_path)
        self.proc = subprocess.Popen(supPath,shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
        self.pout = self.proc.stdout = self.proc.stdin
        while(self.proc.poll() is None):
            var = input('User Input: ')
            if '.txt' in var:
                self.supcrtFile = op.dirname(op.abspath(__file__)) + '\\resources\\' + var
            inp=bytearray(var +'\n', sys.stdin.encoding)
            if(self.proc.poll() is None):
    def calculate_supcrt_special(self, customFile = None):
        '''Calculates the output from either SUPCRTBL/SUPCRT96 at isothermal/isobaric temperatures'''
        returnLst = {}
        if customFile != None:
            filename = op.dirname(op.abspath(os.getcwd()))+ '\\' + customFile
        elif len(self.supcrtFile) ==0:
            raise ValueError("You haven't run SUPCRT yet")
            filename = self.supcrtFile
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            impor =
            import_data = impor.replace('\t', ' ')

        split = import_data.split('\n')
        for i in range(len(split)):
                if 'ISOTHERMS(degC)' in split[i]:
                    finalTemp = " ".join(split[i].split()).split(' ')[5]
                    finalPress = " ".join(split[i+1].split()).split(' ')[6]
                    returnVar = input('Enter reaction title')

                subLst = []
                temp = []
                pres = []
                DH2 = []
                lgK = []
                dlG = []
                dlH = []
                dlS = []
                dlV = []
                dlCp = []
                subDict = {}
                for item in split[(i+4):]:
                    if len(item) > 0:
                        subLst = (" ".join(item.split())).split(' ')
                            a = subLst[0]
                            b = subLst[1]
                            c = subLst[2]
                            d = subLst[3]
                            e = subLst[4]
                            f = subLst[5]
                            g = subLst[6]
                            h = subLst[7]
                            i = subLst[8]
                            if float(subLst[0]) == finalTemp and float(subLst[1]) == finalPress:

                subDict['Temperature'] = [float(i) for i in temp]
                subDict['Pressure'] = [float(i) for i in pres]
                DH2Lst = []
                lgKLst = []
                dlGLst = []
                dlHLst = []
                dlSLst = []
                dlVLst = []
                dlCpLst = []
                for i in range(len(DH2)):







                subDict['DH2O'] = DH2Lst
                subDict['LogK'] = lgKLst
                subDict['delG'] = dlGLst
                subDict['delH'] = dlHLst
                subDict['delS'] = dlSLst
                subDict['delV'] = dlVLst
                subDict['delCp'] = dlCpLst
                returnLst[returnVar] = subDict
            self.supcrtOut = returnLst
    def supcrt_inp(self, rxn_lst, title, reaction_type = 'psat'):
        '''Takes a list of reaction lists (comprised of tuples) and runs supcrt'''
        for reaction in rxn_lst:
            sup_path = '/'.join(('resources', 'supcrt96.exe'))
            supPath =  pkg_resources.resource_filename(resource_package, sup_path)
            self.proc = subprocess.Popen(supPath,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
            self.pout = self.proc.stdout
   = self.proc.stdin
            it = 0
            rxnVar = 'realReac.con'

            if reaction_type != 'psat':
                rxnVar = 'Xtend.con'
            if len(title) < 1:
                title = input('What is the title of your reaction?')
            comm = ['n', 'updateSlop1.dat', '2', rxnVar, '2', '1', title]
            for component in reaction:
                if component[1] not in nameLst:
                    print(str(component[1]) + ' is not in the slop16 database. Please check your spelling and try again. You can use the search function the query the database.')
                    comm.append(str(component[0]) + ' ' + component[1])

            comm.append(title + '.txt')

            while(self.proc.poll() is None): 
                    inp = comm[it]
                    it += 1
                #     inp = bytearray(input('User Input: ')+'\n',sys.stdin.encoding)
                    if(self.proc.poll() is None):
    def calculate_supcrt(self, customFile = None):
        '''Calculates an output of thermodynamic properties from a SUPCRTBL output file in the same directory. User must input 
        stopping temperature and pressure to allow the program to calculate properly.
        returnLst = {}
        max_temp = input('Input the Maximum Temperature')
        max_press = input('Input the Maximum Pressure')
        max_temp = float(max_temp)
        max_press = float(max_press)
        if customFile != None:
            file_Path = op.dirname(op.abspath(os.getcwd()))+ '\\' + customFile
        elif len(self.supcrtFile) ==0:
            raise ValueError("You haven't run SUPCRT yet")
            filename = self.supcrtFile
            filePath='/'.join(('resources', filename))
            file_Path =  pkg_resources.resource_filename(resource_package, filepath)
        with open(file_Path, 'r') as f:
            impor =
            import_data = impor.replace('\t', ' ')

        split = import_data.split('\n')
        for i in range(len(split)):
                if 'REACTION TITLE' in split[i]:
                    returnVar = " ".join(split[i+1].split()).split(' ')[0]
                elif '************************************ REACTION' in split[i]:
                    returnVar = " ".join(split[i+4].split()).split(' ')[0]
                subLst = []
                temp = []
                pres = []
                DH2 = []
                lgK = []
                dlG = []
                dlH = []
                dlS = []
                dlV = []
                dlCp = []
                subDict = {}
                for item in split[(i+7):]:
                        if len(item) > 0:
                            subLst = (" ".join(item.split())).split(' ')
                        if float(subLst[0]) == max_temp and float(subLst[1]) == max_press:
                subDict['Temperature'] = [float(i) for i in temp]
                subDict['Pressure'] = [float(i) for i in pres]
                subDict['DH2O'] = [float(i) for i in DH2]
                subDict['LogK'] = [float(i) for i in lgK]
                subDict['delG'] = [float(i) for i in dlG]
                subDict['delH'] = [float(i) for i in dlH]
                subDict['delS'] = [float(i) for i in dlS]
                storeLst = []
                for i in dlV:
                    if  i =='*********' or i =='NaN':
                subDict['delV'] = storeLst
                subDict['delCp'] = [float(i) for i in dlCp]
                returnLst[returnVar] = subDict
            self.supcrtOut = returnLst
    def make_supcrt_plots(self):
        '''Creates plots of LogK and delV for already-calculated SUPCRTBL functions. Produces the same set of plots as the DEW produces'''
        for i in self.supcrtOut:
            plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Temperature'], self.supcrtOut[i]['LogK'])
            plt.title('LogK vs. Temp for ' + i)
            plt.xlabel('Temp, Deg C')
            plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Pressure'], self.supcrtOut[i]['LogK'])
            plt.title('LogK vs. Pressure for ' + i)
            plt.xlabel('Pressure (Kb)')
        for i in self.supcrtOut:
            plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Temperature'], self.supcrtOut[i]['delG'])
            plt.title('delV vs. Temp for ' + i)
            plt.xlabel('Temp, Deg C')
            plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Pressure'], self.supcrtOut[i]['delG'])
            plt.title('delV vs. Pressure for ' + i)
            plt.xlabel('Pressure (Kb)')
        for i in self.supcrtOut:
            plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Temperature'], self.supcrtOut[i]['delV'])
            plt.title('delV vs. Temp for ' + i)
            plt.xlabel('Temp, Deg C')
            plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Pressure'], self.supcrtOut[i]['delV'])
            plt.title('delV vs. Temp for ' + i)
            plt.xlabel('Pressure (Kb)')
class DEWEquations:
    '''The class here imports all the equations that the authors of the Deep Earth Water Model Excel Sheet use 
    and converts them into Python'''
    def calculateDensity(pressure, temperature, equation, error, Psat):

        ''' Function to calculate the density of water. Essentially performs guesses and checks with
        different densities until it reaches the correct pressure down to two decimal places,
        as calculated by either Zhang & Duan (2005) or Zhang & Duan (2009).
        pressure       - The pressure to calculate the density of water at, in bars
        temperature    - The temperature to calculate the density of water at, in Celsius
        equation       - Determines which equation of state to use in calculating the density.
                         equation = 1 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2005)
                         equation = 2 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2009)
        error          - This function uses a form of the bisection method. This variable indicates
                         how close the approximation should get. Eg. if error = 0.01, the density calculated
                         will calculate the pressure using the respective equation accurate to 0.01 of the input pressure
        Psat           - Determines if the polynomial fit to psat densities should be used in the event
                         that calculations are along the Psat curve
        Returns the density of water at the input pressure and temperature, in units of g/cm^3. The density returned
        will calculate a pressure which differs from the input pressure by the value of "error" or less. If a proper value
        for the equation was not entered, zero is returned.
        fn_return_value = 0
        if Psat == True:

            #This equation models the density of water as a function of temperature along the Psat curve.
            #It has an R^2 value of 0.9999976885 as compared with Supcrt92 values.
            fn_return_value = - 1.01023381581205E-104 * pow(temperature, np.double(40)) + - 1.1368599785953E-27 * pow(temperature, np.double(10)) + - 2.11689207168779E-11 * pow(temperature, np.double(4)) + 1.26878850169523E-08 * pow(temperature, np.double(3)) + - 4.92010672693621E-06 * pow(temperature, np.double(2)) + - 3.2666598612692E-05 * temperature + 1.00046144613017
            #Define variables
            minGuess = 0.00001
            guess = 0.00001
            maxGuess = 7.5 * equation - 5
            calcP = 0
            #Loop through and find the density
            for i in range(1, 51):
                #Calculates the pressure using the specified equation
                calcP = DEWEquations.calculatePressure(guess, temperature, equation)
                #If the calculated pressure is not equal to input pressure, this determines a new
                #guess for the density based on current guess and how the calculated pressure
                #relates to the input pressure. In effect, this a form of a bisection method.
                if np.absolute(calcP - pressure) > error:
                    if calcP > pressure:
                        maxGuess = guess
                        guess = ( guess + minGuess )  / 2
                    elif calcP < pressure:
                        minGuess = guess
                        guess = ( guess + maxGuess )  / 2
                    fn_return_value = guess
        return fn_return_value

    def calculatePressure(density, temperature, equation):
        '''Calculates the pressure of water as a function of density and temperature using one of two
        equation of states.
        density        - The density to use in finding a pressure, in g/cm^3
        temperature    - The temperature to use in finding a pressure, in Celsius
        equation       - The equation of state to use when calculating the pressure.
                         equation = 1 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2005)
                         equation = 2 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2009)
        Returns the pressure of water corresponding to the input density and temperature, in units of bars.
        If a proper value for the equation was not entered, zero is returned.
        B = None

        C = None

        D = None

        E = None

        f = None

        g = None

        m = None
        m = np.double(18.01528)
        select_variable_0 = equation
        if (select_variable_0 == 1):
            ZD05_R = 83.144
            ZD05_Vc = 55.9480373
            ZD05_Tc = 647.25
            TK = temperature + 273.15
            Vr = m / density / ZD05_Vc
            Tr = TK / ZD05_Tc
            B = 0.349824207 - 2.91046273 /  ( Tr * Tr )  + 2.00914688 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            C = 0.112819964 + 0.748997714 /  ( Tr * Tr )  - 0.87320704 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            D = 0.0170609505 - 0.0146355822 /  ( Tr * Tr )  + 0.0579768283 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            E = - 0.000841246372 + 0.00495186474 /  ( Tr * Tr )  - 0.00916248538 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            f = - 0.100358152 / Tr
            g = np.double(- 0.00182674744 * Tr)
            delta = 1 + B / Vr + C /  ( Vr * Vr )  + D / pow(Vr, np.double(4)) + E / pow(Vr, np.double(5)) +  ( f /  ( Vr * Vr )  + g / pow(Vr, np.double(4)) )  * np.exp(- 0.0105999998 /  ( Vr * Vr ))
            fn_return_value = ZD05_R * TK * density * delta / m
        elif (select_variable_0 == 2):
            ZD09_R = 0.083145
            #Constant equal to ZD09_epsilon / (3.0626 * ZD09_omega^3)
            ZD09_c1 = 6.971118009
            #ZD09_epsilon = 510       'Lenard-Jones parameter in units of K
            #ZD09_omega = 2.88        'Lenard-Jones parameter in units of 1E-10 m
            #Prefactor calculated from 1000 * pow(ZD09_omega / 3.691, 3)
            dm = 475.05656886 * density
            #Prefactor calculated from 0.001 * pow(3.691 / ZD09_omega, 3)
            Vm = 0.0021050125 *  ( m / density )
            #Prefactor calculated from 154 / ZD09_epsilon
            Tm = 0.3019607843 *  ( temperature + 273.15 )  
            B = 0.029517729893 - 6337.56452413 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 275265.428882 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            C = 0.00129128089283 - 145.797416153 /  ( Tm * Tm )  + 76593.8947237 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            D = 2.58661493537E-06 + 0.52126532146 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 139.839523753 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            E = - 2.36335007175E-08 + 0.00535026383543 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 0.27110649951 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            f = 25038.7836486 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            delta = 1 + B / Vm + C /  ( Vm * Vm )  + D / pow(Vm, 4) + E / pow(Vm, 5) + f /  ( Vm * Vm )  *  ( 0.73226726041 + 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ) )  * np.exp(- 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ))
            Pm = ZD09_R * Tm * delta / Vm
            fn_return_value = Pm * ZD09_c1
            fn_return_value = 0
        return fn_return_value

    def calculate_drhodP(density, temperature, equation):
        '''Calculates the partial derivative of density with respect to pressure, i.e. (d(rho)/dP)_T
        This is done using one of two equations of state for water.
        density        - The density of water, in g/cm^3
        temperature    - The temperature of water, in Celsius
        equation       - The equation of state to use when calculating the pressure.
                         equation = 1 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2005)
                         equation = 2 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2009)
        Returns the partial derivative of density with respect to pressure of water corresponding
        to the input density and temperature, in units of g^3/cm^3/bar. If a proper value for the equation
        was not entered, zero is returned.
        B = None

        C = None

        D = None

        E = None

        f = None

        g = None

        m = None
        m = np.double(18.01528)
        select_variable_1 = equation
        if (select_variable_1 == 1):
            ZD05_R = 83.144
            ZD05_Vc = 55.9480373
            ZD05_Tc = 647.25
            TK = np.double(temperature + 273.15)
            Tr = TK / ZD05_Tc
            cc = ZD05_Vc / m
            Vr = m /  ( density * ZD05_Vc )
            B = 0.349824207 - 2.91046273 /  ( Tr * Tr )  + 2.00914688 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            C = 0.112819964 + 0.748997714 /  ( Tr * Tr )  - 0.87320704 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            D = 0.0170609505 - 0.0146355822 /  ( Tr * Tr )  + 0.0579768283 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            E = - 0.000841246372 + 0.00495186474 /  ( Tr * Tr )  - 0.00916248538 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            f = - 0.100358152 / Tr
            # This value has been edited to be consistent with Mark Ghiorso's objective-C version of DEW and the original Zhang and Duan 2005 paper, 
            # although it is incosistent with the Excel-implemented DEW Model
            g = np.double(- 0.00182674744 * Tr)
            delta = 1 + B / Vr + C /  ( Vr * Vr )  + D / pow(Vr, 4) + E / pow(Vr, 5) +  ( f /  ( Vr * Vr )  + g / pow(Vr, 4) )  * np.exp(- 0.0105999998 / pow(Vr, 2))
            kappa = B * cc + 2 * C *  ( cc * cc )  * density + 4 * D * pow(cc, 4) * pow(density, 3) + 5 * E * pow(cc, 5) * pow(density, 4) +  ( 2 * f *  ( cc * cc )  * density + 4 * g * pow(cc, 4) * pow(density, 3) -  ( f /  ( Vr * Vr )  + g / pow(Vr, 4) )  *  ( 2 * 0.0105999998 *  ( cc * cc )  * density ) )  * np.exp(- 0.0105999998 /  ( Vr * Vr ))
            fn_return_value = m /  ( ZD05_R * TK *  ( delta + density * kappa ) )
        elif (select_variable_1 == 2):
            ZD09_R = 0.083145
            ZD09_c1 = 6.971118009
            #ZD09_epsilon = 510       'Lenard-Jones parameter in units of K
            #ZD09_omega = 2.88        'Lenard-Jones parameter in units of 1E-10 m
            #Prefactor calculated from 1000 * pow(ZD09_omega / 3.691, 3)
            dm = 475.05656886 * density
            #Prefactor calculated from 0.001 * pow(3.691 / ZD09_omega, 3)
            Vm = 0.0021050125 *  ( m / density )
            #Prefactor calculated from 154 / ZD09_epsilon
            Tm = 0.3019607843 *  ( temperature + 273.15 )   
            B = 0.029517729893 - 6337.56452413 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 275265.428882 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            C = 0.00129128089283 - 145.797416153 /  ( Tm * Tm )  + 76593.8947237 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            D = 2.58661493537E-06 + 0.52126532146 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 139.839523753 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            E = - 2.36335007175E-08 + 0.00535026383543 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 0.27110649951 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            f = 25038.7836486 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            delta = 1 + B / Vm + C /  ( Vm * Vm )  + D / pow(Vm, 4) + E / pow(Vm, 5) + f /  ( Vm * Vm )  *  ( 0.73226726041 + 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ) )  * np.exp(- 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ))
            kappa = B / m + 2 * C * dm /  ( m * m )  + 4 * D * pow(dm, 3) / pow(m, 4) + 5 * E * pow(dm, 4) / pow(m, 5) + ( 2 * f * dm /  ( m * m )  *  ( 0.73226726041 + 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ) )  + f / pow(Vm, 2) *  ( 1 - 0.73226726041 - 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ) )  *  ( 2 * 0.015483335997 * dm /  ( m * m ) ) )  * np.exp(- 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ))
            ##### Adding  a comment here because I've made ZD09_c4 into ZD09 C_1 #######
            ##### Original line######
            #fn_return_value = ZD09_c1 * m /  ( ZD09_c4 * ZD09_R * Tm *  ( delta + dm * kappa ) )
            fn_return_value = ZD09_c1 * m /  ( ZD09_c1 * ZD09_R * Tm *  ( delta + dm * kappa ) )
            fn_return_value = 0
        return fn_return_value
    def calculateGibbsOfWater(pressure, temp, equation, densityEquation, Psat):
        '''This function calculates the Gibbs Free Energy of Water. It can calculate with two equations.
        pressure           - The pressure to calculate the Gibbs Free Energy at, in bars
        temperature        - The temperature to calculate the Gibbs Free Energy at, in Celsius
        equation           - Determines which equation to use to calculate the Gibbs Free Energy,
                             either Delaney & Helgeson (1978), corresonding to equation = 1, or simply integrating
                             over the volume of water, corresponding to equation = 2
        density Equation    - Determines which equation to use to find the density, and thus the volume of water.
        Psat               - Determines if the calculation should be done at Psat.
        Returns the Gibbs Free Energy of water in units of cal/mol. If a proper value for equation was not entered,
        zero is returned.
        if Psat == True:
            #This equation models the Gibbs Free Energy of water as a function of temperature along the Psat curve.
            #It has an R^2 value of 0.9999999984518 as compared with Supcrt92 values.
            fn_return_value = - 2.72980941772081E-103 * pow(temp, np.double(40)) + 2.88918186300446E-25 * pow(temp, np.double(10)) + - 2.21891314234246E-08 * pow(temp, np.double(4)) + 3.0912103873633E-05 * pow(temp, np.double(3)) + - 3.20873264480928E-02 * pow(temp, np.double(2)) + - 15.169458452209 * temp + - 56289.0379433809
            select_variable_2 = equation
            if (select_variable_2 == 1):
                coeff = {}
                coeff[0] = - 56130.073
                coeff[1] = 0.38101798
                coeff[2] = - 0.0000021167697
                coeff[3] = 2.0266445E-11
                coeff[4] = - 8.3225572E-17
                coeff[5] = - 15.285559
                coeff[6] = 0.0001375239
                coeff[7] = - 1.5586868E-09
                coeff[8] = 6.6329577E-15
                coeff[9] = - 0.026092451
                coeff[10] = 0.000000035988857
                coeff[11] = - 2.7916588E-14
                coeff[12] = 0.000017140501
                coeff[13] = - 1.6860893E-11
                coeff[14] = - 6.0126987E-09
                gibbsFreeEnergy = 0
                Count = 0
                for j in range(0, 5):
                    for k in range(0, 5 - j):
                        temp = np.absolute(temp)

                        gibbsFreeEnergy = gibbsFreeEnergy + coeff[Count] * pow((temp), np.double(j)) * pow(pressure, np.double(k))
                        Count = Count + 1
                fn_return_value = gibbsFreeEnergy
            elif (select_variable_2 == 2):
                #then defines the gibbs free energy as the integral over the volume as a function of temperature.
                #We can only perform this calculation if we can use one of the two density equations included
                #in the code. If densityEquation equals three, then that implies the user chose to use custom
                #density values. Because this procedure requires integration over a range of densities, this
                #cannot be calculated if the user has custom density values. Therefore, this will just return zero.
                if ( densityEquation == 3 ) :
                    fn_return_value = 0
                #Gibbs Free Energy of water at 1 kb. This equation is a polynomial fit to data as a function of temperature.
                #It is valid in the range of 100 to 1000 C.

                temp = np.absolute(temp) 
                GAtOneKb = 2.6880734E-09 *(temp * temp)*(temp*temp) + 0.00000063163061 * (temp * temp * temp) - 0.019372355 *  ( temp * temp )  - 16.945093 * temp - 55769.287
                if pressure < 1000:
                    fn_return_value = 0
                elif pressure == 1000:
                    fn_return_value = GAtOneKb
                elif pressure > 1000:
                    integral = 0
                    #Integral is sum of rectangles with this width. This function in effect limits the spacing
                    #to 20 bars so that very small pressures do not have unreasonably small widths. Otherwise the width
                    #is chosen such that there are always 500 steps in the numerical integration. This ensures that for very
                    #high pressures, there are not a huge number of steps calculated which is very computationally taxing.
                    if ( pressure - 1000 )  / 500 < 20:
                        spacing = 20
                        spacing = ( pressure - 1000 )  / 500
                    for i in range(1000, pressure + 1, int(spacing)):
                        #This integral determines the density only down to an error of 100 bars
                        #rather than the standard of 0.01. This is done to save computational
                        #time. Tests indicate this reduces the computation by about a half while
                        #introducing little error from the standard of 0.01.
                        integral = integral +  ( 18.01528 / DEWEquations.calculateDensity(i, temp, densityEquation, 100, False) / 41.84 )  * spacing
                    fn_return_value = GAtOneKb + integral
                fn_return_value = 0
        return fn_return_value
    def calculateEpsilon(density, temperature, equation, Psat):
        ''' This function calculates the dielectric constant (epsilon) of water using one of four possible equations.
        density        - The density of water to use in calculating epsilon, in g/cm^3
        temperature    - The temperature to calculate epsilon with, in Celsius
        equation       - Determines which equation should be used to calculate the dielectric constant of water.
                         equation = 1 corresponds to using Johnson & Norton (1991), the equation used in Supcrt
                         equation = 2 corresponds to using Franck (1990)
                         equation = 3 corresponds to using Fernandez (1997)
                         equation = 4 corredponds to using the Power Function. This is an equation derived by
                         Dimitri Sverjensky and Brandon Harison at Johns Hopkins University.
        Psat           - Determines if the polynomial fit to psat dielectric constant values should be used
                         in the event that calculations are along the Psat curve
        Returns the Dielectric constant of water at the given density and temperature. If a proper value
        for equation was not entered, zero is returned.
        if Psat == True:
            #This equation models the dielectric constant of water as a function of temperature along the Psat curve.
            #It has an R^2 value of 0.9999991719 as compared with Supcrt92 values.
            fn_return_value = - 1.66686763214295E-77 * pow(temperature, np.double(30)) + - 9.02887020379887E-07 * pow(temperature, np.double(3)) + 8.4590281449009E-04 * pow(temperature, np.double(2)) + - 0.396542037778945 * temperature + 87.605024245432
            select_variable_3 = equation
            if (select_variable_3 == 1):
                T_hat = ( temperature + 273.15 )  / 298.15
                k0 = 1
                k1 = 14.70333593 / T_hat
                k2 = 212.8462733 / T_hat - 115.4445173 + 19.55210915 * T_hat
                k3 = - 83.3034798 / T_hat + 32.13240048 * T_hat - 6.69409865 *  ( T_hat * T_hat )
                k4 = - 37.86202045 /  ( T_hat * T_hat )  + 68.87359646 / T_hat - 27.29401652
                fn_return_value = k0 + k1 * density + k2 *  ( density * density )  + k3 * pow(density, 3) + k4 * pow(density, 4)
            elif (select_variable_3 == 2):
                pi = 3.14159265358979
                omega = 0.0000000268
                k = 1.380648E-16
                Na = 6.022E+23
                mu = 2.33E-18
                rhostar = ( density * 0.055508 )  * pow(omega, 3) * Na
                mustarsq = pow(mu, 2) /  ( k *  ( temperature + 273.15 )  * pow(omega, 3) )
                y = ( 4 * pi / 9 )  * rhostar * mustarsq
                f1 = 0.4341 * pow(rhostar, 2)
                f2 = - ( 0.05 + 0.75 * pow(rhostar, 3) )
                f3 = - 0.026 * pow(rhostar, 2) + 0.173 * pow(rhostar, 4)
                fn_return_value = ( ( 3 * y )  /  ( 1 - f1 * y ) )  *  ( 1 +  ( 1 - f1 )  * y + f2 *  ( y * y )  + f3 *  ( y * y * y ) )  + 1
            elif (select_variable_3 == 3):
                #Values for N_k
                N_k = {}
                N_k[0] = 0.978224486826
                N_k[1] = - 0.957771379375
                N_k[2] = 0.237511794148
                N_k[3] = 0.714692224396
                N_k[4] = - 0.298217036956
                N_k[5] = - 0.108863472196
                N_k[6] = 0.0949327488264
                N_k[7] = - 0.00980469816509
                N_k[8] = 0.000016516763497
                N_k[9] = 9.37359795772E-05
                N_k[10] = - 1.2317921872E-10
                N_k[11] = 0.00196096504426
                #Values for i_k
                i_k = {}
                i_k[0] = 1
                i_k[1] = 1
                i_k[2] = 1
                i_k[3] = 2
                i_k[4] = 3
                i_k[5] = 3
                i_k[6] = 4
                i_k[7] = 5
                i_k[8] = 6
                i_k[9] = 7
                i_k[10] = 10
                #Values for j_k
                j_k = {}
                j_k[0] = 0.25
                j_k[1] = 1
                j_k[2] = 2.5
                j_k[3] = 1.5
                j_k[4] = 1.5
                j_k[5] = 2.5
                j_k[6] = 2
                j_k[7] = 2
                j_k[8] = 5
                j_k[9] = 0.5
                j_k[10] = 10
                avogadro = 6.0221367E+23
                dipole = 6.138E-30
                epsilon_o = 8.8541878176204E-12
                boltzmann = 1.380658E-23
                alpha = 1.636E-40
                density_c = 17873.728
                T_c = 647.096
                #Convert density and temperature units
                density_molm3 = density * 0.055508 * 1000000
                T_K = temperature + 273.15
                #Defining the g equation
                g = 1
                for ii in range(0, 11):
                    g = g + N_k[ii] * pow(density_molm3 / density_c, np.double(i_k[ii])) * pow(T_c / T_K, np.double(j_k[ii]))
                g = g + N_k[11] *  ( density_molm3 / density_c )  * pow(T_K / 228 - 1, - 1.2)
                #Defining the A, B, and C equations
                A = ( avogadro * pow(dipole, 2) * density_molm3 * g )  /  ( epsilon_o * boltzmann * T_K )
                B = ( avogadro * alpha * density_molm3 )  /  ( 3 * epsilon_o )
                C = 9 + 2 * A + 18 * B + A * A + 10 * A * B + 9 * B * B
                fn_return_value = ( 1 + A + 5 * B + np.sqrt(C) )  /  ( 4 - 4 * B )
            elif (select_variable_3 == 4):
                #Relevant parameters
                a1 = - 1.57637700752506E-03
                a2 = 6.81028783422197E-02
                a3 = 0.754875480393944
                b1 = - 8.01665106535394E-05
                b2 = - 6.87161761831994E-02
                b3 = 4.74797272182151
                A = a1 * temperature + a2 * np.sqrt(temperature) + a3
                B = b1 * temperature + b2 * np.sqrt(temperature) + b3
                fn_return_value = np.exp(B) * pow(density, np.double(A))
                fn_return_value = 0
        return fn_return_value
    def calculate_depsdrho(density, temperature, equation):
        '''Calculates the partial derivative of the dielectric constant (epsilon) with respect to density, i.e. (d(eps)/d(rho))_T
        This is done using one of four possible equations
        density        - The density of water to calculate with, in g/cm^3
        temperature    - The temperature to calculate with, in Celsius
        equation       - Determines which equation should be used to calculate the derivative
                         equation = 1 corresponds to using Johnson & Norton (1991), the equation used in Supcrt
                         equation = 2 corresponds to using Franck (1990)
                         equation = 3 corresponds to using Fernandez (1997)
                         equation = 4 corredponds to using the Power Function. This is an equation derived by
                         Dimitri Sverjensky and Brandon Harison at Johns Hopkins University.
        Returns the partial derivative of the dielectric constant with respect to density in units of cm^3/g. If a proper value
        for equation was not entered, zero is returned.
        select_variable_4 = equation
        if (select_variable_4 == 1):
            T_hat = ( temperature + 273.15 )  / 298.15
            k1 = 14.70333593 / T_hat
            k2 = 212.8462733 / T_hat - 115.4445173 + 19.55210915 * T_hat
            k3 = - 83.3034798 / T_hat + 32.13240048 * T_hat - 6.69409865 *  ( T_hat * T_hat )
            k4 = - 37.86202045 /  ( T_hat * T_hat )  + 68.87359646 / T_hat - 27.29401652
            fn_return_value = k1 + 2 * k2 * density + 3 * k3 * pow(density, 2) + 4 * k4 * pow(density, 3)
        elif (select_variable_4 == 2):
            pi = 3.14159265358979
            omega = 0.0000000268
            k = 1.380648E-16
            Na = 6.022E+23
            mu = 2.33E-18
            density = density * 0.055508
            cc = pow(omega, 3) * Na
            rhostar = density * cc
            mustarsq = pow(mu, 2) /  ( k *  ( temperature + 273.15 )  * pow(omega, 3) )
            y = ( 4 * pi / 9 )  * rhostar * mustarsq
            f1 = 0.4341 * pow(rhostar, 2)
            f2 = - ( 0.05 + 0.75 * pow(rhostar, 3) )
            f3 = - 0.026 * pow(rhostar, 2) + 0.173 * pow(rhostar, 4)
            dydrho = ( 4 * pi / 9 )  * mustarsq * cc
            df1drho = 2 * 0.4341 * pow(cc, 2) * density
            df2drho = - 3 * 0.75 * pow(cc, 3) * pow(density, 2)
            df3drho = - 2 * 0.026 * pow(cc, 2) * density + 4 * 0.173 * pow(cc, 4) * pow(density, 3)
            eps = ( ( 3 * y )  /  ( 1 - f1 * y ) )  *  ( 1 +  ( 1 - f1 )  * y + f2 *  ( y * y )  + f3 *  ( y * y * y ) )  + 1
            #The 0.055508 value converts the units from cm^3/mol to cm^3/g
            fn_return_value = 0.05508 *  ( ( ( dydrho + pow(y, 2) * df1drho )  /  ( 1 - f1 * y ) )  *  ( eps - 1 )  / y +  ( ( 3 * y )  /  ( 1 - f1 * y ) )  *  
                                          ( - df1drho * y + df2drho * pow(y, 2) + df3drho * pow(y, 3) +  ( 1 - f1 + 2 * f2 * y + 3 * f3 * y * y )  * dydrho ) )
        elif (select_variable_4 == 3):
            #Values for N_k
            N_k = {}
            N_k[0] = 0.978224486826
            N_k[1] = - 0.957771379375
            N_k[2] = 0.237511794148
            N_k[3] = 0.714692224396
            N_k[4] = - 0.298217036956
            N_k[5] = - 0.108863472196
            N_k[6] = 0.0949327488264
            N_k[7] = - 0.00980469816509
            N_k[8] = 0.000016516763497
            N_k[9] = 9.37359795772E-05
            N_k[10] = - 1.2317921872E-10
            N_k[11] = 0.00196096504426
            #Values for i_k
            i_k = {}
            i_k[0] = 1
            i_k[1] = 1
            i_k[2] = 1
            i_k[3] = 2
            i_k[4] = 3
            i_k[5] = 3
            i_k[6] = 4
            i_k[7] = 5
            i_k[8] = 6
            i_k[9] = 7
            i_k[10] = 10
            #Values for j_k
            j_k = {}
            j_k[0] = 0.25
            j_k[1] = 1
            j_k[2] = 2.5
            j_k[3] = 1.5
            j_k[4] = 1.5
            j_k[5] = 2.5
            j_k[6] = 2
            j_k[7] = 2
            j_k[8] = 5
            j_k[9] = 0.5
            j_k[10] = 10
            avogadro = 6.0221367E+23
            dipole = 6.138E-30
            epsilon_o = 8.8541878176204E-12
            boltzmann = 1.380658E-23
            alpha = 1.636E-40
            density_c = 17873.728
            T_c = 647.096
            #Convert density and temperature units
            density_molm3 = density * 0.055508 * 1000000
            T_K = temperature + 273.15
            #Defining the g equation
            g = 1
            for ii in range(0, 11):
                g = g + N_k[ii] * pow(density_molm3 / density_c, np.double(i_k[ii])) * pow(T_c / T_K, np.double(j_k[ii]))
            g = g + N_k[11] *  ( density_molm3 / density_c )  * pow(T_K / 228 - 1, - 1.2)
            #Defining the dgdrho equation
            dgdrho = 0
            for ii in range(0, 11):
                dgdrho = dgdrho + i_k[ii] * N_k[ii] *  ( pow(density_molm3, np.double(i_k[ii] - 1)) / pow(density_c, np.double(i_k[ii])) )  * pow(T_c / T_K, np.double(j_k[ii]))
            dgdrho = dgdrho +  ( N_k[11] / density_c )  * pow(T_K / 228 - 1, - 1.2)
            #Defining the A, B, and C equations
            A = ( avogadro * pow(dipole, 2) * density_molm3 * g )  /  ( epsilon_o * boltzmann * T_K )
            B = ( avogadro * alpha * density_molm3 )  /  ( 3 * epsilon_o )
            C = 9 + 2 * A + 18 * B + A * A + 10 * A * B + 9 * B * B
            #Defining the derivatives and epsilon
            dAdrho = A / density_molm3 +  ( A / g )  * dgdrho
            dBdrho = B / density_molm3
            dCdrho = 2 * dAdrho + 18 * dBdrho + 2 * A * dAdrho + 10 *  ( dAdrho * B + A * dBdrho )  + 18 * B * dBdrho
            eps = ( 1 + A + 5 * B + pow(np.double(C), 0.5))   /  ( 4 - 4 * B )
            #The 55508 value converts the units from m^3/mol to cm^3/g
            fn_return_value = 55508 *  ( 1 /  ( 4 - 4 * B ) )  *  ( 4 * dBdrho * eps + dAdrho + 5 * dBdrho + 0.5 * pow(np.double(C), - 0.5) * dCdrho )
        elif (select_variable_4 == 4):
            #Relevant parameters
            a1 = - 1.57637700752506E-03
            a2 = 6.81028783422197E-02
            a3 = 0.754875480393944
            b1 = - 8.01665106535394E-05
            b2 = - 6.87161761831994E-02
            b3 = 4.74797272182151
            A = a1 * temperature + a2 * np.sqrt(temperature) + a3
            B = b1 * temperature + b2 * np.sqrt(temperature) + b3
            fn_return_value = A * np.exp(B) * pow(density, A - 1)
            fn_return_value = 0
        return fn_return_value
    def calculateOmega(P, T, density, name, wref, Z):
        '''This function calculates the born coefficient omega for aqueous species as a function of pressure and temeprature
        P          - Pressure to calculate at, in bars
        T          - Temperature to calculate at, in Celsius
        density    - Density of water to calculate omega at, in g/cm^3. This could be calculated from P and T, but
                     it is used as an input parameter to save on calculation time.
        name       - The name of the species this is being calculated for.
        wref       - The value of omega at standard pressure and temperature, in units of cal/mol. This should not be
                     the value generally given as omega*1E-5, but rather the actual value of omega.
        Z          - The charge of the species
        Returns the value of omega at the input P and T. If Z is zero, the wprtr value is used. The value returned is
        in units of cal/mol and NOT multiplied by 10^-5.
        #If species is hydrogen, the species is neutral, or the pressure is above 6 kb,
        #this equation is not necessary because omega is very close to wref.
        if name == 'H+' or Z == 0 or P > 6000:
            fn_return_value = wref
            #These equations are given by Shock et al. (1992)
            eta = 166027
            #Defines the electrostatic radius at reference pressure and temperature
            reref = Z * Z /  ( wref / eta + Z / 3.082 )
            #This represents the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function
            g = DEWEquations.calculateG(P, T, density)
            #Defines the electrostatic radius at the input P and T
            re = reref + np.abs(Z) * g
            fn_return_value = eta *  ( Z * Z / re - Z /  ( 3.082 + g ) )
        return fn_return_value
    def calculateG(P, T, density):
        '''Calculates the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function. This function should only be
        used for pressures less than 6 kb.
        P          - The pressure to calculate at, in bars
        T          - The temperature to calculate at, in celsius
        density    - The density of water at which to calculate g at, in g/cm^3
        Returns the value of the g function. If the density is greather than 1 g/cm^3, then zero is returned.'''
        if density >= 1:
            fn_return_value = 0
            a_g = - 2.037662 + 0.005747 * T - 0.000006557892 * T * T
            b_g = 6.107361 - 0.01074377 * T + 0.00001268348 * T * T
            #Calculates the difference function in the case where we need to calculate at Psat conditions
            if ( P <= 1000 and T >= 155 and T <= 355 ) :
                f = ( pow(( T - 155 )  / 300, 4.8) + 36.66666 * pow(( T - 155 )  / 300, np.double(16)) )  *( - 1.504956E-10 * pow(1000 - P, np.double(3)) + 5.017997E-14 * pow(1000 - P, np.double(4)) )
                f = 0
            fn_return_value = a_g * pow(1 - density, b_g) - f
        return fn_return_value
    def calculate_domegadP(P, T, density, name, wref, Z, densityEquation, Psat):
        '''This function calculates the derivative of the born coefficient omega with respect to pressure
        for aqueous species as a function of pressure and temeprature
        P                  - Pressure to calculate at, in bars
        T                  - Temperature to calculate at, in Celsius
        density            - Density of water to calculate omega at, in g/cm^3. This could be calculated from P and T, but
                             it is used as an input parameter to save on calculation time.
        name               - The name of the species this is being calculated for.
        wref               - The value of omega at standard pressure and temperature, in units of cal/mol. This should not be
                             the value generally given as omega*1E-5, but rather the actual value of omega.
        Z                  - The charge of the species
        densityEquation    - Determines which equation to use in calculating the derivative of density
                             with respect to pressure. This is passed direction to calculate_dgdP
                             equation = 1  corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2005)
                             equation = 1  corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2009)
        Psat               - Determines if the calculation should be done along the Psat curve. In this case
                             there is no equation for drhodP and a polynomial fit to data from Shock et al. (1992) is used.
        Returns the value of the derivative of omega with respect to pressure at the input P and T. If Z is zero, then
        the derivative is zero. The value returned is in units of cal/mol/bar
        #If species is hydrogen, the species is neutral, or the pressure is above 6 kb,
        #this equation is not necessary because omega is very close to wref.
        if name == 'H+' or Z == 0 or P > 6000:
            fn_return_value = 0
            #These equations are given by Shock et al. (1992)
            eta = 166027
            #Defines the electrostatic radius at reference pressure and temperature
            reref = Z * Z /  ( wref / eta + Z / 3.082 )
            #This represents the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function and its derivative
            g = DEWEquations.calculateG(P, T, density)
            dgdP = DEWEquations.calculate_dgdP(P, T, density, g, densityEquation, Psat)
            #Defines the electrostatic radius at the input P and T
            re = reref + np.absolute(Z) * g
            fn_return_value = - eta *  ( np.absolute(Z * Z * Z) / pow(re, 2) - Z / pow(3.082 + g, 2) )  * dgdP
        return fn_return_value
    def calculate_dgdP(P, T, density, g, equation, Psat = True):
        '''Calculates the pressure derivative of the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function.
        This function should only be used for pressures less than 6 kb.
        P          - The pressure to calculate at, in bars
        T          - The temperature to calculate at, in celsius
        density    - The density of water at which to calculate g at, in g/cm^3
        g          - The value of the g solvent function at the input P and T
        equation   - Determines which equation to use in calculating the derivative of density
                     with respect to pressure
                     equation = 1  corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2005)
                     equation = 1  corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2009)
        Psat       - Determines if the calculation should be done along the Psat curve. In this case
                     there is no equation for drhodP and a polynomial fit to data from Shock et al. (1992) is used.
        Returns the pressure derivative of the g function. If the density is greather than 1 g/cm^3, then zero is returned.
        if Psat == True:
            #This equation models the derivative of the g solvent function with respect to pressure and
            #as a function of temperature along the Psat curve.
            #It has an R^2 value of 0.99995027718 as compared with values listed in Shock et al. (1992).
            #Particular care was taken to properly model the values at low temperatures which is why this
            #function not simply a polynomial
            if T < 0.01:
                fn_return_value = 0
                fn_return_value = np.exp(1.37105493109451E-10 * pow(np.log(T), np.double(15)) + - 1.43605469318795E-06 * pow(np.log(T), np.double(10)) + 26.2649453651117 * np.log(T) + - 125.108856715714) * 0.000001
            if density >= 1:
                fn_return_value = 0
                b_g = 6.107361 - 0.01074377 * T + 0.00001268348 * T * T
                #Calculates the difference function in the case where we need to calculate at Psat conditions
                if ( P <= 1000 and T >= 155 and T <= 355 ) :
                    dfdP = - ( pow(( T - 155 )  / 300, 4.8) + 36.66666 * pow(( T - 155 )  / 300, 16) )  *  ( 3 * - 1.504956E-10 * pow(1000 - P, 2) + 4 * 5.017997E-14 * pow(1000 - P, 3) )
                    dfdP = 0
                fn_return_value = - b_g * DEWEquations.calculate_drhodP(density, T, equation) * g /  ( 1 - density )  - dfdP
        return fn_return_value
    def calculateQ(pressure, temperature, density, densityEquation, epsilonEquation, Psat):
        '''This method calculates the Born Coefficient Q as (1/eps^2)*(d(eps)/dP) - In other words the derivative of
        epsilon with respect to pressure, divided by epsilon squared
        pressure           - The pressure to calculate Q at, in bars
        temperature        - The temperature to calculate Q at, in Celsius
        density            - The density at the input pressure and temperature, input simply to save time, in g/cm^3
        denistyEquation    - The density equation to use in calculating the density of water.
        epsilonEquation    - The epsilon equation to use in calculating epsilon.
        Psat               - Determines if the calculation should be done at Psat.
        Outputs the value of Q in units of bar^-1
        Calculates the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function. This function should only be
        used for pressures less than 6 kb.
        P          - The pressure to calculate at, in bars
        T          - The temperature to calculate at, in celsius
        density    - The density of water at which to calculate g at, in g/cm^3
        Returns the value of the g function. If the density is greather than 1 g/cm^3, then zero is returned.
        if Psat == True:
            #This equation models the Q Born Coefficent as a function of temperature along the Psat curve.
            #It has an R^2 value of 0.99999998602 as compared with values listed in Shock et al. (1992).
            fn_return_value = ( 1.99258688758345E-49 * pow(temperature, np.double(20)) + - 4.43690270750774E-14 * pow(temperature, np.double(6)) + 4.29110215680165E-11 * pow(temperature, np.double(5)) + - 1.07146606081182E-08 * pow(temperature, np.double(4)) + 1.09982931856694E-06 * pow(temperature, np.double(3)) + 9.60705240954956E-06 * pow(temperature, np.double(2)) + 0.642579832259358 )  * 0.000001
            #This commented section is the code to calculate the value of Q using a finite difference derivative.
            #        Dim epsilon, delta, epsilonPlusDelta As Double
            #        delta = 1
            #        epsilon = DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(density, temperature, epsilonEquation, False)
            #        epsilonPlusDelta = DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(calculateDensity(pressure + delta, temperature, densityEquation, 0.01, False), temperature, epsilonEquation, False)
            #        calculateQ = (1 / pow(np.double(epsilon), 2)) * ((epsilonPlusDelta - epsilon) / delta)
            eps = DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(density, temperature, epsilonEquation, Psat)
            depsdrho = DEWEquations.calculate_depsdrho(density, temperature, epsilonEquation)
            drhodP = DEWEquations.calculate_drhodP(density, temperature, densityEquation)
            fn_return_value = depsdrho * drhodP /  ( eps * eps )
        return fn_return_value

# In[9]:

# In[ ]:

Global variables

var Chi

X is the constant -3.090E-07 and has units of K^-2

var Conversion

A conversion factor present in DEW publications

var E_PrTr

Epsilon_{P_rT_r} is a unitless constant with value of 78.47

var Pr

The standard state pressure of 1 bar

var Psy

The value of this constant is 2600 bar

var T_r

The standard state temperature 298.15 with units K

var Theta

The value of this temperature is 228 Kelvin

var Upsilon

The value of this constant is -5.79865E-05 K^-1

var bigQ

Big Q is the 5.903E-07, and has units of bar^-1

var bigR

The gas constant with value 1.9858775 cal mol^-1 k^-1


def search(string)

A function to searh for species within DEWython

Expand source code
def search(string):
    '''A function to searh for species within DEWython'''
    for item in nameLst:
        if str.lower(string) in str.lower(item):
    for item in GasLst:
        if str.lower(string) in str.lower(item):
    for key in mineralDictionary:
        if str.lower(string) in str.lower(key):


class DEW
Expand source code
class DEW(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # User Option Parameters
        self.ptInput = 'Psat'
        '''The temperature and pressure input, options are Regular, Psat, or custom. Default is regular'''
        self.RhoOfWater = 'Z&D 2005'
        '''The density of water equation input, can be Zheng and Duan 2005, Zheng and Duan 2009, or custom. Default is Z&D 2005'''
        self.forceCustom = False
        '''The option to force custom Rho for P< 1 kb. Default is False'''
        self.dielectricEq = 'Supcrt'
        '''The dielectric equation input. The default is Sverjensky.'''
        self.ForceSupcrt = True
        '''The option to force supcrt for P < 5 kb. Default is set to true'''
        self.WaterFreeEq = 'D&H 1978'
        '''The option for the Water free energy equation. Options are D&H 1978, integral, and custom
        Default is Delaney and Hegelson 1978.'''
        self.DisplayVolOpt = True
        '''The option to display volume, default set to true'''
        self.PsatDisplayVol = True
        '''The option to display volume under Psat conditions. Default is set to true.'''
        self.DisplayVol = True
        '''Another display volume option. Default to true.'''
        self.equation = 1
        '''A variable that stores the number of the density of water equation. Needs to be renamed'''
        self.diaEq = 1
        '''A variable that stores the number of dielectric constant equation.'''
        self.psat = True
        '''A variable that stores the Psat option defined by input'''
        self.waterDensity = 1
        '''A variable that stores the number of the density of water equation.'''

        # Input Arrays
        self.aqueousInputs = []
        '''The array of aqueous inputs and multipliers defined by a user'''
        self.mineralInputs = []
        '''The array of mineral inputs and multipliers defined by a user'''
        self.gasInputs = []
        '''The array of gas inputs and multipliers defined by a user'''
        self.waterInputs = []
        '''An array that defines if water is used in the input and hOw mUcH wAtEr?'''
        # Input Matrices
        self.inGasMat = []
        '''A matrix that stores in gasseous inputs with their properties from the dicitonary inputs'''
        self.inAqMat = []
        '''A matrix that stores in aqueous inputs with their properties from the dicitonary inputs'''
        # Output Arrays
        self.aqueousOutputs = []
        '''The array of aqueous outputs and multipliers defined by a user'''
        self.mineralOutputs = []
        '''The array of mineral outputs and multipliers defined by a user'''
        self.gasOutputs = []
        '''The array of gas outputs and multipliers defined by a user'''
        self.waterOutputs = []
        '''An array that defines if water is used in the outputand hOw mUcH wAtEr?'''
        # Output Matrices
        self.outGasMat = []
        '''A matrix that stores in gasseous outputs with their properties from the dicitonary inputs'''
        self.outAqMat = []
        '''A matrix that stores in aqueous outputs with their properties from the dicitonary inputs'''
        # Arrays used for Calculations
        self.tempUsed = []
        '''An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains all the temperatures used for calculation in celsius'''
        self.pressureUsed = []
        '''An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains all the pressures used for calculation'''
        self.tKelvin = []
        '''An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains all the temperatures used for calculation in Kelvin'''
        self.RhoWatArr = []
        '''An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains calculated water densities at the temperatures and pressures used
        self.DiaArr = []
        '''An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains calculated dielectric constants at temp/pressure used'''
        self.QArr = []
        '''An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains calculated Q constants at temp/pressure used'''
        self.GibbsH2O = []
        '''A collection of the gibbs of water values.'''
        # Collections of Custom Values
        self.dielectricCollection = []
        '''If custom values are used for the dielectric constant this will store them to be queried by the custom function'''
        self.gibbsCollection = []
        '''If custom values are used for the gibbs of water this will store them to be queried by the custom function'''
        self.densityCollection = []
        '''If custom values are used for the density of water this will store them to be queried by the custom function'''
        # Calculated Matrices
        self.gasInpGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of gases'''
        self.aqInpGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of aqueous inputs'''
        self.gasInpV = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of gasseous inputs'''
        self.aqInpV = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of aqueous inputs'''
        self.gasOutGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of gasseous inputs'''
        self.aqOutGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of aqueous outputs'''
        self.gasOutV = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of gasseous outputs'''
        self.aqOutV = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of aqueous outputs'''
        #Mineral Matrices
        self.mineralInpGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of mineral inputs'''
        self.mineralOutGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of mineral outputs'''
        self.mineralInpV = [] 
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of mineral inputs'''
        self.mineralOutV = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of mineral outputs'''
        self.waterInpGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of water outputs'''
        self.waterInpV = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of water inputs'''
        self.waterOutGibbs = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of water outputs'''
        self.waterOutV = []
        '''Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of water outputs'''
        # Finals Arrays
        self.gibbsLst = []
        '''A storage variable that lists the gibbs free energy changes. Not sure if necessary'''
        self.logK = []
        '''Stores the list of all logK values with temperatures and pressures'''
        self.vLst = []
        '''A storage variable that lists all the volume changes. Not sure if necessary '''
        self.delG = []
        '''Stores the list of all delG values with temperatures and pressures'''
        self.delV = []
        '''Stores the list of all delV values with temperatures and pressures'''
        # Variables to Help with Plotting
        self.pressRed = []
        '''Reduced pressure list with no repeats'''
        self.tempRed = []
        '''Reduced temperature list with no repeats'''

        self.pLogK = []
        '''LogK split into arrays with respect to the number of isobars'''
        self.pDelG = []
        '''DelG split into arrays with respect to the number of isobars'''
        self.pDelV = []
        '''DelV split into arrays with respect to the number of isobars'''
        self.tLogK = []
        '''LogK split into arrays with respect to the number of isotherms'''
        self.tDelG = []
        '''DelG split into arrays with respect to the number of isotherms'''
        self.tDelV = []
        '''DelV split into arrays with respect to the number of isotherms'''
        # Variables to run SUPCRTBL
        self.proc = None
        '''Needed to run supcrt'''
        self.pout = None
        '''Needed to run supcrt''' = None
        '''Needed to run supcrt'''
        self.supcrtFile = None
        '''Stores the most recently run SUPCRT file, or none if none have been run'''
        self.supcrtOut = None
        '''Stores the output from calculate_supcrt'''

    def clear(self):
        '''Clears variables'''
    def set_inputs(self):
        '''Call this to set the input Arrays. This is not dependent on anything else being called first.'''
        # A list of integers
        intLst = ['1','2','3','4', '5', '6','7', '8', '9', '10', '11']
        # Mineral Loop
        mineralCount = 0
        aqCount = 0
        gasCount = 0
        self.mineralInputs = []
        self.aqueousInputs = []
        self.gasInputs = []
        self.waterInputs = []
        while mineralCount < 15:
            mineralCount += 1
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                inp = input('Input Mineral Species')
                # can insert mineral validation here if possible
                if inp in mineralDictionary:
                    validBool = True
                elif inp == "":
                    validBool = True
                    print('Your Species is not in the list, please check your spelling')
                validBool2 = False
                while not validBool2:
                    inp2 = input('Input Mineral Species Multiplier')
                    if inp2 in intLst:
                        validBool2 = True
                    elif inp == "":
                        validBool2 = True
                        print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure this is an integer')
            if inp == "":
            self.mineralInputs.append([inp, inp2])
        while aqCount <15:
            aqCount += 1
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                inp = input('Input Aqueous Species') 
                if inp in nameLst:
                    validBool = True
                elif inp == "":
                    validBool = True
                    print('Your Species is not in the list, please check your spelling')
                validBool2 = False
                if validBool:
                    while not validBool2:
                        inp2 = input('Input Aqueous Species Multiplier')
                        if inp2 in intLst:
                            validBool2 = True
                        elif inp == "":
                            validBool2 = True
                            print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure this is an integer')
            if inp == "":
            self.aqueousInputs.append([inp, inp2])
        while gasCount < 15:
            gasCount += 1
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                inp = input('Input Gas Species') 
                if inp in GasLst:
                    validBool = True
                elif inp == "":
                    validBool = True
                    print('Your Species is not in the list, please check your spelling')
                if validBool:
                    validBool2 = False
                    while not validBool2:
                        inp2 = input('Input Gas Species Multiplier')
                        if inp2 in intLst:
                            validBool2 = True
                        elif inp == "":
                            validBool2 = True
                            print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure this is an integer')
            if inp == "":
            self.gasInputs.append([inp, inp2])
            # Water
        validBool3 = False
        while not validBool3:
            inpWater = input('Would you like to use water? (yes/no)')
            if inpWater in ['yes', 'no']:
                validBool3 = True
                print('Please answer yes or no')
            if inpWater == 'yes':
                validBool3 = False
                while not validBool3:
                    m3 = input('Enter enter water Multiplier')
                    if m3 in intLst:
                        validBool3 = True
                        print('Please enter a valid integer multiplier ')
                m3 = 0
            self.waterInputs.append([inpWater, m3])
    def set_outputs(self):
        '''Call this to set the output Arrays. This is not dependent on anything else being called first.'''
        # A list of integers
        intLst = ['1','2','3','4', '5', '6','7', '8', '9', '10', '11']
        # Mineral Loop
        mineralCount = 0
        aqCount = 0
        gasCount = 0
        self.mineralOutputs = []
        self.aqueousOutputs = []
        self.gasOutputs = []
        self.waterOutputs = []

        while mineralCount < 15:
            mineralCount += 1
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                inp = input('Output Mineral Species')
                # can insert mineral validation here if possible
                validBool = True
                validBool2 = False
                while not validBool2:
                    inp2 = input('Output Mineral Species Multiplier')
                    if inp2 in intLst:
                        validBool2 = True
                    elif inp == "":
                        validBool2 = True
                        print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure this is an integer')
            if inp == "":
            self.mineralOutputs.append([inp, inp2])
        while aqCount <15:
            aqCount += 1
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                inp = input('Output Aqueous Species') 
                if inp in nameLst:
                    validBool = True
                elif inp == "":
                    validBool = True
                    print('Your Species is not in the list, please check your spelling')
                validBool2 = False
                if validBool:
                    while not validBool2:
                        inp2 = input('Output Aqueous Species Multiplier')
                        if inp2 in intLst:
                            validBool2 = True
                        elif inp == "":
                            validBool2 = True
                            print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure this is an integer')
            if inp == "":
            self.aqueousOutputs.append([inp, inp2])
        while gasCount < 15:
            gasCount += 1
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                inp = input('Input Gas Species') 
                if inp in GasLst:
                    validBool = True
                elif inp == "":
                    validBool = True
                    print('Your Species is not in the list, please check your spelling')
                validBool2 = False
                if validBool:
                    while not validBool2:
                        inp2 = input('Input Gas Species Multiplier')
                        if inp2 in intLst:
                            validBool2 = True
                        elif inp == "":
                            validBool2 = True
                            print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure fthis is an integer')
            if inp == "":
            self.gasOutputs.append([inp, inp2])
            # Water
        validBool3 = False
        while not validBool3:
            outWater = input('Would you like to use water in the output? (yes/no)')
            if outWater in ['yes', 'no']:
                validBool3 = True
                print('Please answer yes or no')
            if outWater == 'yes':
                validBool3 = False
                while not validBool3:
                    m3 = input('Enter enter water Multiplier')
                    if m3 in intLst:
                        validBool3 = True
                        print('Please enter a valid integer multiplier ')
                m3 = 0
            self.waterOutputs.append([outWater, m3])
    def set_preferences(self):
        '''A function that prompts for user inputs. This is not dependent on anything else being called first. Defaults
        are set to be identical to the example calculation on the Deep Earth Water Model Excel Sheet.'''
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:  
            ptInp = input('Which P-T input would you like to use? "Custom", "Regular", or "Psat"')
            if ptInp in ['Custom', 'Regular', 'Psat']:
                validBool = True
                self.ptInput = ptInp
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            RhoOfwater = input('Which density of water would you like to use? "Z&D 2005", "Z&D 2009", or "Custom"')
            if RhoOfwater in ['Z&D 2005', 'Z&D 2009', 'Custom']:
                validBool = True
                self.RhoOfWater = RhoOfwater
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            force = input('Force Custom? (yes/no)')
            if force == 'yes':
                validBool = True
            elif force == 'no':
                validBool = True
                self.forceCustom = False
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            dia = input('Dielectric Constant Equation Option: "Supcrt", "Franck", "Fernandez", "Sverjensky", or "Custom"')
            if dia in ['Supcrt', 'Franck', 'Fernandez', 'Sverjensky','Custom']:
                validBool = True
                self.dielectricEq = dia
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            forceS = input('Force Supcrt? (yes/no)')
            if forceS == 'yes':
                validBool = True
            elif forceS == 'no':
                validBool = True
                self.ForceSupcrt = False
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            freeE = input('Water Free Energy Equation Option: "D&H 1978", "Integral", "Custom"')
            if freeE in ['D&H 1978', 'Integral', 'Custom']:
                validBool = True
                self.WaterFreeEq = freeE

        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            dispO = input('Display Volume Option? (yes/no)')
            if dispO == 'yes':
                validBool = True
            elif dispO == 'no':
                validBool = True
                self.DisplayVolOpt = False
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        validBool = False            
        while not validBool:
            PsatdispO = input('Psat Display Volume Option? (yes/no)')
            if PsatdispO == 'yes':
                validBool = True
            elif PsatdispO == 'no':
                validBool = True
                self.PsatDisplayVol = False
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            dispV = input('Display Volume? (yes/no)')
            if dispV == 'yes':
                validBool = True
            elif dispV == 'no':
                validBool = True
                self.DisplayVol = False
                print('Please enter one of the provided options')
        if self.WaterFreeEq == "Custom" or self.dielectricEq == "Custom" or self.RhoOfWater == "Custom":
            self.dielectricCollection, self.densityCollection, self.gibbsCollection = self.import_custom_sheets()
    def import_custom_sheets(self):
        '''A helper function to import custom data from the Deep Earth Water Model.
        This only currently works for an unmodified Deep Earth Water Model Sheet format (6_23_20). 
        This is not dependent on anything else being called first.'''
        diaL = pd.read_csv(diePath, header = None)
        dia = diaL.to_numpy()
        dia = dia[4:, 1:]
        diaTrim = dia[1:, 1:]
        diaCollection = []
        for row in range(len(diaTrim)):
            for pressure in range(len(diaTrim[0])):
                # in form pressure, temperature, value
                diaCollection.append([dia[0][pressure + 1], dia[row + 1][0], diaTrim[row][pressure]])

        watDen = pd.read_csv(denPath, header = None)
        w = watDen.to_numpy()
        w = w[4:, 1:]
        wTrim = w[1:,1:]
        watDenCollection = []
        for row in range(len(wTrim)):
            for pressure in range(len(wTrim[0])):
                # in form pressure, temperature, value
                watDenCollection.append([w[0][pressure + 1], w[row + 1][0], wTrim[row][pressure]])

        gibbsOfWater = pd.read_csv(gPath, header = None)
        gibbs = gibbsOfWater.to_numpy()
        gibbs = gibbs[3:,:]
        gibbsTrim = gibbs[1:, 1:]
        gibbsCollection = []
        for row in range(len(gibbsTrim)):
            for pressure in range(len(gibbsTrim[0])):
                # in form pressure, temperature, value
                gibbsCollection.append([gibbs[0][pressure + 1], gibbs[row + 1][0], gibbsTrim[row][pressure]])
        return diaCollection, watDenCollection, gibbsCollection
    def set_TPRho(self):
        '''Sets arrays of temperature, pressure, water density, and Q to be used in the model based on user input. 
        Requires that the input and output arrays have been set up otherwise it will return a divide by 0 error in the 
        pressArr = []
        tempArr = []
        self.RhoWatArr = []
        self.DiaArr = []
        self.QArr =[]
        self.gibbsLst = []
        self.logK = []
        self.vLst = []
        self.delG = []
        self.delV = []

        if self.ptInput == "Custom":
            ptSheet = pd.read_csv(inpPath,encoding= 'unicode_escape', header = None)
            ptFinder = ptSheet.to_numpy()
            tempArr = [float(i[1]) for i in ptFinder[4:]]
            pressArr = [float(i[0]) for i in ptFinder[4:]]

        elif self.ptInput == "Regular":
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                    templow = int(input('Input the minimum temperature'))
                    temphigh = int(input('Input the maximum temperature'))
                    tempstep = int(input('Input the temperature step'))
                    pmin = float(input('Input the minimum pressure (Kb)'))
                    pmax = float(input('Input the maximum pressure (Kb)'))
                    pstep = float(input('Input the pressure step (Kb)'))
                    validBool = True
                except ValueError:
                    print('You have entered a non-integer value, please start again')
            tempArr = np.arange(start= templow, stop = temphigh + .00001, step = tempstep)
            parrHelp = np.arange(start= pmin, stop = pmax + .00001, step = pstep)
            for i in range(len(parrHelp)):
                pressArr.append([parrHelp[i]]* len(tempArr))
            pressArr = np.multiply(pressArr, 1000)
            tempArr = [tempArr] * len(parrHelp)
        elif self.ptInput == "Psat":
            validBool = False
            while not validBool:
                    templow = int(input('Input the minimum temperature'))
                    temphigh = int(input('Input the mamximum temperature'))
                    tempstep = int(input('Input the temperature step'))
                    validBool = True
                except ValueError:
                    print('You have entered a non-integer value, please start again')
            tempArr = np.arange(start= templow, stop = temphigh + 1, step = tempstep)
            for i in range(len(tempArr)):
                if tempArr[i] < 100:
                    pressArr.append(2.1650906415E-11*np.double(tempArr[i])**5 + 0.0008467019353*np.double(tempArr[i])**2 - 0.17973651666*tempArr[i] + 10.7768850763807)
            # If I've done the checking correctly above it should never reach this
            raise ValueError("You have not set your options yet, please set them before continuing")
        self.tempUsed = np.ndarray.flatten(np.asarray(tempArr))
        self.pressureUsed = np.ndarray.flatten(np.asarray(pressArr))
        self.tKelvin = np.add(self.tempUsed, 273.15)
        # code to set options in a way the equations can understand
        if self.ptInput == "Psat":
            self.psat = True
            self.psat = False
        if self.RhoOfWater =='Z&D 2005':
            self.equation = 1
        elif self.RhoOfWater == 'Z&D 2009':
            self.equation = 2
            self.equation = 3
        if self.dielectricEq == "Supcrt":
            self.diaEq = 1
        elif self.dielectricEq == "Franck":
            self.diaEq = 2
        elif self.dielectricEq == "Fernandez":
            self.diaEq = 3
        elif self.dielectricEq == "Sverjensky":
            self.diaEq = 4
            self.diaEq = 5
        # write code to take in custom Rho, G, and Water Values here
        self.densityCollection = np.asarray(self.densityCollection).astype(float)
        self.dielectricCollection = np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection).astype(float)
        self.gibbsCollection = np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection).astype(float)
        # Sets the water density array
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):        
            # For the custom array
            if self.RhoOfWater =="Custom" or (self.forceCustom == True and self.pressureUsed[i] < 1000):
                idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.densityCollection) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.densityCollection) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
                if not np.isnan(self.densityCollection[idx][2]):
                self.RhoWatArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateDensity(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.equation, 0.01, self.psat))
        # Sets the dielectric constant array
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            # for the custom array
            if self.dielectricEq == "Custom":
                idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
                if not np.isnan(self.dielectricCollection[idx][2]):
                if self.ForceSupcrt == True and self.pressureUsed[i] < 5000 and self.psat == False:
                    self.DiaArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(self.RhoWatArr[i], self.tempUsed[i], 1, self.psat))
                    self.DiaArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(self.RhoWatArr[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.diaEq, self.psat))
        ### The function works up until this point, I haven't debugged further yet (6_29_20) ###
        # Sets up the Q array
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            if self.DisplayVol == True:
                    # Has issues with some Q, not sure if problematic
                    self.QArr.append(float(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateQ(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.RhoWatArr[i], self.equation, self.diaEq, self.psat))*np.double(10)**6)
        # Sets up custom Gibbs of Water Array:
        if self.WaterFreeEq == "Custom":
            for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
                idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
                if not np.isnan(self.gibbsCollection[idx][2]):

    def calculate_matrices(self):
        '''A helper function to aggregate the values to the input and output matrices. 
        It requires both the input and output arrays to be set up to function. It is called within "calculate"'''
        self.inAqMat = []
        self.inGasMat = []
        self.outAqMat = []
        self.outGasMat = []
        for i in self.aqueousInputs:
            self.inAqMat.append([i[0],symbolDict[i[0]], delGf[i[0]], delHf[i[0]], entropy[i[0]],volume[i[0]],specHeat[i[0]],
                            a1x10[i[0]], a2x10_2[i[0]], a3[i[0]],a4x10_4[i[0]],c1[i[0]],c2x10_4[i[0]],omegax10_5[i[0]],Z[i[0]], i[1]])
        for i in self.gasInputs:
            self.inGasMat.append([i[0],GasSymb[i[0]],GasDelGf[i[0]],GasDelHf[i[0]],GasEntropy[i[0]],GasCp[i[0]], GasA[i[0]],
                             GasBx103[i[0]],GasCx10_5[i[0]],GasT[i[0]], i[1]])
        for i in self.aqueousOutputs:
            self.outAqMat.append([i[0],symbolDict[i[0]], delGf[i[0]], delHf[i[0]], entropy[i[0]],volume[i[0]],specHeat[i[0]],
                            a1x10[i[0]], a2x10_2[i[0]], a3[i[0]],a4x10_4[i[0]],c1[i[0]],c2x10_4[i[0]],omegax10_5[i[0]],Z[i[0]], i[1]])

        for i in self.gasOutputs:
            self.outGasMat.append([i[0],GasSymb[i[0]],GasDelGf[i[0]],GasDelHf[i[0]],GasEntropy[i[0]],GasCp[i[0]], GasA[i[0]],
    def calculate_gas(self):
        '''A helper function to calculate the gasseous columns and output them as a matrix. Specifically returns the arrays 
        gasInGibbs, gasOutGibbs, gasInV, gasOuV. Needs self.tempUsed and self.tKelvin to be set, as well as the input gas matrix.
        It is called within the calculate function.'''
        gasInGibbs = []
        gasOuGibbs = []
        gasInV = []
        gasOuV = []
        for gas in self.inGasMat:
            storelst = []
            storelst2 =[]
            for i in range(len(self.tempUsed)):
                if self.DisplayVol == False or self.tempUsed[i] == 0:
            for i in range(len(self.tKelvin)):
                storelst.append(gas[2] - gas[4]*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r) +                                 gas[6]*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r - self.tKelvin[i]*np.log(self.tKelvin[i]/T_r)) +                                 gas[7]*(0.001)/2*(2*self.tKelvin[i]*T_r -np.double(self.tKelvin[i])**2 - np.double(T_r) **2) +                                 gas[8]*100000*(np.double(self.tKelvin[i])**2 + np.double(T_r)**2 -2*self.tKelvin[i]*T_r)/(2*self.tKelvin[i]*np.double(T_r)**2))
        for gas in self.outGasMat:
            storelst = []
            storelst2 = []
            for i in range(len(self.tempUsed)):
                if self.DisplayVol == False or self.tempUsed[i] == 0:
            for i in range(len(self.tKelvin)):
                storelst.append(gas[2] - gas[4]*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r) +                                 gas[6]*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r - self.tKelvin[i]*np.log(self.tKelvin[i]/T_r)) +                                 gas[7]*(0.001)/2*(2*self.tKelvin[i]*T_r -np.double(self.tKelvin[i])**2 - np.double(T_r) **2) +                                 gas[8]*100000*(np.double(self.tKelvin[i])**2 + np.double(T_r)**2 -2*self.tKelvin[i]*T_r)/(2*self.tKelvin[i]*np.double(T_r)**2))
        if len(gasInGibbs) == 0:
            gasInGibbs = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        if len(gasOuGibbs) == 0:
            gasOuGibbs = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        if len(gasInV) == 0:
            gasInV = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        if len(gasOuV) == 0:
            gasOuV = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        return gasInGibbs, gasOuGibbs, gasInV, gasOuV

    def calculate_H2O(self):
        '''This function requires input and output matrices to be set. This is called within the calculate function.'''
        waterMatInGibbs = []
        waterMatOutGibbs = []
        waterMatInV = []
        waterMatOutV = []
        if self.WaterFreeEq == 'D&H 1978':
            self.waterDensity = 1
        elif self.WaterFreeEq == 'Integral':
            self.waterDensity = 2
            self.waterDensity = 3
        if self.waterInputs[0][0] == 'yes':
            waterLst = []
            waterLst2 = []
            for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            #for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
                if self.WaterFreeEq == 'Custom':
                        if self.GibbsH2O[i] == 0:
                    store = DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateGibbsOfWater(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.waterDensity, self.equation, self.psat)
                if self.DisplayVol == True:
        if self.waterOutputs[0][0] =='yes':
            waterLst = []
            waterLst2 = []
            for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
                if self.WaterFreeEq == 'Custom':
                        if GibbsH2O[i] == 0:
                    waterLst.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateGibbsOfWater(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.waterDensity, self.equation, self.psat))
                if self.DisplayVol == True:
        if len(waterMatInGibbs) == 0:
            waterMatInGibbs = np.zeros((len(self.tKelvin) + 2))
        if len(waterMatInV) == 0:
            waterMatInV = np.zeros((len(self.tKelvin) + 2))
        if len(waterMatOutGibbs) == 0:
            waterMatOutGibbs = np.zeros((len(self.tKelvin) + 2))
        if len(waterMatOutV) == 0:
            waterMatOutV = np.zeros((len(self.tKelvin) + 2))
        return waterMatInGibbs, waterMatInV, waterMatOutGibbs, waterMatOutV

    def calculate_aq(self):
        '''A helper function to calculate the aqueous columns and output them as a matrix. This is called within calculate.'''
        aqInGibbs = []
        aqOuGibbs = []
        aqInV = []
        aqOuV = []
        for aq in self.inAqMat:
            storelst = []
            storelst2= []
            for i in range(len(self.tKelvin)):
                storelst.append(aq[2] - aq[4] * (self.tKelvin[i] - T_r)
                                - aq[11] * (self.tKelvin[i] * np.log(self.tKelvin[i]/T_r) - self.tKelvin[i] + T_r)
                                - aq[12]*(10**4)*(((1/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta)) - (1/(T_r-Theta)))*((Theta-self.tKelvin[i])/(Theta))- (self.tKelvin[i]/(Theta*Theta)) * np.log((T_r*(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta))/(self.tKelvin[i]*(T_r-Theta))))
                                + aq[7]*(10**-1)*(self.pressureUsed[i]-Pr)
                                + aq[8]*(10**2)*np.log((Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])/(Psy+Pr))
                                + (1/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta))*(aq[9]*(self.pressureUsed[i]-Pr)
                                                               + aq[10]*(10**4)*np.log((Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])/(Psy+Pr)))
                                + DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateOmega(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14])*((1/self.DiaArr[i])-1)
                                - aq[13]*(10**5)*((1/E_PrTr)-1)
                                + aq[13]*(10**5)*Upsilon*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r))
            for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
                storelst2.append((aq[7]/10 + aq[8]*100/(Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])
                                  + (aq[9] + aq[10]*10000/(Psy+self.pressureUsed[i]))/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta)
                                  - DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateOmega(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14])*(self.QArr[i]*10**-6 )
                                  + (1/self.DiaArr[i] - 1) * DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculate_domegadP(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14],self.equation,self.psat))*41.84)
        for aq in self.outAqMat:
            storelst = []
            storelst2= []
            for i in range(len(self.tKelvin)):
                storelst.append(aq[2] - aq[4] * (self.tKelvin[i] - T_r)
                                - aq[11] * (self.tKelvin[i] * np.log(self.tKelvin[i]/T_r) - self.tKelvin[i] + T_r)
                                - aq[12]*(10**4)*(((1/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta)) - (1/(T_r-Theta)))*((Theta-self.tKelvin[i])/(Theta))- (self.tKelvin[i]/(Theta*Theta)) * np.log((T_r*(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta))/(self.tKelvin[i]*(T_r-Theta))))
                                + aq[7]*(10**-1)*(self.pressureUsed[i]-Pr)
                                + aq[8]*(10**2)*np.log((Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])/(Psy+Pr))
                                + (1/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta))*(aq[9]*(self.pressureUsed[i]-Pr)
                                                               + aq[10]*(10**4)*np.log((Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])/(Psy+Pr)))
                                + DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateOmega(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14])*((1/self.DiaArr[i])-1)
                                - aq[13]*(10**5)*((1/E_PrTr)-1)
                                + aq[13]*(10**5)*Upsilon*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r))
            for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
                storelst2.append((aq[7]/10 + aq[8]*100/(Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])
                                  + (aq[9] + aq[10]*10000/(Psy+self.pressureUsed[i]))/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta)
                                  - DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateOmega(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14])*(self.QArr[i]*10**-6 )
                                  + (1/self.DiaArr[i] - 1) * DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculate_domegadP(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14],self.equation,self.psat))*41.84)
        if len(aqInGibbs) == 0:
            aqInGibbs = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        if len(aqOuGibbs) == 0:
            aqOuGibbs = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        if len(aqInV) == 0:
            aqInV = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        if len(aqOuV) == 0:
            aqOuV = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
        return aqInGibbs, aqOuGibbs, aqInV, aqOuV

    def calculate(self):
        '''The function called that will update all of the parameters. It has no outputs, but allows certain arrays to be queried.
        self.waterInpGibbs, self.waterInpV, self.waterOutGibbs, self.waterOutV = self.calculate_H2O()
        self.aqInpGibbs, self.aqOutGibbs, self.aqInpV, self.aqOutV = self.calculate_aq()
        self.gasInpGibbs, self.gasOutGibbs, self.gasInpV, self.gasOutV = self.calculate_gas()

        G1 = np.delete(np.asarray(self.waterInpGibbs), [0,1]).astype(np.float) * int(self.waterInputs[0][1])
        V1 = np.delete(np.asarray(self.waterInpV), [0,1]).astype(np.float) * int(self.waterInputs[0][1])
        G4 = np.delete(np.asarray(self.waterOutGibbs), [0,1]).astype(np.float) * int(self.waterOutputs[0][1])
        V4 = np.delete(np.asarray(self.waterOutV), [0,1]).astype(np.float) * int(self.waterOutputs[0][1])
        # Gas Loops
        G3, V3 = ([], [])
        for i in range(len(self.gasInpGibbs)):
            G3.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.gasInpGibbs[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float), int(self.gasInpGibbs[i][1])))
            V3.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.gasInpV[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float), int(self.gasInpV[i][1])))
        G3 = np.sum(G3, axis = 0)
        V3 = np.sum(V3, axis = 0)
        G6, V6 = ([], [])
        for i in range(len(self.gasOutGibbs)):
            G6.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.gasOutGibbs[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float), int(self.gasOutGibbs[i][1])))
            V6.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.gasOutV[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float),  int(self.gasOutV[i][1])))
        G6 = np.sum(G6, axis = 0)
        V6 = np.sum(V6, axis = 0)
        # Aqueous Inputs
        G2, V2 = ([], [])
        for i in range(len(self.aqInpGibbs)):
            G2.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.aqInpGibbs[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float),  int(self.aqInpGibbs[i][1])))
            V2.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.aqInpV[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float),  int(self.aqInpV[i][1])))
        G2 = np.sum(G2, axis = 0)
        V2 = np.sum(V2, axis = 0)    
        G5, V5 = ([], [])
        for i in range(len(self.aqOutGibbs)):
            G5.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.aqOutGibbs[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float), int(self.aqOutGibbs[i][1])))
            V5.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.aqOutV[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float), int(self.aqOutV[i][1])))
        G5 = np.sum(G5, axis = 0)
        V5 = np.sum(V5, axis = 0)

        dG = [np.sum([G4, G5, G6], axis = 0) - np.sum([G1, G2, G3], axis = 0)]
        dV = [np.sum([V4, V5, V6], axis = 0) - np.sum([V1, V2, V3], axis = 0)]
        # Adding the mineral contributions if they exist, must be at the same temperatures and pressures 
        if len(self.mineralInputs) > 0:
            for i in range(len(self.mineralInputs)):
                if self.psat == False:
                    myMinPath = mineralDictionary2
                    myMinPath = mineralDictionary
                for temp in self.tempUsed:
                    self.mineralInpGibbs.append(np.multiply(myMinPath[self.mineralInputs[i][0]]['delG'][myMinPath[self.mineralInputs[i][0]]['Temperature'].index(temp)], int(self.mineralInputs[i][1]))) 
                    self.mineralInpV.append(np.multiply(myMinPath[self.mineralInputs[i][0]]['delV'][myMinPath[self.mineralInputs[i][0]]['Temperature'].index(temp)], int(self.mineralInputs[i][1]))) 
            dG = np.sum([dG, np.sum([self.mineralInpGibbs], axis = 0)], axis = 0)
            dV = np.sum([dV, np.sum([self.mineralInpV], axis = 0)], axis = 0)     
        if len(self.mineralOutputs) > 0:
            for i in range(len(self.mineralOutputs)):
                for temp in self.tempUsed:
                    self.mineralOutGibbs.append(np.multiply(myMinPath[self.mineralOutputs[i][0]]['delG'][myMinPath[self.mineralOutputs[i][0]]['Temperature'].index(temp)], int(self.mineralInputs[i][1]))) 
                    self.mineralOutV.append(np.multiply(myMinPath[self.mineralOutputs[i][0]]['delV'][myMinPath[self.mineralOutputs[i][0]]['Temperature'].index(temp)], int(self.mineralInputs[i][1]))) 
            dG = np.sum([dG, -np.sum([self.mineralOutGibbs],axis = 0)], axis = 0)
            dV = np.sum([dV, -np.sum([self.mineralOutV],axis = 0)], axis = 0)  
        self.logK = []
        self.delG = []
        self.delV = []
        for i in range(len(dG[0])):
            self.logK.append([-dG[0][i]/(2.302585*self.tKelvin[i]*bigR), self.tempUsed[i], self.pressureUsed[i]])
            self.delG.append([dG[0][i], self.tempUsed[i], self.pressureUsed[i]])
            self.delV.append([dV[0][i], self.tempUsed[i], self.pressureUsed[i]])
        # Sets plotting arrays for convenient plotting of isotherms/isobars    
        if self.ptInput!= 'Psat' or self.psat == False:
            self.pressRed = list(set(self.pressureUsed))
            self.tempRed = list(set(self.tempUsed))
            temppLogK = defaultdict(list)
            temppDelG = defaultdict(list)
            temppDelV = defaultdict(list)
            temptLogK = defaultdict(list)
            temptDelG = defaultdict(list)
            temptDelV = defaultdict(list)

            for logK, temp, pressure in self.logK:

            for delG, temp, pressure in self.delG:

            for delV, temp, pressure in self.delV:

            for item in temppDelG:
            for item in temppDelV:
            for item in temppLogK:
            for item in temptDelG:
            for item in temptDelV:
            for item in temptLogK:

####### Methods to auto #######        

    def set_tp(self, pt_arr):
        '''Setting the PT values, but automated for the helperfunction. Can also be used to quick set tp with prompted input'''
        pressArr = []
        tempArr = []
        self.RhoWatArr = []
        self.DiaArr = []
        self.QArr =[]
        self.gibbsLst = []
        self.logK = []
        self.vLst = []
        self.delG = []
        self.delV = []
        if self.ptInput == "Custom":
            ptSheet =pd.read_csv(inpPath,encoding= 'unicode_escape', header = None)
            ptFinder = ptSheet.to_numpy()
            tempArr = [float(i[1]) for i in ptFinder[4:]]
            pressArr = [float(i[0]) for i in ptFinder[4:]]
        elif self.ptInput == "Regular":
                templow = pt_arr[0][0]
                temphigh =pt_arr[0][1]
                tempstep = pt_arr[0][2]
                pmin = pt_arr[1][0]
                pmax = pt_arr[1][1]
                pstep = pt_arr[1][2]
            except ValueError:
                print('Your PT array is not formatted correctly. Please use the format [[tmin, tmax, tstep][pmin, pmax, pstep]]')
            tempArr = np.arange(start= templow, stop = temphigh + 1, step = tempstep)
            parrHelp = np.arange(start= pmin, stop = pmax + 1, step = pstep)
            for i in range(len(parrHelp)):
                pressArr.append([parrHelp[i]]* len(tempArr))
            pressArr = np.multiply(pressArr, 1000)
            tempArr = [tempArr] * len(parrHelp)
        elif self.ptInput == "Psat":
                templow = pt_arr[0]
                temphigh = pt_arr[1]
                tempstep = pt_arr[2]
                validBool = True
            except ValueError:
                print('Your input is not formatted correctly. Please use the format for psat of [tmin, tmax, tstep]')
            tempArr = np.arange(start= templow, stop = temphigh + 1, step = tempstep)
            for i in range(len(tempArr)):
                if tempArr[i] < 100:
                    pressArr.append(2.1650906415E-11*np.double(tempArr[i])**5 + 0.0008467019353*np.double(tempArr[i])**2 - 0.17973651666*tempArr[i] + 10.7768850763807)
            # If I've done the checking correctly above it should never reach this
            raise ValueError("You have not set your options yet, please set them before continuing")
        self.tempUsed = np.ndarray.flatten(np.asarray(tempArr))
        self.pressureUsed = np.ndarray.flatten(np.asarray(pressArr))
        self.tKelvin = np.add(self.tempUsed, 273.15)
        # code to set options in a way the equations can understand
        if self.ptInput == "Psat":
            self.psat = True
            self.psat = False
        if self.RhoOfWater =='Z&D 2005':
            self.equation = 1
        elif self.RhoOfWater == 'Z&D 2009':
            self.equation = 2
            self.equation = 3
        if self.dielectricEq == "Supcrt":
            self.diaEq = 1
        elif self.dielectricEq == "Franck":
            self.diaEq = 2
        elif self.dielectricEq == "Fernandez":
            self.diaEq = 3
        elif self.dielectricEq == "Sverjensky":
            self.diaEq = 4
            self.diaEq = 5
        # write code to take in custom Rho, G, and Water Values here
        self.densityCollection = np.asarray(self.densityCollection).astype(float)
        self.dielectricCollection = np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection).astype(float)
        self.gibbsCollection = np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection).astype(float)
        # Sets the water density array
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):        
            # For the custom array
            if self.RhoOfWater =="Custom" or (self.forceCustom == True and self.pressureUsed[i] < 1000):
                idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.densityCollection).astype(float) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.densityCollection).astype(float) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
                if not np.isnan(self.densityCollection[idx][2]):
                self.RhoWatArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateDensity(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.equation, 0.01, self.psat))
        # Sets the dielectric constant array
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            # for the custom array
            if self.dielectricEq == "Custom":
                idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection).astype(float) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection).astype(float) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
                if not np.isnan(self.dielectricCollection[idx][2]):
                if self.ForceSupcrt == True and self.pressureUsed[i] < 5000 and self.psat == False:
                    self.DiaArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(self.RhoWatArr[i], self.tempUsed[i], 1, self.psat))
                    self.DiaArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(self.RhoWatArr[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.diaEq, self.psat))
        # Sets up the Q array
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            if self.DisplayVol == True:
                    self.QArr.append(float(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateQ(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.RhoWatArr[i], self.equation, self.diaEq, self.psat))*np.double(10)**6)
        # Sets up custom Gibbs of Water Array:
        if self.WaterFreeEq == "Custom":
            for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
                idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection).astype(float) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection).astype(float) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
                if not np.isnan(self.gibbsCollection[idx][2]):
    def run(self, pt_arr, min_inp =[], aq_inp = [], g_inp = [], h2o_inp = 0, min_out = [],aq_out =[], g_out = [],h2o_out = 0, 
        ptInp = 'Psat', rhoWat = 'Z&D 2005', forceBool = False, dieEQ = 'Supcrt', forceSC = True, 
        WFEQ ='D&H 1978', dsV = True, pdsV = True, DV = True, EQ = 1, dEQ = 1, pst = True, mWn = 1, makeP = False):

        if h2o_inp > 0:
            self.waterInputs = [['yes',h2o_inp]]
            self.waterInputs = [['no',0]]
        if h2o_out > 0:
            self.waterOutputs = [['yes',h2o_out]]
            self.waterOutputs = [['no',0]]

        self.mineralInputs = min_inp
        self.aqueousInputs = aq_inp
        self.gasInputs = g_inp

        self.mineralOutputs = min_out
        self.aqueousOutputs = aq_out
        self.gasOutputs = g_out

        self.ptInput = ptInp
        self.RhoOfWater = rhoWat
        self.forceCustom = forceBool
        self.dielectricEq = dieEQ     
        self.ForceSupcrt = forceSC
        self.WaterFreeEq =  WFEQ
        self.DisplayVolOpt = dsV
        self.PsatDisplayVol = pdsV
        self.DisplayVol = DV
        self.equation = EQ
        self.diaEq = dEQ
        self.psat = pst
        self.waterDensity = mWn

        # to actually run:
        if makeP == True:
 ###### MAKE PLOTS###########
    def make_plots(self):
        '''A final function that the user calls to make the plots possible in the Excel spreadsheet. '''
        ###### PSAT PLOTS #######
        if self.psat == True or self.ptInput =='Psat':
            plt.plot(self.pressureUsed, [i[0] for i in self.logK])
            plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
            plt.title('Pressure vs. LogK Psat Curve')
            plt.plot(self.pressureUsed, [i[0] for i in self.delG])
            plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
            plt.title('Pressure vs. $\Delta$G Psat Curve')
            plt.plot(self.pressureUsed, [i[0] for i in self.delV])
            plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
            plt.title('Pressure vs. $\Delta$V Psat Curve')
            plt.plot(self.tempUsed, [i[0] for i in self.logK])
            plt.xlabel(r'Temperature ($^\circ$ C)')
            plt.title('Temperature vs. LogK Psat Curve')
            plt.plot(self.tempUsed, [i[0] for i in self.delG])
            plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^\circ$ C)')
            plt.title('Temperature vs. $\Delta$G Psat Curve')
            plt.plot(self.tempUsed, [i[0] for i in self.delV])
            plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^\circ$ C)')
            plt.title('Temperature vs. $\Delta$V Psat Curve')
        ####### NON PSAT PLOTS ########    
            # T Plots
            for i in self.pDelG:
                plt.plot(self.tempRed, i)
                plt.legend(self.pressRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Pressure (bar)', loc='upper left')
                plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^\circ$C)')
                plt.title('Temperature vs. $\Delta$G')
            for i in self.pDelV:
                plt.plot(self.tempRed, i)
                plt.legend(self.pressRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Pressure (bar)', loc='upper left')
                plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^\circ$C)')
                plt.title('Temperature vs. $\Delta$V')
            for i in self.pLogK:
                plt.plot(self.tempRed, i)
                plt.legend(self.pressRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Pressure (bar)', loc='upper left')
                plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^\circ$C)')
                plt.title('Temperature vs. LogK')
            # P Plots
            for i in self.tDelG:
                plt.plot(self.pressRed, i)
                plt.legend(self.tempRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Temperature ($^\circ$C)', loc='upper left')
                plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
                plt.title('Pressure vs. $\Delta$G')
            for i in self.tDelV:
                plt.plot(self.pressRed, i)
                plt.legend(self.tempRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Temperature ($^\circ$C)', loc='upper left')
                plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
                plt.title('Pressure vs. $\Delta$V')
            for i in self.tLogK:
                plt.plot(self.pressRed, i)
                plt.legend(self.tempRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Temperature ($^\circ$C)', loc='upper left')
                plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
                plt.title('Pressure vs. LogK')
######### OTHER #############
    def export_to_csv(self):
        dV = [row[0] for row in self.delV]
        dG = [row[0] for row in self.delG]
        lK = [row[0] for row in self.logK]
        T = [row[1] for row in self.logK]
        P = [row[2] for row in self.logK]
        output_array = np.column_stack([T,P, dV,dG,lK])
        df = pd.DataFrame(output_array)
        df.columns = ['Temperature','Pressure','delV','delG','LogK']
        name = input('Input the name of the CSV file')
        finalName = name + ".csv"
        df.to_csv(finalName, index = False)
    def options(self):
        print('Welcome to DEWPython, here are the options you can run:')
        print('1. DEW(): this initializes a Deep Earth Water Model Object')
        print('  -The DEW object requires the set_inputs, set_outputs, set_TPRho, and calculate methods to be run.')
        print('  -You can also utilize the import_custom_sheets method to import custom CSV data')
        print('  -After calculating you can use the make_plots or export_to_csv methods.')
        print('2. run_supcrt: this initializes an inline run of SUPCRTBL')
        print('  -After initializing the SUPCRTBL object, run calculate_supcrt to store the supcrt outputs in arrays')
        print('  -You can also use run_supcrt on a supcrt ouput file that has already been run by adding the optional argument of the file name')
        print('  -After this you can run make_supcrt_plots to plot the supcrt files akin the a DEW file')

####### METHODS FOR SUPCRT ###########

    def outLoop(self):
        '''A helper function to allow SUPCRTBL to run'''
        running = True
            line = self.pout.readline().decode(sys.stdout.encoding)
            print(line, end='')
            running='\n' in line
    def outLoop2(self):
        '''A helper function to allow SUPCRT96 to run'''
        running = True
            line = self.pout.readline().decode(sys.stdout.encoding)
            running='\n' in line
    def run_supcrt(self, version = '96'):
        '''A function that runs the pre-compiled SUPCRTBL found in the file folder'''
        if version != '96':
            sup_path = '/'.join(('resources', 'SUPCRTBL.exe'))
            supPath =  pkg_resources.resource_filename(resource_package, sup_path)
            sup_path = '/'.join(('resources', 'supcrt96.exe'))
            supPath =  pkg_resources.resource_filename(resource_package, sup_path)
        self.proc = subprocess.Popen(supPath,shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
        self.pout = self.proc.stdout = self.proc.stdin
        while(self.proc.poll() is None):
            var = input('User Input: ')
            if '.txt' in var:
                self.supcrtFile = op.dirname(op.abspath(__file__)) + '\\resources\\' + var
            inp=bytearray(var +'\n', sys.stdin.encoding)
            if(self.proc.poll() is None):
    def calculate_supcrt_special(self, customFile = None):
        '''Calculates the output from either SUPCRTBL/SUPCRT96 at isothermal/isobaric temperatures'''
        returnLst = {}
        if customFile != None:
            filename = op.dirname(op.abspath(os.getcwd()))+ '\\' + customFile
        elif len(self.supcrtFile) ==0:
            raise ValueError("You haven't run SUPCRT yet")
            filename = self.supcrtFile
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            impor =
            import_data = impor.replace('\t', ' ')

        split = import_data.split('\n')
        for i in range(len(split)):
                if 'ISOTHERMS(degC)' in split[i]:
                    finalTemp = " ".join(split[i].split()).split(' ')[5]
                    finalPress = " ".join(split[i+1].split()).split(' ')[6]
                    returnVar = input('Enter reaction title')

                subLst = []
                temp = []
                pres = []
                DH2 = []
                lgK = []
                dlG = []
                dlH = []
                dlS = []
                dlV = []
                dlCp = []
                subDict = {}
                for item in split[(i+4):]:
                    if len(item) > 0:
                        subLst = (" ".join(item.split())).split(' ')
                            a = subLst[0]
                            b = subLst[1]
                            c = subLst[2]
                            d = subLst[3]
                            e = subLst[4]
                            f = subLst[5]
                            g = subLst[6]
                            h = subLst[7]
                            i = subLst[8]
                            if float(subLst[0]) == finalTemp and float(subLst[1]) == finalPress:

                subDict['Temperature'] = [float(i) for i in temp]
                subDict['Pressure'] = [float(i) for i in pres]
                DH2Lst = []
                lgKLst = []
                dlGLst = []
                dlHLst = []
                dlSLst = []
                dlVLst = []
                dlCpLst = []
                for i in range(len(DH2)):







                subDict['DH2O'] = DH2Lst
                subDict['LogK'] = lgKLst
                subDict['delG'] = dlGLst
                subDict['delH'] = dlHLst
                subDict['delS'] = dlSLst
                subDict['delV'] = dlVLst
                subDict['delCp'] = dlCpLst
                returnLst[returnVar] = subDict
            self.supcrtOut = returnLst
    def supcrt_inp(self, rxn_lst, title, reaction_type = 'psat'):
        '''Takes a list of reaction lists (comprised of tuples) and runs supcrt'''
        for reaction in rxn_lst:
            sup_path = '/'.join(('resources', 'supcrt96.exe'))
            supPath =  pkg_resources.resource_filename(resource_package, sup_path)
            self.proc = subprocess.Popen(supPath,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
            self.pout = self.proc.stdout
   = self.proc.stdin
            it = 0
            rxnVar = 'realReac.con'

            if reaction_type != 'psat':
                rxnVar = 'Xtend.con'
            if len(title) < 1:
                title = input('What is the title of your reaction?')
            comm = ['n', 'updateSlop1.dat', '2', rxnVar, '2', '1', title]
            for component in reaction:
                if component[1] not in nameLst:
                    print(str(component[1]) + ' is not in the slop16 database. Please check your spelling and try again. You can use the search function the query the database.')
                    comm.append(str(component[0]) + ' ' + component[1])

            comm.append(title + '.txt')

            while(self.proc.poll() is None): 
                    inp = comm[it]
                    it += 1
                #     inp = bytearray(input('User Input: ')+'\n',sys.stdin.encoding)
                    if(self.proc.poll() is None):
    def calculate_supcrt(self, customFile = None):
        '''Calculates an output of thermodynamic properties from a SUPCRTBL output file in the same directory. User must input 
        stopping temperature and pressure to allow the program to calculate properly.
        returnLst = {}
        max_temp = input('Input the Maximum Temperature')
        max_press = input('Input the Maximum Pressure')
        max_temp = float(max_temp)
        max_press = float(max_press)
        if customFile != None:
            file_Path = op.dirname(op.abspath(os.getcwd()))+ '\\' + customFile
        elif len(self.supcrtFile) ==0:
            raise ValueError("You haven't run SUPCRT yet")
            filename = self.supcrtFile
            filePath='/'.join(('resources', filename))
            file_Path =  pkg_resources.resource_filename(resource_package, filepath)
        with open(file_Path, 'r') as f:
            impor =
            import_data = impor.replace('\t', ' ')

        split = import_data.split('\n')
        for i in range(len(split)):
                if 'REACTION TITLE' in split[i]:
                    returnVar = " ".join(split[i+1].split()).split(' ')[0]
                elif '************************************ REACTION' in split[i]:
                    returnVar = " ".join(split[i+4].split()).split(' ')[0]
                subLst = []
                temp = []
                pres = []
                DH2 = []
                lgK = []
                dlG = []
                dlH = []
                dlS = []
                dlV = []
                dlCp = []
                subDict = {}
                for item in split[(i+7):]:
                        if len(item) > 0:
                            subLst = (" ".join(item.split())).split(' ')
                        if float(subLst[0]) == max_temp and float(subLst[1]) == max_press:
                subDict['Temperature'] = [float(i) for i in temp]
                subDict['Pressure'] = [float(i) for i in pres]
                subDict['DH2O'] = [float(i) for i in DH2]
                subDict['LogK'] = [float(i) for i in lgK]
                subDict['delG'] = [float(i) for i in dlG]
                subDict['delH'] = [float(i) for i in dlH]
                subDict['delS'] = [float(i) for i in dlS]
                storeLst = []
                for i in dlV:
                    if  i =='*********' or i =='NaN':
                subDict['delV'] = storeLst
                subDict['delCp'] = [float(i) for i in dlCp]
                returnLst[returnVar] = subDict
            self.supcrtOut = returnLst
    def make_supcrt_plots(self):
        '''Creates plots of LogK and delV for already-calculated SUPCRTBL functions. Produces the same set of plots as the DEW produces'''
        for i in self.supcrtOut:
            plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Temperature'], self.supcrtOut[i]['LogK'])
            plt.title('LogK vs. Temp for ' + i)
            plt.xlabel('Temp, Deg C')
            plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Pressure'], self.supcrtOut[i]['LogK'])
            plt.title('LogK vs. Pressure for ' + i)
            plt.xlabel('Pressure (Kb)')
        for i in self.supcrtOut:
            plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Temperature'], self.supcrtOut[i]['delG'])
            plt.title('delV vs. Temp for ' + i)
            plt.xlabel('Temp, Deg C')
            plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Pressure'], self.supcrtOut[i]['delG'])
            plt.title('delV vs. Pressure for ' + i)
            plt.xlabel('Pressure (Kb)')
        for i in self.supcrtOut:
            plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Temperature'], self.supcrtOut[i]['delV'])
            plt.title('delV vs. Temp for ' + i)
            plt.xlabel('Temp, Deg C')
            plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Pressure'], self.supcrtOut[i]['delV'])
            plt.title('delV vs. Temp for ' + i)
            plt.xlabel('Pressure (Kb)')

Instance variables

var DiaArr

An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains calculated dielectric constants at temp/pressure used

var DisplayVol

Another display volume option. Default to true.

var DisplayVolOpt

The option to display volume, default set to true

var ForceSupcrt

The option to force supcrt for P < 5 kb. Default is set to true

var GibbsH2O

A collection of the gibbs of water values.

var PsatDisplayVol

The option to display volume under Psat conditions. Default is set to true.

var QArr

An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains calculated Q constants at temp/pressure used

var RhoOfWater

The density of water equation input, can be Zheng and Duan 2005, Zheng and Duan 2009, or custom. Default is Z&D 2005

var RhoWatArr

An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains calculated water densities at the temperatures and pressures used

var WaterFreeEq

The option for the Water free energy equation. Options are D&H 1978, integral, and custom Default is Delaney and Hegelson 1978.

var aqInpGibbs

Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of aqueous inputs

var aqInpV

Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of aqueous inputs

var aqOutGibbs

Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of aqueous outputs

var aqOutV

Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of aqueous outputs

var aqueousInputs

The array of aqueous inputs and multipliers defined by a user

var aqueousOutputs

The array of aqueous outputs and multipliers defined by a user

var delG

Stores the list of all delG values with temperatures and pressures

var delV

Stores the list of all delV values with temperatures and pressures

var densityCollection

If custom values are used for the density of water this will store them to be queried by the custom function

var diaEq

A variable that stores the number of dielectric constant equation.

var dielectricCollection

If custom values are used for the dielectric constant this will store them to be queried by the custom function

var dielectricEq

The dielectric equation input. The default is Sverjensky.

var equation

A variable that stores the number of the density of water equation. Needs to be renamed

var forceCustom

The option to force custom Rho for P< 1 kb. Default is False

var gasInpGibbs

Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of gases

var gasInpV

Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of gasseous inputs

var gasInputs

The array of gas inputs and multipliers defined by a user

var gasOutGibbs

Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of gasseous inputs

var gasOutV

Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of gasseous outputs

var gasOutputs

The array of gas outputs and multipliers defined by a user

var gibbsCollection

If custom values are used for the gibbs of water this will store them to be queried by the custom function

var gibbsLst

A storage variable that lists the gibbs free energy changes. Not sure if necessary

var inAqMat

A matrix that stores in aqueous inputs with their properties from the dicitonary inputs

var inGasMat

A matrix that stores in gasseous inputs with their properties from the dicitonary inputs

var logK

Stores the list of all logK values with temperatures and pressures

var mineralInpGibbs

Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of mineral inputs

var mineralInpV

Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of mineral inputs

var mineralInputs

The array of mineral inputs and multipliers defined by a user

var mineralOutGibbs

Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of mineral outputs

var mineralOutV

Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of mineral outputs

var mineralOutputs

The array of mineral outputs and multipliers defined by a user

var outAqMat

A matrix that stores in aqueous outputs with their properties from the dicitonary inputs

var outGasMat

A matrix that stores in gasseous outputs with their properties from the dicitonary inputs

var pDelG

DelG split into arrays with respect to the number of isobars

var pDelV

DelV split into arrays with respect to the number of isobars

var pLogK

LogK split into arrays with respect to the number of isobars

var pin

Needed to run supcrt

var pout

Needed to run supcrt

var pressRed

Reduced pressure list with no repeats

var pressureUsed

An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains all the pressures used for calculation

var proc

Needed to run supcrt

var psat

A variable that stores the Psat option defined by input

var ptInput

The temperature and pressure input, options are Regular, Psat, or custom. Default is regular

var supcrtFile

Stores the most recently run SUPCRT file, or none if none have been run

var supcrtOut

Stores the output from calculate_supcrt

var tDelG

DelG split into arrays with respect to the number of isotherms

var tDelV

DelV split into arrays with respect to the number of isotherms

var tKelvin

An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains all the temperatures used for calculation in Kelvin

var tLogK

LogK split into arrays with respect to the number of isotherms

var tempRed

Reduced temperature list with no repeats

var tempUsed

An array set by the set_TPRho method that contains all the temperatures used for calculation in celsius

var vLst

A storage variable that lists all the volume changes. Not sure if necessary

var waterDensity

A variable that stores the number of the density of water equation.

var waterInpGibbs

Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of water outputs

var waterInpV

Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of water inputs

var waterInputs

An array that defines if water is used in the input and hOw mUcH wAtEr?

var waterOutGibbs

Used for debugging, stores the free energy changes of water outputs

var waterOutV

Used for debugging, stores the volume changes of water outputs

var waterOutputs

An array that defines if water is used in the outputand hOw mUcH wAtEr?


def calculate(self)

The function called that will update all of the parameters. It has no outputs, but allows certain arrays to be queried.

Expand source code
def calculate(self):
    '''The function called that will update all of the parameters. It has no outputs, but allows certain arrays to be queried.
    self.waterInpGibbs, self.waterInpV, self.waterOutGibbs, self.waterOutV = self.calculate_H2O()
    self.aqInpGibbs, self.aqOutGibbs, self.aqInpV, self.aqOutV = self.calculate_aq()
    self.gasInpGibbs, self.gasOutGibbs, self.gasInpV, self.gasOutV = self.calculate_gas()

    G1 = np.delete(np.asarray(self.waterInpGibbs), [0,1]).astype(np.float) * int(self.waterInputs[0][1])
    V1 = np.delete(np.asarray(self.waterInpV), [0,1]).astype(np.float) * int(self.waterInputs[0][1])
    G4 = np.delete(np.asarray(self.waterOutGibbs), [0,1]).astype(np.float) * int(self.waterOutputs[0][1])
    V4 = np.delete(np.asarray(self.waterOutV), [0,1]).astype(np.float) * int(self.waterOutputs[0][1])
    # Gas Loops
    G3, V3 = ([], [])
    for i in range(len(self.gasInpGibbs)):
        G3.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.gasInpGibbs[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float), int(self.gasInpGibbs[i][1])))
        V3.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.gasInpV[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float), int(self.gasInpV[i][1])))
    G3 = np.sum(G3, axis = 0)
    V3 = np.sum(V3, axis = 0)
    G6, V6 = ([], [])
    for i in range(len(self.gasOutGibbs)):
        G6.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.gasOutGibbs[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float), int(self.gasOutGibbs[i][1])))
        V6.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.gasOutV[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float),  int(self.gasOutV[i][1])))
    G6 = np.sum(G6, axis = 0)
    V6 = np.sum(V6, axis = 0)
    # Aqueous Inputs
    G2, V2 = ([], [])
    for i in range(len(self.aqInpGibbs)):
        G2.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.aqInpGibbs[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float),  int(self.aqInpGibbs[i][1])))
        V2.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.aqInpV[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float),  int(self.aqInpV[i][1])))
    G2 = np.sum(G2, axis = 0)
    V2 = np.sum(V2, axis = 0)    
    G5, V5 = ([], [])
    for i in range(len(self.aqOutGibbs)):
        G5.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.aqOutGibbs[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float), int(self.aqOutGibbs[i][1])))
        V5.append(np.multiply(np.delete(np.asarray(self.aqOutV[i]), [0,1]).astype(np.float), int(self.aqOutV[i][1])))
    G5 = np.sum(G5, axis = 0)
    V5 = np.sum(V5, axis = 0)

    dG = [np.sum([G4, G5, G6], axis = 0) - np.sum([G1, G2, G3], axis = 0)]
    dV = [np.sum([V4, V5, V6], axis = 0) - np.sum([V1, V2, V3], axis = 0)]
    # Adding the mineral contributions if they exist, must be at the same temperatures and pressures 
    if len(self.mineralInputs) > 0:
        for i in range(len(self.mineralInputs)):
            if self.psat == False:
                myMinPath = mineralDictionary2
                myMinPath = mineralDictionary
            for temp in self.tempUsed:
                self.mineralInpGibbs.append(np.multiply(myMinPath[self.mineralInputs[i][0]]['delG'][myMinPath[self.mineralInputs[i][0]]['Temperature'].index(temp)], int(self.mineralInputs[i][1]))) 
                self.mineralInpV.append(np.multiply(myMinPath[self.mineralInputs[i][0]]['delV'][myMinPath[self.mineralInputs[i][0]]['Temperature'].index(temp)], int(self.mineralInputs[i][1]))) 
        dG = np.sum([dG, np.sum([self.mineralInpGibbs], axis = 0)], axis = 0)
        dV = np.sum([dV, np.sum([self.mineralInpV], axis = 0)], axis = 0)     
    if len(self.mineralOutputs) > 0:
        for i in range(len(self.mineralOutputs)):
            for temp in self.tempUsed:
                self.mineralOutGibbs.append(np.multiply(myMinPath[self.mineralOutputs[i][0]]['delG'][myMinPath[self.mineralOutputs[i][0]]['Temperature'].index(temp)], int(self.mineralInputs[i][1]))) 
                self.mineralOutV.append(np.multiply(myMinPath[self.mineralOutputs[i][0]]['delV'][myMinPath[self.mineralOutputs[i][0]]['Temperature'].index(temp)], int(self.mineralInputs[i][1]))) 
        dG = np.sum([dG, -np.sum([self.mineralOutGibbs],axis = 0)], axis = 0)
        dV = np.sum([dV, -np.sum([self.mineralOutV],axis = 0)], axis = 0)  
    self.logK = []
    self.delG = []
    self.delV = []
    for i in range(len(dG[0])):
        self.logK.append([-dG[0][i]/(2.302585*self.tKelvin[i]*bigR), self.tempUsed[i], self.pressureUsed[i]])
        self.delG.append([dG[0][i], self.tempUsed[i], self.pressureUsed[i]])
        self.delV.append([dV[0][i], self.tempUsed[i], self.pressureUsed[i]])
    # Sets plotting arrays for convenient plotting of isotherms/isobars    
    if self.ptInput!= 'Psat' or self.psat == False:
        self.pressRed = list(set(self.pressureUsed))
        self.tempRed = list(set(self.tempUsed))
        temppLogK = defaultdict(list)
        temppDelG = defaultdict(list)
        temppDelV = defaultdict(list)
        temptLogK = defaultdict(list)
        temptDelG = defaultdict(list)
        temptDelV = defaultdict(list)

        for logK, temp, pressure in self.logK:

        for delG, temp, pressure in self.delG:

        for delV, temp, pressure in self.delV:

        for item in temppDelG:
        for item in temppDelV:
        for item in temppLogK:
        for item in temptDelG:
        for item in temptDelV:
        for item in temptLogK:
def calculate_H2O(self)

This function requires input and output matrices to be set. This is called within the calculate function.

Expand source code
def calculate_H2O(self):
    '''This function requires input and output matrices to be set. This is called within the calculate function.'''
    waterMatInGibbs = []
    waterMatOutGibbs = []
    waterMatInV = []
    waterMatOutV = []
    if self.WaterFreeEq == 'D&H 1978':
        self.waterDensity = 1
    elif self.WaterFreeEq == 'Integral':
        self.waterDensity = 2
        self.waterDensity = 3
    if self.waterInputs[0][0] == 'yes':
        waterLst = []
        waterLst2 = []
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
        #for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            if self.WaterFreeEq == 'Custom':
                    if self.GibbsH2O[i] == 0:
                store = DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateGibbsOfWater(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.waterDensity, self.equation, self.psat)
            if self.DisplayVol == True:
    if self.waterOutputs[0][0] =='yes':
        waterLst = []
        waterLst2 = []
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            if self.WaterFreeEq == 'Custom':
                    if GibbsH2O[i] == 0:
                waterLst.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateGibbsOfWater(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.waterDensity, self.equation, self.psat))
            if self.DisplayVol == True:
    if len(waterMatInGibbs) == 0:
        waterMatInGibbs = np.zeros((len(self.tKelvin) + 2))
    if len(waterMatInV) == 0:
        waterMatInV = np.zeros((len(self.tKelvin) + 2))
    if len(waterMatOutGibbs) == 0:
        waterMatOutGibbs = np.zeros((len(self.tKelvin) + 2))
    if len(waterMatOutV) == 0:
        waterMatOutV = np.zeros((len(self.tKelvin) + 2))
    return waterMatInGibbs, waterMatInV, waterMatOutGibbs, waterMatOutV
def calculate_aq(self)

A helper function to calculate the aqueous columns and output them as a matrix. This is called within calculate.

Expand source code
def calculate_aq(self):
    '''A helper function to calculate the aqueous columns and output them as a matrix. This is called within calculate.'''
    aqInGibbs = []
    aqOuGibbs = []
    aqInV = []
    aqOuV = []
    for aq in self.inAqMat:
        storelst = []
        storelst2= []
        for i in range(len(self.tKelvin)):
            storelst.append(aq[2] - aq[4] * (self.tKelvin[i] - T_r)
                            - aq[11] * (self.tKelvin[i] * np.log(self.tKelvin[i]/T_r) - self.tKelvin[i] + T_r)
                            - aq[12]*(10**4)*(((1/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta)) - (1/(T_r-Theta)))*((Theta-self.tKelvin[i])/(Theta))- (self.tKelvin[i]/(Theta*Theta)) * np.log((T_r*(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta))/(self.tKelvin[i]*(T_r-Theta))))
                            + aq[7]*(10**-1)*(self.pressureUsed[i]-Pr)
                            + aq[8]*(10**2)*np.log((Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])/(Psy+Pr))
                            + (1/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta))*(aq[9]*(self.pressureUsed[i]-Pr)
                                                           + aq[10]*(10**4)*np.log((Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])/(Psy+Pr)))
                            + DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateOmega(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14])*((1/self.DiaArr[i])-1)
                            - aq[13]*(10**5)*((1/E_PrTr)-1)
                            + aq[13]*(10**5)*Upsilon*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r))
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            storelst2.append((aq[7]/10 + aq[8]*100/(Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])
                              + (aq[9] + aq[10]*10000/(Psy+self.pressureUsed[i]))/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta)
                              - DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateOmega(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14])*(self.QArr[i]*10**-6 )
                              + (1/self.DiaArr[i] - 1) * DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculate_domegadP(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14],self.equation,self.psat))*41.84)
    for aq in self.outAqMat:
        storelst = []
        storelst2= []
        for i in range(len(self.tKelvin)):
            storelst.append(aq[2] - aq[4] * (self.tKelvin[i] - T_r)
                            - aq[11] * (self.tKelvin[i] * np.log(self.tKelvin[i]/T_r) - self.tKelvin[i] + T_r)
                            - aq[12]*(10**4)*(((1/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta)) - (1/(T_r-Theta)))*((Theta-self.tKelvin[i])/(Theta))- (self.tKelvin[i]/(Theta*Theta)) * np.log((T_r*(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta))/(self.tKelvin[i]*(T_r-Theta))))
                            + aq[7]*(10**-1)*(self.pressureUsed[i]-Pr)
                            + aq[8]*(10**2)*np.log((Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])/(Psy+Pr))
                            + (1/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta))*(aq[9]*(self.pressureUsed[i]-Pr)
                                                           + aq[10]*(10**4)*np.log((Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])/(Psy+Pr)))
                            + DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateOmega(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14])*((1/self.DiaArr[i])-1)
                            - aq[13]*(10**5)*((1/E_PrTr)-1)
                            + aq[13]*(10**5)*Upsilon*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r))
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            storelst2.append((aq[7]/10 + aq[8]*100/(Psy+self.pressureUsed[i])
                              + (aq[9] + aq[10]*10000/(Psy+self.pressureUsed[i]))/(self.tKelvin[i]-Theta)
                              - DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateOmega(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14])*(self.QArr[i]*10**-6 )
                              + (1/self.DiaArr[i] - 1) * DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculate_domegadP(self.pressureUsed[i],self.tempUsed[i],self.RhoWatArr[i],aq[0],aq[13]*(10**5),aq[14],self.equation,self.psat))*41.84)
    if len(aqInGibbs) == 0:
        aqInGibbs = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
    if len(aqOuGibbs) == 0:
        aqOuGibbs = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
    if len(aqInV) == 0:
        aqInV = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
    if len(aqOuV) == 0:
        aqOuV = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
    return aqInGibbs, aqOuGibbs, aqInV, aqOuV
def calculate_gas(self)

A helper function to calculate the gasseous columns and output them as a matrix. Specifically returns the arrays gasInGibbs, gasOutGibbs, gasInV, gasOuV. Needs self.tempUsed and self.tKelvin to be set, as well as the input gas matrix. It is called within the calculate function.

Expand source code
def calculate_gas(self):
    '''A helper function to calculate the gasseous columns and output them as a matrix. Specifically returns the arrays 
    gasInGibbs, gasOutGibbs, gasInV, gasOuV. Needs self.tempUsed and self.tKelvin to be set, as well as the input gas matrix.
    It is called within the calculate function.'''
    gasInGibbs = []
    gasOuGibbs = []
    gasInV = []
    gasOuV = []
    for gas in self.inGasMat:
        storelst = []
        storelst2 =[]
        for i in range(len(self.tempUsed)):
            if self.DisplayVol == False or self.tempUsed[i] == 0:
        for i in range(len(self.tKelvin)):
            storelst.append(gas[2] - gas[4]*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r) +                                 gas[6]*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r - self.tKelvin[i]*np.log(self.tKelvin[i]/T_r)) +                                 gas[7]*(0.001)/2*(2*self.tKelvin[i]*T_r -np.double(self.tKelvin[i])**2 - np.double(T_r) **2) +                                 gas[8]*100000*(np.double(self.tKelvin[i])**2 + np.double(T_r)**2 -2*self.tKelvin[i]*T_r)/(2*self.tKelvin[i]*np.double(T_r)**2))
    for gas in self.outGasMat:
        storelst = []
        storelst2 = []
        for i in range(len(self.tempUsed)):
            if self.DisplayVol == False or self.tempUsed[i] == 0:
        for i in range(len(self.tKelvin)):
            storelst.append(gas[2] - gas[4]*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r) +                                 gas[6]*(self.tKelvin[i]-T_r - self.tKelvin[i]*np.log(self.tKelvin[i]/T_r)) +                                 gas[7]*(0.001)/2*(2*self.tKelvin[i]*T_r -np.double(self.tKelvin[i])**2 - np.double(T_r) **2) +                                 gas[8]*100000*(np.double(self.tKelvin[i])**2 + np.double(T_r)**2 -2*self.tKelvin[i]*T_r)/(2*self.tKelvin[i]*np.double(T_r)**2))
    if len(gasInGibbs) == 0:
        gasInGibbs = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
    if len(gasOuGibbs) == 0:
        gasOuGibbs = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
    if len(gasInV) == 0:
        gasInV = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
    if len(gasOuV) == 0:
        gasOuV = [np.zeros(len(self.tKelvin) + 2)]
    return gasInGibbs, gasOuGibbs, gasInV, gasOuV
def calculate_matrices(self)

A helper function to aggregate the values to the input and output matrices. It requires both the input and output arrays to be set up to function. It is called within "calculate"

Expand source code
def calculate_matrices(self):
    '''A helper function to aggregate the values to the input and output matrices. 
    It requires both the input and output arrays to be set up to function. It is called within "calculate"'''
    self.inAqMat = []
    self.inGasMat = []
    self.outAqMat = []
    self.outGasMat = []
    for i in self.aqueousInputs:
        self.inAqMat.append([i[0],symbolDict[i[0]], delGf[i[0]], delHf[i[0]], entropy[i[0]],volume[i[0]],specHeat[i[0]],
                        a1x10[i[0]], a2x10_2[i[0]], a3[i[0]],a4x10_4[i[0]],c1[i[0]],c2x10_4[i[0]],omegax10_5[i[0]],Z[i[0]], i[1]])
    for i in self.gasInputs:
        self.inGasMat.append([i[0],GasSymb[i[0]],GasDelGf[i[0]],GasDelHf[i[0]],GasEntropy[i[0]],GasCp[i[0]], GasA[i[0]],
                         GasBx103[i[0]],GasCx10_5[i[0]],GasT[i[0]], i[1]])
    for i in self.aqueousOutputs:
        self.outAqMat.append([i[0],symbolDict[i[0]], delGf[i[0]], delHf[i[0]], entropy[i[0]],volume[i[0]],specHeat[i[0]],
                        a1x10[i[0]], a2x10_2[i[0]], a3[i[0]],a4x10_4[i[0]],c1[i[0]],c2x10_4[i[0]],omegax10_5[i[0]],Z[i[0]], i[1]])

    for i in self.gasOutputs:
        self.outGasMat.append([i[0],GasSymb[i[0]],GasDelGf[i[0]],GasDelHf[i[0]],GasEntropy[i[0]],GasCp[i[0]], GasA[i[0]],
def calculate_supcrt(self, customFile=None)

Calculates an output of thermodynamic properties from a SUPCRTBL output file in the same directory. User must input stopping temperature and pressure to allow the program to calculate properly.

Expand source code
def calculate_supcrt(self, customFile = None):
    '''Calculates an output of thermodynamic properties from a SUPCRTBL output file in the same directory. User must input 
    stopping temperature and pressure to allow the program to calculate properly.
    returnLst = {}
    max_temp = input('Input the Maximum Temperature')
    max_press = input('Input the Maximum Pressure')
    max_temp = float(max_temp)
    max_press = float(max_press)
    if customFile != None:
        file_Path = op.dirname(op.abspath(os.getcwd()))+ '\\' + customFile
    elif len(self.supcrtFile) ==0:
        raise ValueError(#34;You haven't run SUPCRT yet")
        filename = self.supcrtFile
        filePath='/'.join(('resources', filename))
        file_Path =  pkg_resources.resource_filename(resource_package, filepath)
    with open(file_Path, 'r') as f:
        impor =
        import_data = impor.replace('\t', ' ')

    split = import_data.split('\n')
    for i in range(len(split)):
            if 'REACTION TITLE' in split[i]:
                returnVar = " ".join(split[i+1].split()).split(' ')[0]
            elif '************************************ REACTION' in split[i]:
                returnVar = " ".join(split[i+4].split()).split(' ')[0]
            subLst = []
            temp = []
            pres = []
            DH2 = []
            lgK = []
            dlG = []
            dlH = []
            dlS = []
            dlV = []
            dlCp = []
            subDict = {}
            for item in split[(i+7):]:
                    if len(item) > 0:
                        subLst = (" ".join(item.split())).split(' ')
                    if float(subLst[0]) == max_temp and float(subLst[1]) == max_press:
            subDict['Temperature'] = [float(i) for i in temp]
            subDict['Pressure'] = [float(i) for i in pres]
            subDict['DH2O'] = [float(i) for i in DH2]
            subDict['LogK'] = [float(i) for i in lgK]
            subDict['delG'] = [float(i) for i in dlG]
            subDict['delH'] = [float(i) for i in dlH]
            subDict['delS'] = [float(i) for i in dlS]
            storeLst = []
            for i in dlV:
                if  i =='*********' or i =='NaN':
            subDict['delV'] = storeLst
            subDict['delCp'] = [float(i) for i in dlCp]
            returnLst[returnVar] = subDict
        self.supcrtOut = returnLst
def calculate_supcrt_special(self, customFile=None)

Calculates the output from either SUPCRTBL/SUPCRT96 at isothermal/isobaric temperatures

Expand source code
def calculate_supcrt_special(self, customFile = None):
    '''Calculates the output from either SUPCRTBL/SUPCRT96 at isothermal/isobaric temperatures'''
    returnLst = {}
    if customFile != None:
        filename = op.dirname(op.abspath(os.getcwd()))+ '\\' + customFile
    elif len(self.supcrtFile) ==0:
        raise ValueError("You haven't run SUPCRT yet")
        filename = self.supcrtFile
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        impor =
        import_data = impor.replace('\t', ' ')

    split = import_data.split('\n')
    for i in range(len(split)):
            if 'ISOTHERMS(degC)' in split[i]:
                finalTemp = " ".join(split[i].split()).split(' ')[5]
                finalPress = " ".join(split[i+1].split()).split(' ')[6]
                returnVar = input('Enter reaction title')

            subLst = []
            temp = []
            pres = []
            DH2 = []
            lgK = []
            dlG = []
            dlH = []
            dlS = []
            dlV = []
            dlCp = []
            subDict = {}
            for item in split[(i+4):]:
                if len(item) > 0:
                    subLst = (" ".join(item.split())).split(' ')
                        a = subLst[0]
                        b = subLst[1]
                        c = subLst[2]
                        d = subLst[3]
                        e = subLst[4]
                        f = subLst[5]
                        g = subLst[6]
                        h = subLst[7]
                        i = subLst[8]
                        if float(subLst[0]) == finalTemp and float(subLst[1]) == finalPress:

            subDict['Temperature'] = [float(i) for i in temp]
            subDict['Pressure'] = [float(i) for i in pres]
            DH2Lst = []
            lgKLst = []
            dlGLst = []
            dlHLst = []
            dlSLst = []
            dlVLst = []
            dlCpLst = []
            for i in range(len(DH2)):







            subDict['DH2O'] = DH2Lst
            subDict['LogK'] = lgKLst
            subDict['delG'] = dlGLst
            subDict['delH'] = dlHLst
            subDict['delS'] = dlSLst
            subDict['delV'] = dlVLst
            subDict['delCp'] = dlCpLst
            returnLst[returnVar] = subDict
        self.supcrtOut = returnLst
def clear(self)

Clears variables

Expand source code
def clear(self):
    '''Clears variables'''
def export_to_csv(self)
Expand source code
def export_to_csv(self):
    dV = [row[0] for row in self.delV]
    dG = [row[0] for row in self.delG]
    lK = [row[0] for row in self.logK]
    T = [row[1] for row in self.logK]
    P = [row[2] for row in self.logK]
    output_array = np.column_stack([T,P, dV,dG,lK])
    df = pd.DataFrame(output_array)
    df.columns = ['Temperature','Pressure','delV','delG','LogK']
    name = input('Input the name of the CSV file')
    finalName = name + ".csv"
    df.to_csv(finalName, index = False)
def import_custom_sheets(self)

A helper function to import custom data from the Deep Earth Water Model. This only currently works for an unmodified Deep Earth Water Model Sheet format (6_23_20). This is not dependent on anything else being called first.

Expand source code
def import_custom_sheets(self):
    '''A helper function to import custom data from the Deep Earth Water Model.
    This only currently works for an unmodified Deep Earth Water Model Sheet format (6_23_20). 
    This is not dependent on anything else being called first.'''
    diaL = pd.read_csv(diePath, header = None)
    dia = diaL.to_numpy()
    dia = dia[4:, 1:]
    diaTrim = dia[1:, 1:]
    diaCollection = []
    for row in range(len(diaTrim)):
        for pressure in range(len(diaTrim[0])):
            # in form pressure, temperature, value
            diaCollection.append([dia[0][pressure + 1], dia[row + 1][0], diaTrim[row][pressure]])

    watDen = pd.read_csv(denPath, header = None)
    w = watDen.to_numpy()
    w = w[4:, 1:]
    wTrim = w[1:,1:]
    watDenCollection = []
    for row in range(len(wTrim)):
        for pressure in range(len(wTrim[0])):
            # in form pressure, temperature, value
            watDenCollection.append([w[0][pressure + 1], w[row + 1][0], wTrim[row][pressure]])

    gibbsOfWater = pd.read_csv(gPath, header = None)
    gibbs = gibbsOfWater.to_numpy()
    gibbs = gibbs[3:,:]
    gibbsTrim = gibbs[1:, 1:]
    gibbsCollection = []
    for row in range(len(gibbsTrim)):
        for pressure in range(len(gibbsTrim[0])):
            # in form pressure, temperature, value
            gibbsCollection.append([gibbs[0][pressure + 1], gibbs[row + 1][0], gibbsTrim[row][pressure]])
    return diaCollection, watDenCollection, gibbsCollection
def make_plots(self)

A final function that the user calls to make the plots possible in the Excel spreadsheet.

Expand source code
def make_plots(self):
    '''A final function that the user calls to make the plots possible in the Excel spreadsheet. '''
    ###### PSAT PLOTS #######
    if self.psat == True or self.ptInput =='Psat':
        plt.plot(self.pressureUsed, [i[0] for i in self.logK])
        plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
        plt.title('Pressure vs. LogK Psat Curve')
        plt.plot(self.pressureUsed, [i[0] for i in self.delG])
        plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
        plt.title('Pressure vs. $\Delta$G Psat Curve')
        plt.plot(self.pressureUsed, [i[0] for i in self.delV])
        plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
        plt.title('Pressure vs. $\Delta$V Psat Curve')
        plt.plot(self.tempUsed, [i[0] for i in self.logK])
        plt.xlabel(r'Temperature ($^\circ$ C)')
        plt.title('Temperature vs. LogK Psat Curve')
        plt.plot(self.tempUsed, [i[0] for i in self.delG])
        plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^\circ$ C)')
        plt.title('Temperature vs. $\Delta$G Psat Curve')
        plt.plot(self.tempUsed, [i[0] for i in self.delV])
        plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^\circ$ C)')
        plt.title('Temperature vs. $\Delta$V Psat Curve')
    ####### NON PSAT PLOTS ########    
        # T Plots
        for i in self.pDelG:
            plt.plot(self.tempRed, i)
            plt.legend(self.pressRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Pressure (bar)', loc='upper left')
            plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^\circ$C)')
            plt.title('Temperature vs. $\Delta$G')
        for i in self.pDelV:
            plt.plot(self.tempRed, i)
            plt.legend(self.pressRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Pressure (bar)', loc='upper left')
            plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^\circ$C)')
            plt.title('Temperature vs. $\Delta$V')
        for i in self.pLogK:
            plt.plot(self.tempRed, i)
            plt.legend(self.pressRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Pressure (bar)', loc='upper left')
            plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^\circ$C)')
            plt.title('Temperature vs. LogK')
        # P Plots
        for i in self.tDelG:
            plt.plot(self.pressRed, i)
            plt.legend(self.tempRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Temperature ($^\circ$C)', loc='upper left')
            plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
            plt.title('Pressure vs. $\Delta$G')
        for i in self.tDelV:
            plt.plot(self.pressRed, i)
            plt.legend(self.tempRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Temperature ($^\circ$C)', loc='upper left')
            plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
            plt.title('Pressure vs. $\Delta$V')
        for i in self.tLogK:
            plt.plot(self.pressRed, i)
            plt.legend(self.tempRed,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), title = 'Temperature ($^\circ$C)', loc='upper left')
            plt.xlabel('Pressure (bar)')
            plt.title('Pressure vs. LogK')
def make_supcrt_plots(self)

Creates plots of LogK and delV for already-calculated SUPCRTBL functions. Produces the same set of plots as the DEW produces

Expand source code
def make_supcrt_plots(self):
    '''Creates plots of LogK and delV for already-calculated SUPCRTBL functions. Produces the same set of plots as the DEW produces'''
    for i in self.supcrtOut:
        plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Temperature'], self.supcrtOut[i]['LogK'])
        plt.title('LogK vs. Temp for ' + i)
        plt.xlabel('Temp, Deg C')
        plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Pressure'], self.supcrtOut[i]['LogK'])
        plt.title('LogK vs. Pressure for ' + i)
        plt.xlabel('Pressure (Kb)')  
    for i in self.supcrtOut:
        plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Temperature'], self.supcrtOut[i]['delG'])
        plt.title('delV vs. Temp for ' + i)
        plt.xlabel('Temp, Deg C')
        plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Pressure'], self.supcrtOut[i]['delG'])
        plt.title('delV vs. Pressure for ' + i)
        plt.xlabel('Pressure (Kb)')
    for i in self.supcrtOut:
        plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Temperature'], self.supcrtOut[i]['delV'])
        plt.title('delV vs. Temp for ' + i)
        plt.xlabel('Temp, Deg C')
        plt.plot(self.supcrtOut[i]['Pressure'], self.supcrtOut[i]['delV'])
        plt.title('delV vs. Temp for ' + i)
        plt.xlabel('Pressure (Kb)')
def options(self)
Expand source code
def options(self):
    print('Welcome to DEWPython, here are the options you can run:')
    print('1. DEW(): this initializes a Deep Earth Water Model Object')
    print('  -The DEW object requires the set_inputs, set_outputs, set_TPRho, and calculate methods to be run.')
    print('  -You can also utilize the import_custom_sheets method to import custom CSV data')
    print('  -After calculating you can use the make_plots or export_to_csv methods.')
    print('2. run_supcrt: this initializes an inline run of SUPCRTBL')
    print('  -After initializing the SUPCRTBL object, run calculate_supcrt to store the supcrt outputs in arrays')
    print('  -You can also use run_supcrt on a supcrt ouput file that has already been run by adding the optional argument of the file name')
    print('  -After this you can run make_supcrt_plots to plot the supcrt files akin the a DEW file')
def outLoop(self)

A helper function to allow SUPCRTBL to run

Expand source code
def outLoop(self):
    '''A helper function to allow SUPCRTBL to run'''
    running = True
        line = self.pout.readline().decode(sys.stdout.encoding)
        print(line, end='')
        running='\n' in line
def outLoop2(self)

A helper function to allow SUPCRT96 to run

Expand source code
def outLoop2(self):
    '''A helper function to allow SUPCRT96 to run'''
    running = True
        line = self.pout.readline().decode(sys.stdout.encoding)
        running='\n' in line
def run(self, pt_arr, min_inp=[], aq_inp=[], g_inp=[], h2o_inp=0, min_out=[], aq_out=[], g_out=[], h2o_out=0, ptInp='Psat', rhoWat='Z&D 2005', forceBool=False, dieEQ='Supcrt', forceSC=True, WFEQ='D&H 1978', dsV=True, pdsV=True, DV=True, EQ=1, dEQ=1, pst=True, mWn=1, makeP=False)
Expand source code
def run(self, pt_arr, min_inp =[], aq_inp = [], g_inp = [], h2o_inp = 0, min_out = [],aq_out =[], g_out = [],h2o_out = 0, 
    ptInp = 'Psat', rhoWat = 'Z&D 2005', forceBool = False, dieEQ = 'Supcrt', forceSC = True, 
    WFEQ ='D&H 1978', dsV = True, pdsV = True, DV = True, EQ = 1, dEQ = 1, pst = True, mWn = 1, makeP = False):

    if h2o_inp > 0:
        self.waterInputs = [['yes',h2o_inp]]
        self.waterInputs = [['no',0]]
    if h2o_out > 0:
        self.waterOutputs = [['yes',h2o_out]]
        self.waterOutputs = [['no',0]]

    self.mineralInputs = min_inp
    self.aqueousInputs = aq_inp
    self.gasInputs = g_inp

    self.mineralOutputs = min_out
    self.aqueousOutputs = aq_out
    self.gasOutputs = g_out

    self.ptInput = ptInp
    self.RhoOfWater = rhoWat
    self.forceCustom = forceBool
    self.dielectricEq = dieEQ     
    self.ForceSupcrt = forceSC
    self.WaterFreeEq =  WFEQ
    self.DisplayVolOpt = dsV
    self.PsatDisplayVol = pdsV
    self.DisplayVol = DV
    self.equation = EQ
    self.diaEq = dEQ
    self.psat = pst
    self.waterDensity = mWn

    # to actually run:
    if makeP == True:
def run_supcrt(self, version='96')

A function that runs the pre-compiled SUPCRTBL found in the file folder

Expand source code
def run_supcrt(self, version = '96'):
    '''A function that runs the pre-compiled SUPCRTBL found in the file folder'''
    if version != '96':
        sup_path = '/'.join(('resources', 'SUPCRTBL.exe'))
        supPath =  pkg_resources.resource_filename(resource_package, sup_path)
        sup_path = '/'.join(('resources', 'supcrt96.exe'))
        supPath =  pkg_resources.resource_filename(resource_package, sup_path)
    self.proc = subprocess.Popen(supPath,shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
    self.pout = self.proc.stdout = self.proc.stdin
    while(self.proc.poll() is None):
        var = input('User Input: ')
        if '.txt' in var:
            self.supcrtFile = op.dirname(op.abspath(__file__)) + '\\resources\\' + var
        inp=bytearray(var +'\n', sys.stdin.encoding)
        if(self.proc.poll() is None):
def set_TPRho(self)

Sets arrays of temperature, pressure, water density, and Q to be used in the model based on user input. Requires that the input and output arrays have been set up otherwise it will return a divide by 0 error in the calculations.

Expand source code
def set_TPRho(self):
    '''Sets arrays of temperature, pressure, water density, and Q to be used in the model based on user input. 
    Requires that the input and output arrays have been set up otherwise it will return a divide by 0 error in the 
    pressArr = []
    tempArr = []
    self.RhoWatArr = []
    self.DiaArr = []
    self.QArr =[]
    self.gibbsLst = []
    self.logK = []
    self.vLst = []
    self.delG = []
    self.delV = []

    if self.ptInput == "Custom":
        ptSheet = pd.read_csv(inpPath,encoding= 'unicode_escape', header = None)
        ptFinder = ptSheet.to_numpy()
        tempArr = [float(i[1]) for i in ptFinder[4:]]
        pressArr = [float(i[0]) for i in ptFinder[4:]]

    elif self.ptInput == "Regular":
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
                templow = int(input('Input the minimum temperature'))
                temphigh = int(input('Input the maximum temperature'))
                tempstep = int(input('Input the temperature step'))
                pmin = float(input('Input the minimum pressure (Kb)'))
                pmax = float(input('Input the maximum pressure (Kb)'))
                pstep = float(input('Input the pressure step (Kb)'))
                validBool = True
            except ValueError:
                print('You have entered a non-integer value, please start again')
        tempArr = np.arange(start= templow, stop = temphigh + .00001, step = tempstep)
        parrHelp = np.arange(start= pmin, stop = pmax + .00001, step = pstep)
        for i in range(len(parrHelp)):
            pressArr.append([parrHelp[i]]* len(tempArr))
        pressArr = np.multiply(pressArr, 1000)
        tempArr = [tempArr] * len(parrHelp)
    elif self.ptInput == "Psat":
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
                templow = int(input('Input the minimum temperature'))
                temphigh = int(input('Input the mamximum temperature'))
                tempstep = int(input('Input the temperature step'))
                validBool = True
            except ValueError:
                print('You have entered a non-integer value, please start again')
        tempArr = np.arange(start= templow, stop = temphigh + 1, step = tempstep)
        for i in range(len(tempArr)):
            if tempArr[i] < 100:
                pressArr.append(2.1650906415E-11*np.double(tempArr[i])**5 + 0.0008467019353*np.double(tempArr[i])**2 - 0.17973651666*tempArr[i] + 10.7768850763807)
        # If I've done the checking correctly above it should never reach this
        raise ValueError("You have not set your options yet, please set them before continuing")
    self.tempUsed = np.ndarray.flatten(np.asarray(tempArr))
    self.pressureUsed = np.ndarray.flatten(np.asarray(pressArr))
    self.tKelvin = np.add(self.tempUsed, 273.15)
    # code to set options in a way the equations can understand
    if self.ptInput == "Psat":
        self.psat = True
        self.psat = False
    if self.RhoOfWater =='Z&D 2005':
        self.equation = 1
    elif self.RhoOfWater == 'Z&D 2009':
        self.equation = 2
        self.equation = 3
    if self.dielectricEq == "Supcrt":
        self.diaEq = 1
    elif self.dielectricEq == "Franck":
        self.diaEq = 2
    elif self.dielectricEq == "Fernandez":
        self.diaEq = 3
    elif self.dielectricEq == "Sverjensky":
        self.diaEq = 4
        self.diaEq = 5
    # write code to take in custom Rho, G, and Water Values here
    self.densityCollection = np.asarray(self.densityCollection).astype(float)
    self.dielectricCollection = np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection).astype(float)
    self.gibbsCollection = np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection).astype(float)
    # Sets the water density array
    for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):        
        # For the custom array
        if self.RhoOfWater =="Custom" or (self.forceCustom == True and self.pressureUsed[i] < 1000):
            idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.densityCollection) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.densityCollection) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
            if not np.isnan(self.densityCollection[idx][2]):
            self.RhoWatArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateDensity(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.equation, 0.01, self.psat))
    # Sets the dielectric constant array
    for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
        # for the custom array
        if self.dielectricEq == "Custom":
            idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
            if not np.isnan(self.dielectricCollection[idx][2]):
            if self.ForceSupcrt == True and self.pressureUsed[i] < 5000 and self.psat == False:
                self.DiaArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(self.RhoWatArr[i], self.tempUsed[i], 1, self.psat))
                self.DiaArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(self.RhoWatArr[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.diaEq, self.psat))
    ### The function works up until this point, I haven't debugged further yet (6_29_20) ###
    # Sets up the Q array
    for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
        if self.DisplayVol == True:
                # Has issues with some Q, not sure if problematic
                self.QArr.append(float(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateQ(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.RhoWatArr[i], self.equation, self.diaEq, self.psat))*np.double(10)**6)
    # Sets up custom Gibbs of Water Array:
    if self.WaterFreeEq == "Custom":
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
            if not np.isnan(self.gibbsCollection[idx][2]):
def set_inputs(self)

Call this to set the input Arrays. This is not dependent on anything else being called first.

Expand source code
def set_inputs(self):
    '''Call this to set the input Arrays. This is not dependent on anything else being called first.'''
    # A list of integers
    intLst = ['1','2','3','4', '5', '6','7', '8', '9', '10', '11']
    # Mineral Loop
    mineralCount = 0
    aqCount = 0
    gasCount = 0
    self.mineralInputs = []
    self.aqueousInputs = []
    self.gasInputs = []
    self.waterInputs = []
    while mineralCount < 15:
        mineralCount += 1
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            inp = input('Input Mineral Species')
            # can insert mineral validation here if possible
            if inp in mineralDictionary:
                validBool = True
            elif inp == "":
                validBool = True
                print('Your Species is not in the list, please check your spelling')
            validBool2 = False
            while not validBool2:
                inp2 = input('Input Mineral Species Multiplier')
                if inp2 in intLst:
                    validBool2 = True
                elif inp == "":
                    validBool2 = True
                    print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure this is an integer')
        if inp == "":
        self.mineralInputs.append([inp, inp2])
    while aqCount <15:
        aqCount += 1
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            inp = input('Input Aqueous Species') 
            if inp in nameLst:
                validBool = True
            elif inp == "":
                validBool = True
                print('Your Species is not in the list, please check your spelling')
            validBool2 = False
            if validBool:
                while not validBool2:
                    inp2 = input('Input Aqueous Species Multiplier')
                    if inp2 in intLst:
                        validBool2 = True
                    elif inp == "":
                        validBool2 = True
                        print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure this is an integer')
        if inp == "":
        self.aqueousInputs.append([inp, inp2])
    while gasCount < 15:
        gasCount += 1
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            inp = input('Input Gas Species') 
            if inp in GasLst:
                validBool = True
            elif inp == "":
                validBool = True
                print('Your Species is not in the list, please check your spelling')
            if validBool:
                validBool2 = False
                while not validBool2:
                    inp2 = input('Input Gas Species Multiplier')
                    if inp2 in intLst:
                        validBool2 = True
                    elif inp == "":
                        validBool2 = True
                        print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure this is an integer')
        if inp == "":
        self.gasInputs.append([inp, inp2])
        # Water
    validBool3 = False
    while not validBool3:
        inpWater = input('Would you like to use water? (yes/no)')
        if inpWater in ['yes', 'no']:
            validBool3 = True
            print('Please answer yes or no')
        if inpWater == 'yes':
            validBool3 = False
            while not validBool3:
                m3 = input('Enter enter water Multiplier')
                if m3 in intLst:
                    validBool3 = True
                    print('Please enter a valid integer multiplier ')
            m3 = 0
        self.waterInputs.append([inpWater, m3])
def set_outputs(self)

Call this to set the output Arrays. This is not dependent on anything else being called first.

Expand source code
def set_outputs(self):
    '''Call this to set the output Arrays. This is not dependent on anything else being called first.'''
    # A list of integers
    intLst = ['1','2','3','4', '5', '6','7', '8', '9', '10', '11']
    # Mineral Loop
    mineralCount = 0
    aqCount = 0
    gasCount = 0
    self.mineralOutputs = []
    self.aqueousOutputs = []
    self.gasOutputs = []
    self.waterOutputs = []

    while mineralCount < 15:
        mineralCount += 1
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            inp = input('Output Mineral Species')
            # can insert mineral validation here if possible

            validBool = True
            validBool2 = False
            while not validBool2:
                inp2 = input('Output Mineral Species Multiplier')
                if inp2 in intLst:
                    validBool2 = True
                elif inp == "":
                    validBool2 = True
                    print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure this is an integer')
        if inp == "":
        self.mineralOutputs.append([inp, inp2])
    while aqCount <15:
        aqCount += 1
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            inp = input('Output Aqueous Species') 
            if inp in nameLst:
                validBool = True
            elif inp == "":
                validBool = True
                print('Your Species is not in the list, please check your spelling')
            validBool2 = False
            if validBool:
                while not validBool2:
                    inp2 = input('Output Aqueous Species Multiplier')
                    if inp2 in intLst:
                        validBool2 = True
                    elif inp == "":
                        validBool2 = True
                        print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure this is an integer')
        if inp == "":
        self.aqueousOutputs.append([inp, inp2])
    while gasCount < 15:
        gasCount += 1
        validBool = False
        while not validBool:
            inp = input('Input Gas Species') 
            if inp in GasLst:
                validBool = True
            elif inp == "":
                validBool = True
                print('Your Species is not in the list, please check your spelling')
            validBool2 = False
            if validBool:
                while not validBool2:
                    inp2 = input('Input Gas Species Multiplier')
                    if inp2 in intLst:
                        validBool2 = True
                    elif inp == "":
                        validBool2 = True
                        print('Your multiplier is invalid, please check to make sure fthis is an integer')
        if inp == "":
        self.gasOutputs.append([inp, inp2])
        # Water
    validBool3 = False
    while not validBool3:
        outWater = input('Would you like to use water in the output? (yes/no)')
        if outWater in ['yes', 'no']:
            validBool3 = True
            print('Please answer yes or no')
        if outWater == 'yes':
            validBool3 = False
            while not validBool3:
                m3 = input('Enter enter water Multiplier')
                if m3 in intLst:
                    validBool3 = True
                    print('Please enter a valid integer multiplier ')
            m3 = 0
        self.waterOutputs.append([outWater, m3])
def set_preferences(self)

A function that prompts for user inputs. This is not dependent on anything else being called first. Defaults are set to be identical to the example calculation on the Deep Earth Water Model Excel Sheet.

Expand source code
def set_preferences(self):
    '''A function that prompts for user inputs. This is not dependent on anything else being called first. Defaults
    are set to be identical to the example calculation on the Deep Earth Water Model Excel Sheet.'''
    validBool = False
    while not validBool:  
        ptInp = input('Which P-T input would you like to use? "Custom", "Regular", or "Psat"')
        if ptInp in ['Custom', 'Regular', 'Psat']:
            validBool = True
            self.ptInput = ptInp
            print('Please enter one of the provided options')
    validBool = False
    while not validBool:
        RhoOfwater = input('Which density of water would you like to use? "Z&D 2005", "Z&D 2009", or "Custom"')
        if RhoOfwater in ['Z&D 2005', 'Z&D 2009', 'Custom']:
            validBool = True
            self.RhoOfWater = RhoOfwater
            print('Please enter one of the provided options')
    validBool = False
    while not validBool:
        force = input('Force Custom? (yes/no)')
        if force == 'yes':
            validBool = True
        elif force == 'no':
            validBool = True
            self.forceCustom = False
            print('Please enter one of the provided options')
    validBool = False
    while not validBool:
        dia = input('Dielectric Constant Equation Option: "Supcrt", "Franck", "Fernandez", "Sverjensky", or "Custom"')
        if dia in ['Supcrt', 'Franck', 'Fernandez', 'Sverjensky','Custom']:
            validBool = True
            self.dielectricEq = dia
            print('Please enter one of the provided options')
    validBool = False
    while not validBool:
        forceS = input('Force Supcrt? (yes/no)')
        if forceS == 'yes':
            validBool = True
        elif forceS == 'no':
            validBool = True
            self.ForceSupcrt = False
            print('Please enter one of the provided options')
    validBool = False
    while not validBool:
        freeE = input('Water Free Energy Equation Option: "D&H 1978", "Integral", "Custom"')
        if freeE in ['D&H 1978', 'Integral', 'Custom']:
            validBool = True
            self.WaterFreeEq = freeE

    validBool = False
    while not validBool:
        dispO = input('Display Volume Option? (yes/no)')
        if dispO == 'yes':
            validBool = True
        elif dispO == 'no':
            validBool = True
            self.DisplayVolOpt = False
            print('Please enter one of the provided options')
    validBool = False            
    while not validBool:
        PsatdispO = input('Psat Display Volume Option? (yes/no)')
        if PsatdispO == 'yes':
            validBool = True
        elif PsatdispO == 'no':
            validBool = True
            self.PsatDisplayVol = False
            print('Please enter one of the provided options')
    validBool = False
    while not validBool:
        dispV = input('Display Volume? (yes/no)')
        if dispV == 'yes':
            validBool = True
        elif dispV == 'no':
            validBool = True
            self.DisplayVol = False
            print('Please enter one of the provided options')
    if self.WaterFreeEq == "Custom" or self.dielectricEq == "Custom" or self.RhoOfWater == "Custom":
        self.dielectricCollection, self.densityCollection, self.gibbsCollection = self.import_custom_sheets()
def set_tp(self, pt_arr)

Setting the PT values, but automated for the helperfunction. Can also be used to quick set tp with prompted input

Expand source code
def set_tp(self, pt_arr):
    '''Setting the PT values, but automated for the helperfunction. Can also be used to quick set tp with prompted input'''
    pressArr = []
    tempArr = []
    self.RhoWatArr = []
    self.DiaArr = []
    self.QArr =[]
    self.gibbsLst = []
    self.logK = []
    self.vLst = []
    self.delG = []
    self.delV = []
    if self.ptInput == "Custom":
        ptSheet =pd.read_csv(inpPath,encoding= 'unicode_escape', header = None)
        ptFinder = ptSheet.to_numpy()
        tempArr = [float(i[1]) for i in ptFinder[4:]]
        pressArr = [float(i[0]) for i in ptFinder[4:]]
    elif self.ptInput == "Regular":
            templow = pt_arr[0][0]
            temphigh =pt_arr[0][1]
            tempstep = pt_arr[0][2]
            pmin = pt_arr[1][0]
            pmax = pt_arr[1][1]
            pstep = pt_arr[1][2]
        except ValueError:
            print('Your PT array is not formatted correctly. Please use the format [[tmin, tmax, tstep][pmin, pmax, pstep]]')
        tempArr = np.arange(start= templow, stop = temphigh + 1, step = tempstep)
        parrHelp = np.arange(start= pmin, stop = pmax + 1, step = pstep)
        for i in range(len(parrHelp)):
            pressArr.append([parrHelp[i]]* len(tempArr))
        pressArr = np.multiply(pressArr, 1000)
        tempArr = [tempArr] * len(parrHelp)
    elif self.ptInput == "Psat":
            templow = pt_arr[0]
            temphigh = pt_arr[1]
            tempstep = pt_arr[2]
            validBool = True
        except ValueError:
            print('Your input is not formatted correctly. Please use the format for psat of [tmin, tmax, tstep]')
        tempArr = np.arange(start= templow, stop = temphigh + 1, step = tempstep)
        for i in range(len(tempArr)):
            if tempArr[i] < 100:
                pressArr.append(2.1650906415E-11*np.double(tempArr[i])**5 + 0.0008467019353*np.double(tempArr[i])**2 - 0.17973651666*tempArr[i] + 10.7768850763807)
        # If I've done the checking correctly above it should never reach this
        raise ValueError("You have not set your options yet, please set them before continuing")
    self.tempUsed = np.ndarray.flatten(np.asarray(tempArr))
    self.pressureUsed = np.ndarray.flatten(np.asarray(pressArr))
    self.tKelvin = np.add(self.tempUsed, 273.15)
    # code to set options in a way the equations can understand
    if self.ptInput == "Psat":
        self.psat = True
        self.psat = False
    if self.RhoOfWater =='Z&D 2005':
        self.equation = 1
    elif self.RhoOfWater == 'Z&D 2009':
        self.equation = 2
        self.equation = 3
    if self.dielectricEq == "Supcrt":
        self.diaEq = 1
    elif self.dielectricEq == "Franck":
        self.diaEq = 2
    elif self.dielectricEq == "Fernandez":
        self.diaEq = 3
    elif self.dielectricEq == "Sverjensky":
        self.diaEq = 4
        self.diaEq = 5
    # write code to take in custom Rho, G, and Water Values here
    self.densityCollection = np.asarray(self.densityCollection).astype(float)
    self.dielectricCollection = np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection).astype(float)
    self.gibbsCollection = np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection).astype(float)
    # Sets the water density array
    for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):        
        # For the custom array
        if self.RhoOfWater =="Custom" or (self.forceCustom == True and self.pressureUsed[i] < 1000):
            idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.densityCollection).astype(float) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.densityCollection).astype(float) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
            if not np.isnan(self.densityCollection[idx][2]):
            self.RhoWatArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateDensity(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.equation, 0.01, self.psat))
    # Sets the dielectric constant array
    for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
        # for the custom array
        if self.dielectricEq == "Custom":
            idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection).astype(float) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.dielectricCollection).astype(float) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
            if not np.isnan(self.dielectricCollection[idx][2]):
            if self.ForceSupcrt == True and self.pressureUsed[i] < 5000 and self.psat == False:
                self.DiaArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(self.RhoWatArr[i], self.tempUsed[i], 1, self.psat))
                self.DiaArr.append(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(self.RhoWatArr[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.diaEq, self.psat))
    # Sets up the Q array
    for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
        if self.DisplayVol == True:
                self.QArr.append(float(DEWEquations.DEWEquations.calculateQ(self.pressureUsed[i], self.tempUsed[i], self.RhoWatArr[i], self.equation, self.diaEq, self.psat))*np.double(10)**6)
    # Sets up custom Gibbs of Water Array:
    if self.WaterFreeEq == "Custom":
        for i in range(len(self.pressureUsed)):
            idx = np.intersect1d(np.where(np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection).astype(float) == self.pressureUsed[i]/1000), np.where(np.asarray(self.gibbsCollection).astype(float) == self.tempUsed[i]))[0]
            if not np.isnan(self.gibbsCollection[idx][2]):
def supcrt_inp(self, rxn_lst, title, reaction_type='psat')

Takes a list of reaction lists (comprised of tuples) and runs supcrt

Expand source code
def supcrt_inp(self, rxn_lst, title, reaction_type = 'psat'):
    '''Takes a list of reaction lists (comprised of tuples) and runs supcrt'''
    for reaction in rxn_lst:
        sup_path = '/'.join(('resources', 'supcrt96.exe'))
        supPath =  pkg_resources.resource_filename(resource_package, sup_path)
        self.proc = subprocess.Popen(supPath,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
        self.pout = self.proc.stdout = self.proc.stdin
        it = 0
        rxnVar = 'realReac.con'

        if reaction_type != 'psat':
            rxnVar = 'Xtend.con'
        if len(title) < 1:
            title = input('What is the title of your reaction?')
        comm = ['n', 'updateSlop1.dat', '2', rxnVar, '2', '1', title]
        for component in reaction:
            if component[1] not in nameLst:
                print(str(component[1]) + ' is not in the slop16 database. Please check your spelling and try again. You can use the search function the query the database.')
                comm.append(str(component[0]) + ' ' + component[1])

        comm.append(title + '.txt')

        while(self.proc.poll() is None): 
                inp = comm[it]
                it += 1
            #     inp = bytearray(input('User Input: ')+'\n',sys.stdin.encoding)
                if(self.proc.poll() is None):
class DEWEquations

The class here imports all the equations that the authors of the Deep Earth Water Model Excel Sheet use and converts them into Python

Expand source code
class DEWEquations:
    '''The class here imports all the equations that the authors of the Deep Earth Water Model Excel Sheet use 
    and converts them into Python'''
    def calculateDensity(pressure, temperature, equation, error, Psat):

        ''' Function to calculate the density of water. Essentially performs guesses and checks with
        different densities until it reaches the correct pressure down to two decimal places,
        as calculated by either Zhang & Duan (2005) or Zhang & Duan (2009).
        pressure       - The pressure to calculate the density of water at, in bars
        temperature    - The temperature to calculate the density of water at, in Celsius
        equation       - Determines which equation of state to use in calculating the density.
                         equation = 1 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2005)
                         equation = 2 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2009)
        error          - This function uses a form of the bisection method. This variable indicates
                         how close the approximation should get. Eg. if error = 0.01, the density calculated
                         will calculate the pressure using the respective equation accurate to 0.01 of the input pressure
        Psat           - Determines if the polynomial fit to psat densities should be used in the event
                         that calculations are along the Psat curve
        Returns the density of water at the input pressure and temperature, in units of g/cm^3. The density returned
        will calculate a pressure which differs from the input pressure by the value of "error" or less. If a proper value
        for the equation was not entered, zero is returned.
        fn_return_value = 0
        if Psat == True:

            #This equation models the density of water as a function of temperature along the Psat curve.
            #It has an R^2 value of 0.9999976885 as compared with Supcrt92 values.
            fn_return_value = - 1.01023381581205E-104 * pow(temperature, np.double(40)) + - 1.1368599785953E-27 * pow(temperature, np.double(10)) + - 2.11689207168779E-11 * pow(temperature, np.double(4)) + 1.26878850169523E-08 * pow(temperature, np.double(3)) + - 4.92010672693621E-06 * pow(temperature, np.double(2)) + - 3.2666598612692E-05 * temperature + 1.00046144613017
            #Define variables
            minGuess = 0.00001
            guess = 0.00001
            maxGuess = 7.5 * equation - 5
            calcP = 0
            #Loop through and find the density
            for i in range(1, 51):
                #Calculates the pressure using the specified equation
                calcP = DEWEquations.calculatePressure(guess, temperature, equation)
                #If the calculated pressure is not equal to input pressure, this determines a new
                #guess for the density based on current guess and how the calculated pressure
                #relates to the input pressure. In effect, this a form of a bisection method.
                if np.absolute(calcP - pressure) > error:
                    if calcP > pressure:
                        maxGuess = guess
                        guess = ( guess + minGuess )  / 2
                    elif calcP < pressure:
                        minGuess = guess
                        guess = ( guess + maxGuess )  / 2
                    fn_return_value = guess
        return fn_return_value

    def calculatePressure(density, temperature, equation):
        '''Calculates the pressure of water as a function of density and temperature using one of two
        equation of states.
        density        - The density to use in finding a pressure, in g/cm^3
        temperature    - The temperature to use in finding a pressure, in Celsius
        equation       - The equation of state to use when calculating the pressure.
                         equation = 1 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2005)
                         equation = 2 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2009)
        Returns the pressure of water corresponding to the input density and temperature, in units of bars.
        If a proper value for the equation was not entered, zero is returned.
        B = None

        C = None

        D = None

        E = None

        f = None

        g = None

        m = None
        m = np.double(18.01528)
        select_variable_0 = equation
        if (select_variable_0 == 1):
            ZD05_R = 83.144
            ZD05_Vc = 55.9480373
            ZD05_Tc = 647.25
            TK = temperature + 273.15
            Vr = m / density / ZD05_Vc
            Tr = TK / ZD05_Tc
            B = 0.349824207 - 2.91046273 /  ( Tr * Tr )  + 2.00914688 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            C = 0.112819964 + 0.748997714 /  ( Tr * Tr )  - 0.87320704 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            D = 0.0170609505 - 0.0146355822 /  ( Tr * Tr )  + 0.0579768283 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            E = - 0.000841246372 + 0.00495186474 /  ( Tr * Tr )  - 0.00916248538 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            f = - 0.100358152 / Tr
            g = np.double(- 0.00182674744 * Tr)
            delta = 1 + B / Vr + C /  ( Vr * Vr )  + D / pow(Vr, np.double(4)) + E / pow(Vr, np.double(5)) +  ( f /  ( Vr * Vr )  + g / pow(Vr, np.double(4)) )  * np.exp(- 0.0105999998 /  ( Vr * Vr ))
            fn_return_value = ZD05_R * TK * density * delta / m
        elif (select_variable_0 == 2):
            ZD09_R = 0.083145
            #Constant equal to ZD09_epsilon / (3.0626 * ZD09_omega^3)
            ZD09_c1 = 6.971118009
            #ZD09_epsilon = 510       'Lenard-Jones parameter in units of K
            #ZD09_omega = 2.88        'Lenard-Jones parameter in units of 1E-10 m
            #Prefactor calculated from 1000 * pow(ZD09_omega / 3.691, 3)
            dm = 475.05656886 * density
            #Prefactor calculated from 0.001 * pow(3.691 / ZD09_omega, 3)
            Vm = 0.0021050125 *  ( m / density )
            #Prefactor calculated from 154 / ZD09_epsilon
            Tm = 0.3019607843 *  ( temperature + 273.15 )  
            B = 0.029517729893 - 6337.56452413 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 275265.428882 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            C = 0.00129128089283 - 145.797416153 /  ( Tm * Tm )  + 76593.8947237 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            D = 2.58661493537E-06 + 0.52126532146 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 139.839523753 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            E = - 2.36335007175E-08 + 0.00535026383543 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 0.27110649951 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            f = 25038.7836486 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            delta = 1 + B / Vm + C /  ( Vm * Vm )  + D / pow(Vm, 4) + E / pow(Vm, 5) + f /  ( Vm * Vm )  *  ( 0.73226726041 + 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ) )  * np.exp(- 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ))
            Pm = ZD09_R * Tm * delta / Vm
            fn_return_value = Pm * ZD09_c1
            fn_return_value = 0
        return fn_return_value

    def calculate_drhodP(density, temperature, equation):
        '''Calculates the partial derivative of density with respect to pressure, i.e. (d(rho)/dP)_T
        This is done using one of two equations of state for water.
        density        - The density of water, in g/cm^3
        temperature    - The temperature of water, in Celsius
        equation       - The equation of state to use when calculating the pressure.
                         equation = 1 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2005)
                         equation = 2 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2009)
        Returns the partial derivative of density with respect to pressure of water corresponding
        to the input density and temperature, in units of g^3/cm^3/bar. If a proper value for the equation
        was not entered, zero is returned.
        B = None

        C = None

        D = None

        E = None

        f = None

        g = None

        m = None
        m = np.double(18.01528)
        select_variable_1 = equation
        if (select_variable_1 == 1):
            ZD05_R = 83.144
            ZD05_Vc = 55.9480373
            ZD05_Tc = 647.25
            TK = np.double(temperature + 273.15)
            Tr = TK / ZD05_Tc
            cc = ZD05_Vc / m
            Vr = m /  ( density * ZD05_Vc )
            B = 0.349824207 - 2.91046273 /  ( Tr * Tr )  + 2.00914688 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            C = 0.112819964 + 0.748997714 /  ( Tr * Tr )  - 0.87320704 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            D = 0.0170609505 - 0.0146355822 /  ( Tr * Tr )  + 0.0579768283 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            E = - 0.000841246372 + 0.00495186474 /  ( Tr * Tr )  - 0.00916248538 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
            f = - 0.100358152 / Tr
            # This value has been edited to be consistent with Mark Ghiorso's objective-C version of DEW and the original Zhang and Duan 2005 paper, 
            # although it is incosistent with the Excel-implemented DEW Model
            g = np.double(- 0.00182674744 * Tr)
            delta = 1 + B / Vr + C /  ( Vr * Vr )  + D / pow(Vr, 4) + E / pow(Vr, 5) +  ( f /  ( Vr * Vr )  + g / pow(Vr, 4) )  * np.exp(- 0.0105999998 / pow(Vr, 2))
            kappa = B * cc + 2 * C *  ( cc * cc )  * density + 4 * D * pow(cc, 4) * pow(density, 3) + 5 * E * pow(cc, 5) * pow(density, 4) +  ( 2 * f *  ( cc * cc )  * density + 4 * g * pow(cc, 4) * pow(density, 3) -  ( f /  ( Vr * Vr )  + g / pow(Vr, 4) )  *  ( 2 * 0.0105999998 *  ( cc * cc )  * density ) )  * np.exp(- 0.0105999998 /  ( Vr * Vr ))
            fn_return_value = m /  ( ZD05_R * TK *  ( delta + density * kappa ) )
        elif (select_variable_1 == 2):
            ZD09_R = 0.083145
            ZD09_c1 = 6.971118009
            #ZD09_epsilon = 510       'Lenard-Jones parameter in units of K
            #ZD09_omega = 2.88        'Lenard-Jones parameter in units of 1E-10 m
            #Prefactor calculated from 1000 * pow(ZD09_omega / 3.691, 3)
            dm = 475.05656886 * density
            #Prefactor calculated from 0.001 * pow(3.691 / ZD09_omega, 3)
            Vm = 0.0021050125 *  ( m / density )
            #Prefactor calculated from 154 / ZD09_epsilon
            Tm = 0.3019607843 *  ( temperature + 273.15 )   
            B = 0.029517729893 - 6337.56452413 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 275265.428882 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            C = 0.00129128089283 - 145.797416153 /  ( Tm * Tm )  + 76593.8947237 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            D = 2.58661493537E-06 + 0.52126532146 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 139.839523753 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            E = - 2.36335007175E-08 + 0.00535026383543 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 0.27110649951 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            f = 25038.7836486 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
            delta = 1 + B / Vm + C /  ( Vm * Vm )  + D / pow(Vm, 4) + E / pow(Vm, 5) + f /  ( Vm * Vm )  *  ( 0.73226726041 + 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ) )  * np.exp(- 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ))
            kappa = B / m + 2 * C * dm /  ( m * m )  + 4 * D * pow(dm, 3) / pow(m, 4) + 5 * E * pow(dm, 4) / pow(m, 5) + ( 2 * f * dm /  ( m * m )  *  ( 0.73226726041 + 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ) )  + f / pow(Vm, 2) *  ( 1 - 0.73226726041 - 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ) )  *  ( 2 * 0.015483335997 * dm /  ( m * m ) ) )  * np.exp(- 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ))
            ##### Adding  a comment here because I've made ZD09_c4 into ZD09 C_1 #######
            ##### Original line######
            #fn_return_value = ZD09_c1 * m /  ( ZD09_c4 * ZD09_R * Tm *  ( delta + dm * kappa ) )
            fn_return_value = ZD09_c1 * m /  ( ZD09_c1 * ZD09_R * Tm *  ( delta + dm * kappa ) )
            fn_return_value = 0
        return fn_return_value
    def calculateGibbsOfWater(pressure, temp, equation, densityEquation, Psat):
        '''This function calculates the Gibbs Free Energy of Water. It can calculate with two equations.
        pressure           - The pressure to calculate the Gibbs Free Energy at, in bars
        temperature        - The temperature to calculate the Gibbs Free Energy at, in Celsius
        equation           - Determines which equation to use to calculate the Gibbs Free Energy,
                             either Delaney & Helgeson (1978), corresonding to equation = 1, or simply integrating
                             over the volume of water, corresponding to equation = 2
        density Equation    - Determines which equation to use to find the density, and thus the volume of water.
        Psat               - Determines if the calculation should be done at Psat.
        Returns the Gibbs Free Energy of water in units of cal/mol. If a proper value for equation was not entered,
        zero is returned.
        if Psat == True:
            #This equation models the Gibbs Free Energy of water as a function of temperature along the Psat curve.
            #It has an R^2 value of 0.9999999984518 as compared with Supcrt92 values.
            fn_return_value = - 2.72980941772081E-103 * pow(temp, np.double(40)) + 2.88918186300446E-25 * pow(temp, np.double(10)) + - 2.21891314234246E-08 * pow(temp, np.double(4)) + 3.0912103873633E-05 * pow(temp, np.double(3)) + - 3.20873264480928E-02 * pow(temp, np.double(2)) + - 15.169458452209 * temp + - 56289.0379433809
            select_variable_2 = equation
            if (select_variable_2 == 1):
                coeff = {}
                coeff[0] = - 56130.073
                coeff[1] = 0.38101798
                coeff[2] = - 0.0000021167697
                coeff[3] = 2.0266445E-11
                coeff[4] = - 8.3225572E-17
                coeff[5] = - 15.285559
                coeff[6] = 0.0001375239
                coeff[7] = - 1.5586868E-09
                coeff[8] = 6.6329577E-15
                coeff[9] = - 0.026092451
                coeff[10] = 0.000000035988857
                coeff[11] = - 2.7916588E-14
                coeff[12] = 0.000017140501
                coeff[13] = - 1.6860893E-11
                coeff[14] = - 6.0126987E-09
                gibbsFreeEnergy = 0
                Count = 0
                for j in range(0, 5):
                    for k in range(0, 5 - j):
                        temp = np.absolute(temp)

                        gibbsFreeEnergy = gibbsFreeEnergy + coeff[Count] * pow((temp), np.double(j)) * pow(pressure, np.double(k))
                        Count = Count + 1
                fn_return_value = gibbsFreeEnergy
            elif (select_variable_2 == 2):
                #then defines the gibbs free energy as the integral over the volume as a function of temperature.
                #We can only perform this calculation if we can use one of the two density equations included
                #in the code. If densityEquation equals three, then that implies the user chose to use custom
                #density values. Because this procedure requires integration over a range of densities, this
                #cannot be calculated if the user has custom density values. Therefore, this will just return zero.
                if ( densityEquation == 3 ) :
                    fn_return_value = 0
                #Gibbs Free Energy of water at 1 kb. This equation is a polynomial fit to data as a function of temperature.
                #It is valid in the range of 100 to 1000 C.

                temp = np.absolute(temp) 
                GAtOneKb = 2.6880734E-09 *(temp * temp)*(temp*temp) + 0.00000063163061 * (temp * temp * temp) - 0.019372355 *  ( temp * temp )  - 16.945093 * temp - 55769.287
                if pressure < 1000:
                    fn_return_value = 0
                elif pressure == 1000:
                    fn_return_value = GAtOneKb
                elif pressure > 1000:
                    integral = 0
                    #Integral is sum of rectangles with this width. This function in effect limits the spacing
                    #to 20 bars so that very small pressures do not have unreasonably small widths. Otherwise the width
                    #is chosen such that there are always 500 steps in the numerical integration. This ensures that for very
                    #high pressures, there are not a huge number of steps calculated which is very computationally taxing.
                    if ( pressure - 1000 )  / 500 < 20:
                        spacing = 20
                        spacing = ( pressure - 1000 )  / 500
                    for i in range(1000, pressure + 1, int(spacing)):
                        #This integral determines the density only down to an error of 100 bars
                        #rather than the standard of 0.01. This is done to save computational
                        #time. Tests indicate this reduces the computation by about a half while
                        #introducing little error from the standard of 0.01.
                        integral = integral +  ( 18.01528 / DEWEquations.calculateDensity(i, temp, densityEquation, 100, False) / 41.84 )  * spacing
                    fn_return_value = GAtOneKb + integral
                fn_return_value = 0
        return fn_return_value
    def calculateEpsilon(density, temperature, equation, Psat):
        ''' This function calculates the dielectric constant (epsilon) of water using one of four possible equations.
        density        - The density of water to use in calculating epsilon, in g/cm^3
        temperature    - The temperature to calculate epsilon with, in Celsius
        equation       - Determines which equation should be used to calculate the dielectric constant of water.
                         equation = 1 corresponds to using Johnson & Norton (1991), the equation used in Supcrt
                         equation = 2 corresponds to using Franck (1990)
                         equation = 3 corresponds to using Fernandez (1997)
                         equation = 4 corredponds to using the Power Function. This is an equation derived by
                         Dimitri Sverjensky and Brandon Harison at Johns Hopkins University.
        Psat           - Determines if the polynomial fit to psat dielectric constant values should be used
                         in the event that calculations are along the Psat curve
        Returns the Dielectric constant of water at the given density and temperature. If a proper value
        for equation was not entered, zero is returned.
        if Psat == True:
            #This equation models the dielectric constant of water as a function of temperature along the Psat curve.
            #It has an R^2 value of 0.9999991719 as compared with Supcrt92 values.
            fn_return_value = - 1.66686763214295E-77 * pow(temperature, np.double(30)) + - 9.02887020379887E-07 * pow(temperature, np.double(3)) + 8.4590281449009E-04 * pow(temperature, np.double(2)) + - 0.396542037778945 * temperature + 87.605024245432
            select_variable_3 = equation
            if (select_variable_3 == 1):
                T_hat = ( temperature + 273.15 )  / 298.15
                k0 = 1
                k1 = 14.70333593 / T_hat
                k2 = 212.8462733 / T_hat - 115.4445173 + 19.55210915 * T_hat
                k3 = - 83.3034798 / T_hat + 32.13240048 * T_hat - 6.69409865 *  ( T_hat * T_hat )
                k4 = - 37.86202045 /  ( T_hat * T_hat )  + 68.87359646 / T_hat - 27.29401652
                fn_return_value = k0 + k1 * density + k2 *  ( density * density )  + k3 * pow(density, 3) + k4 * pow(density, 4)
            elif (select_variable_3 == 2):
                pi = 3.14159265358979
                omega = 0.0000000268
                k = 1.380648E-16
                Na = 6.022E+23
                mu = 2.33E-18
                rhostar = ( density * 0.055508 )  * pow(omega, 3) * Na
                mustarsq = pow(mu, 2) /  ( k *  ( temperature + 273.15 )  * pow(omega, 3) )
                y = ( 4 * pi / 9 )  * rhostar * mustarsq
                f1 = 0.4341 * pow(rhostar, 2)
                f2 = - ( 0.05 + 0.75 * pow(rhostar, 3) )
                f3 = - 0.026 * pow(rhostar, 2) + 0.173 * pow(rhostar, 4)
                fn_return_value = ( ( 3 * y )  /  ( 1 - f1 * y ) )  *  ( 1 +  ( 1 - f1 )  * y + f2 *  ( y * y )  + f3 *  ( y * y * y ) )  + 1
            elif (select_variable_3 == 3):
                #Values for N_k
                N_k = {}
                N_k[0] = 0.978224486826
                N_k[1] = - 0.957771379375
                N_k[2] = 0.237511794148
                N_k[3] = 0.714692224396
                N_k[4] = - 0.298217036956
                N_k[5] = - 0.108863472196
                N_k[6] = 0.0949327488264
                N_k[7] = - 0.00980469816509
                N_k[8] = 0.000016516763497
                N_k[9] = 9.37359795772E-05
                N_k[10] = - 1.2317921872E-10
                N_k[11] = 0.00196096504426
                #Values for i_k
                i_k = {}
                i_k[0] = 1
                i_k[1] = 1
                i_k[2] = 1
                i_k[3] = 2
                i_k[4] = 3
                i_k[5] = 3
                i_k[6] = 4
                i_k[7] = 5
                i_k[8] = 6
                i_k[9] = 7
                i_k[10] = 10
                #Values for j_k
                j_k = {}
                j_k[0] = 0.25
                j_k[1] = 1
                j_k[2] = 2.5
                j_k[3] = 1.5
                j_k[4] = 1.5
                j_k[5] = 2.5
                j_k[6] = 2
                j_k[7] = 2
                j_k[8] = 5
                j_k[9] = 0.5
                j_k[10] = 10
                avogadro = 6.0221367E+23
                dipole = 6.138E-30
                epsilon_o = 8.8541878176204E-12
                boltzmann = 1.380658E-23
                alpha = 1.636E-40
                density_c = 17873.728
                T_c = 647.096
                #Convert density and temperature units
                density_molm3 = density * 0.055508 * 1000000
                T_K = temperature + 273.15
                #Defining the g equation
                g = 1
                for ii in range(0, 11):
                    g = g + N_k[ii] * pow(density_molm3 / density_c, np.double(i_k[ii])) * pow(T_c / T_K, np.double(j_k[ii]))
                g = g + N_k[11] *  ( density_molm3 / density_c )  * pow(T_K / 228 - 1, - 1.2)
                #Defining the A, B, and C equations
                A = ( avogadro * pow(dipole, 2) * density_molm3 * g )  /  ( epsilon_o * boltzmann * T_K )
                B = ( avogadro * alpha * density_molm3 )  /  ( 3 * epsilon_o )
                C = 9 + 2 * A + 18 * B + A * A + 10 * A * B + 9 * B * B
                fn_return_value = ( 1 + A + 5 * B + np.sqrt(C) )  /  ( 4 - 4 * B )
            elif (select_variable_3 == 4):
                #Relevant parameters
                a1 = - 1.57637700752506E-03
                a2 = 6.81028783422197E-02
                a3 = 0.754875480393944
                b1 = - 8.01665106535394E-05
                b2 = - 6.87161761831994E-02
                b3 = 4.74797272182151
                A = a1 * temperature + a2 * np.sqrt(temperature) + a3
                B = b1 * temperature + b2 * np.sqrt(temperature) + b3
                fn_return_value = np.exp(B) * pow(density, np.double(A))
                fn_return_value = 0
        return fn_return_value
    def calculate_depsdrho(density, temperature, equation):
        '''Calculates the partial derivative of the dielectric constant (epsilon) with respect to density, i.e. (d(eps)/d(rho))_T
        This is done using one of four possible equations
        density        - The density of water to calculate with, in g/cm^3
        temperature    - The temperature to calculate with, in Celsius
        equation       - Determines which equation should be used to calculate the derivative
                         equation = 1 corresponds to using Johnson & Norton (1991), the equation used in Supcrt
                         equation = 2 corresponds to using Franck (1990)
                         equation = 3 corresponds to using Fernandez (1997)
                         equation = 4 corredponds to using the Power Function. This is an equation derived by
                         Dimitri Sverjensky and Brandon Harison at Johns Hopkins University.
        Returns the partial derivative of the dielectric constant with respect to density in units of cm^3/g. If a proper value
        for equation was not entered, zero is returned.
        select_variable_4 = equation
        if (select_variable_4 == 1):
            T_hat = ( temperature + 273.15 )  / 298.15
            k1 = 14.70333593 / T_hat
            k2 = 212.8462733 / T_hat - 115.4445173 + 19.55210915 * T_hat
            k3 = - 83.3034798 / T_hat + 32.13240048 * T_hat - 6.69409865 *  ( T_hat * T_hat )
            k4 = - 37.86202045 /  ( T_hat * T_hat )  + 68.87359646 / T_hat - 27.29401652
            fn_return_value = k1 + 2 * k2 * density + 3 * k3 * pow(density, 2) + 4 * k4 * pow(density, 3)
        elif (select_variable_4 == 2):
            pi = 3.14159265358979
            omega = 0.0000000268
            k = 1.380648E-16
            Na = 6.022E+23
            mu = 2.33E-18
            density = density * 0.055508
            cc = pow(omega, 3) * Na
            rhostar = density * cc
            mustarsq = pow(mu, 2) /  ( k *  ( temperature + 273.15 )  * pow(omega, 3) )
            y = ( 4 * pi / 9 )  * rhostar * mustarsq
            f1 = 0.4341 * pow(rhostar, 2)
            f2 = - ( 0.05 + 0.75 * pow(rhostar, 3) )
            f3 = - 0.026 * pow(rhostar, 2) + 0.173 * pow(rhostar, 4)
            dydrho = ( 4 * pi / 9 )  * mustarsq * cc
            df1drho = 2 * 0.4341 * pow(cc, 2) * density
            df2drho = - 3 * 0.75 * pow(cc, 3) * pow(density, 2)
            df3drho = - 2 * 0.026 * pow(cc, 2) * density + 4 * 0.173 * pow(cc, 4) * pow(density, 3)
            eps = ( ( 3 * y )  /  ( 1 - f1 * y ) )  *  ( 1 +  ( 1 - f1 )  * y + f2 *  ( y * y )  + f3 *  ( y * y * y ) )  + 1
            #The 0.055508 value converts the units from cm^3/mol to cm^3/g
            fn_return_value = 0.05508 *  ( ( ( dydrho + pow(y, 2) * df1drho )  /  ( 1 - f1 * y ) )  *  ( eps - 1 )  / y +  ( ( 3 * y )  /  ( 1 - f1 * y ) )  *  
                                          ( - df1drho * y + df2drho * pow(y, 2) + df3drho * pow(y, 3) +  ( 1 - f1 + 2 * f2 * y + 3 * f3 * y * y )  * dydrho ) )
        elif (select_variable_4 == 3):
            #Values for N_k
            N_k = {}
            N_k[0] = 0.978224486826
            N_k[1] = - 0.957771379375
            N_k[2] = 0.237511794148
            N_k[3] = 0.714692224396
            N_k[4] = - 0.298217036956
            N_k[5] = - 0.108863472196
            N_k[6] = 0.0949327488264
            N_k[7] = - 0.00980469816509
            N_k[8] = 0.000016516763497
            N_k[9] = 9.37359795772E-05
            N_k[10] = - 1.2317921872E-10
            N_k[11] = 0.00196096504426
            #Values for i_k
            i_k = {}
            i_k[0] = 1
            i_k[1] = 1
            i_k[2] = 1
            i_k[3] = 2
            i_k[4] = 3
            i_k[5] = 3
            i_k[6] = 4
            i_k[7] = 5
            i_k[8] = 6
            i_k[9] = 7
            i_k[10] = 10
            #Values for j_k
            j_k = {}
            j_k[0] = 0.25
            j_k[1] = 1
            j_k[2] = 2.5
            j_k[3] = 1.5
            j_k[4] = 1.5
            j_k[5] = 2.5
            j_k[6] = 2
            j_k[7] = 2
            j_k[8] = 5
            j_k[9] = 0.5
            j_k[10] = 10
            avogadro = 6.0221367E+23
            dipole = 6.138E-30
            epsilon_o = 8.8541878176204E-12
            boltzmann = 1.380658E-23
            alpha = 1.636E-40
            density_c = 17873.728
            T_c = 647.096
            #Convert density and temperature units
            density_molm3 = density * 0.055508 * 1000000
            T_K = temperature + 273.15
            #Defining the g equation
            g = 1
            for ii in range(0, 11):
                g = g + N_k[ii] * pow(density_molm3 / density_c, np.double(i_k[ii])) * pow(T_c / T_K, np.double(j_k[ii]))
            g = g + N_k[11] *  ( density_molm3 / density_c )  * pow(T_K / 228 - 1, - 1.2)
            #Defining the dgdrho equation
            dgdrho = 0
            for ii in range(0, 11):
                dgdrho = dgdrho + i_k[ii] * N_k[ii] *  ( pow(density_molm3, np.double(i_k[ii] - 1)) / pow(density_c, np.double(i_k[ii])) )  * pow(T_c / T_K, np.double(j_k[ii]))
            dgdrho = dgdrho +  ( N_k[11] / density_c )  * pow(T_K / 228 - 1, - 1.2)
            #Defining the A, B, and C equations
            A = ( avogadro * pow(dipole, 2) * density_molm3 * g )  /  ( epsilon_o * boltzmann * T_K )
            B = ( avogadro * alpha * density_molm3 )  /  ( 3 * epsilon_o )
            C = 9 + 2 * A + 18 * B + A * A + 10 * A * B + 9 * B * B
            #Defining the derivatives and epsilon
            dAdrho = A / density_molm3 +  ( A / g )  * dgdrho
            dBdrho = B / density_molm3
            dCdrho = 2 * dAdrho + 18 * dBdrho + 2 * A * dAdrho + 10 *  ( dAdrho * B + A * dBdrho )  + 18 * B * dBdrho
            eps = ( 1 + A + 5 * B + pow(np.double(C), 0.5))   /  ( 4 - 4 * B )
            #The 55508 value converts the units from m^3/mol to cm^3/g
            fn_return_value = 55508 *  ( 1 /  ( 4 - 4 * B ) )  *  ( 4 * dBdrho * eps + dAdrho + 5 * dBdrho + 0.5 * pow(np.double(C), - 0.5) * dCdrho )
        elif (select_variable_4 == 4):
            #Relevant parameters
            a1 = - 1.57637700752506E-03
            a2 = 6.81028783422197E-02
            a3 = 0.754875480393944
            b1 = - 8.01665106535394E-05
            b2 = - 6.87161761831994E-02
            b3 = 4.74797272182151
            A = a1 * temperature + a2 * np.sqrt(temperature) + a3
            B = b1 * temperature + b2 * np.sqrt(temperature) + b3
            fn_return_value = A * np.exp(B) * pow(density, A - 1)
            fn_return_value = 0
        return fn_return_value
    def calculateOmega(P, T, density, name, wref, Z):
        '''This function calculates the born coefficient omega for aqueous species as a function of pressure and temeprature
        P          - Pressure to calculate at, in bars
        T          - Temperature to calculate at, in Celsius
        density    - Density of water to calculate omega at, in g/cm^3. This could be calculated from P and T, but
                     it is used as an input parameter to save on calculation time.
        name       - The name of the species this is being calculated for.
        wref       - The value of omega at standard pressure and temperature, in units of cal/mol. This should not be
                     the value generally given as omega*1E-5, but rather the actual value of omega.
        Z          - The charge of the species
        Returns the value of omega at the input P and T. If Z is zero, the wprtr value is used. The value returned is
        in units of cal/mol and NOT multiplied by 10^-5.
        #If species is hydrogen, the species is neutral, or the pressure is above 6 kb,
        #this equation is not necessary because omega is very close to wref.
        if name == 'H+' or Z == 0 or P > 6000:
            fn_return_value = wref
            #These equations are given by Shock et al. (1992)
            eta = 166027
            #Defines the electrostatic radius at reference pressure and temperature
            reref = Z * Z /  ( wref / eta + Z / 3.082 )
            #This represents the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function
            g = DEWEquations.calculateG(P, T, density)
            #Defines the electrostatic radius at the input P and T
            re = reref + np.abs(Z) * g
            fn_return_value = eta *  ( Z * Z / re - Z /  ( 3.082 + g ) )
        return fn_return_value
    def calculateG(P, T, density):
        '''Calculates the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function. This function should only be
        used for pressures less than 6 kb.
        P          - The pressure to calculate at, in bars
        T          - The temperature to calculate at, in celsius
        density    - The density of water at which to calculate g at, in g/cm^3
        Returns the value of the g function. If the density is greather than 1 g/cm^3, then zero is returned.'''
        if density >= 1:
            fn_return_value = 0
            a_g = - 2.037662 + 0.005747 * T - 0.000006557892 * T * T
            b_g = 6.107361 - 0.01074377 * T + 0.00001268348 * T * T
            #Calculates the difference function in the case where we need to calculate at Psat conditions
            if ( P <= 1000 and T >= 155 and T <= 355 ) :
                f = ( pow(( T - 155 )  / 300, 4.8) + 36.66666 * pow(( T - 155 )  / 300, np.double(16)) )  *( - 1.504956E-10 * pow(1000 - P, np.double(3)) + 5.017997E-14 * pow(1000 - P, np.double(4)) )
                f = 0
            fn_return_value = a_g * pow(1 - density, b_g) - f
        return fn_return_value
    def calculate_domegadP(P, T, density, name, wref, Z, densityEquation, Psat):
        '''This function calculates the derivative of the born coefficient omega with respect to pressure
        for aqueous species as a function of pressure and temeprature
        P                  - Pressure to calculate at, in bars
        T                  - Temperature to calculate at, in Celsius
        density            - Density of water to calculate omega at, in g/cm^3. This could be calculated from P and T, but
                             it is used as an input parameter to save on calculation time.
        name               - The name of the species this is being calculated for.
        wref               - The value of omega at standard pressure and temperature, in units of cal/mol. This should not be
                             the value generally given as omega*1E-5, but rather the actual value of omega.
        Z                  - The charge of the species
        densityEquation    - Determines which equation to use in calculating the derivative of density
                             with respect to pressure. This is passed direction to calculate_dgdP
                             equation = 1  corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2005)
                             equation = 1  corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2009)
        Psat               - Determines if the calculation should be done along the Psat curve. In this case
                             there is no equation for drhodP and a polynomial fit to data from Shock et al. (1992) is used.
        Returns the value of the derivative of omega with respect to pressure at the input P and T. If Z is zero, then
        the derivative is zero. The value returned is in units of cal/mol/bar
        #If species is hydrogen, the species is neutral, or the pressure is above 6 kb,
        #this equation is not necessary because omega is very close to wref.
        if name == 'H+' or Z == 0 or P > 6000:
            fn_return_value = 0
            #These equations are given by Shock et al. (1992)
            eta = 166027
            #Defines the electrostatic radius at reference pressure and temperature
            reref = Z * Z /  ( wref / eta + Z / 3.082 )
            #This represents the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function and its derivative
            g = DEWEquations.calculateG(P, T, density)
            dgdP = DEWEquations.calculate_dgdP(P, T, density, g, densityEquation, Psat)
            #Defines the electrostatic radius at the input P and T
            re = reref + np.absolute(Z) * g
            fn_return_value = - eta *  ( np.absolute(Z * Z * Z) / pow(re, 2) - Z / pow(3.082 + g, 2) )  * dgdP
        return fn_return_value
    def calculate_dgdP(P, T, density, g, equation, Psat = True):
        '''Calculates the pressure derivative of the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function.
        This function should only be used for pressures less than 6 kb.
        P          - The pressure to calculate at, in bars
        T          - The temperature to calculate at, in celsius
        density    - The density of water at which to calculate g at, in g/cm^3
        g          - The value of the g solvent function at the input P and T
        equation   - Determines which equation to use in calculating the derivative of density
                     with respect to pressure
                     equation = 1  corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2005)
                     equation = 1  corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2009)
        Psat       - Determines if the calculation should be done along the Psat curve. In this case
                     there is no equation for drhodP and a polynomial fit to data from Shock et al. (1992) is used.
        Returns the pressure derivative of the g function. If the density is greather than 1 g/cm^3, then zero is returned.
        if Psat == True:
            #This equation models the derivative of the g solvent function with respect to pressure and
            #as a function of temperature along the Psat curve.
            #It has an R^2 value of 0.99995027718 as compared with values listed in Shock et al. (1992).
            #Particular care was taken to properly model the values at low temperatures which is why this
            #function not simply a polynomial
            if T < 0.01:
                fn_return_value = 0
                fn_return_value = np.exp(1.37105493109451E-10 * pow(np.log(T), np.double(15)) + - 1.43605469318795E-06 * pow(np.log(T), np.double(10)) + 26.2649453651117 * np.log(T) + - 125.108856715714) * 0.000001
            if density >= 1:
                fn_return_value = 0
                b_g = 6.107361 - 0.01074377 * T + 0.00001268348 * T * T
                #Calculates the difference function in the case where we need to calculate at Psat conditions
                if ( P <= 1000 and T >= 155 and T <= 355 ) :
                    dfdP = - ( pow(( T - 155 )  / 300, 4.8) + 36.66666 * pow(( T - 155 )  / 300, 16) )  *  ( 3 * - 1.504956E-10 * pow(1000 - P, 2) + 4 * 5.017997E-14 * pow(1000 - P, 3) )
                    dfdP = 0
                fn_return_value = - b_g * DEWEquations.calculate_drhodP(density, T, equation) * g /  ( 1 - density )  - dfdP
        return fn_return_value
    def calculateQ(pressure, temperature, density, densityEquation, epsilonEquation, Psat):
        '''This method calculates the Born Coefficient Q as (1/eps^2)*(d(eps)/dP) - In other words the derivative of
        epsilon with respect to pressure, divided by epsilon squared
        pressure           - The pressure to calculate Q at, in bars
        temperature        - The temperature to calculate Q at, in Celsius
        density            - The density at the input pressure and temperature, input simply to save time, in g/cm^3
        denistyEquation    - The density equation to use in calculating the density of water.
        epsilonEquation    - The epsilon equation to use in calculating epsilon.
        Psat               - Determines if the calculation should be done at Psat.
        Outputs the value of Q in units of bar^-1
        Calculates the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function. This function should only be
        used for pressures less than 6 kb.
        P          - The pressure to calculate at, in bars
        T          - The temperature to calculate at, in celsius
        density    - The density of water at which to calculate g at, in g/cm^3
        Returns the value of the g function. If the density is greather than 1 g/cm^3, then zero is returned.
        if Psat == True:
            #This equation models the Q Born Coefficent as a function of temperature along the Psat curve.
            #It has an R^2 value of 0.99999998602 as compared with values listed in Shock et al. (1992).
            fn_return_value = ( 1.99258688758345E-49 * pow(temperature, np.double(20)) + - 4.43690270750774E-14 * pow(temperature, np.double(6)) + 4.29110215680165E-11 * pow(temperature, np.double(5)) + - 1.07146606081182E-08 * pow(temperature, np.double(4)) + 1.09982931856694E-06 * pow(temperature, np.double(3)) + 9.60705240954956E-06 * pow(temperature, np.double(2)) + 0.642579832259358 )  * 0.000001
            #This commented section is the code to calculate the value of Q using a finite difference derivative.
            #        Dim epsilon, delta, epsilonPlusDelta As Double
            #        delta = 1
            #        epsilon = DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(density, temperature, epsilonEquation, False)
            #        epsilonPlusDelta = DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(calculateDensity(pressure + delta, temperature, densityEquation, 0.01, False), temperature, epsilonEquation, False)
            #        calculateQ = (1 / pow(np.double(epsilon), 2)) * ((epsilonPlusDelta - epsilon) / delta)
            eps = DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(density, temperature, epsilonEquation, Psat)
            depsdrho = DEWEquations.calculate_depsdrho(density, temperature, epsilonEquation)
            drhodP = DEWEquations.calculate_drhodP(density, temperature, densityEquation)
            fn_return_value = depsdrho * drhodP /  ( eps * eps )
        return fn_return_value


def calculateDensity(pressure, temperature, equation, error, Psat)

Function to calculate the density of water. Essentially performs guesses and checks with different densities until it reaches the correct pressure down to two decimal places, as calculated by either Zhang & Duan (2005) or Zhang & Duan (2009). —Input— pressure - The pressure to calculate the density of water at, in bars temperature - The temperature to calculate the density of water at, in Celsius equation - Determines which equation of state to use in calculating the density. equation = 1 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2005) equation = 2 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2009) error - This function uses a form of the bisection method. This variable indicates how close the approximation should get. Eg. if error = 0.01, the density calculated will calculate the pressure using the respective equation accurate to 0.01 of the input pressure Psat - Determines if the polynomial fit to psat densities should be used in the event that calculations are along the Psat curve —Output— Returns the density of water at the input pressure and temperature, in units of g/cm^3. The density returned will calculate a pressure which differs from the input pressure by the value of "error" or less. If a proper value for the equation was not entered, zero is returned.

Expand source code
def calculateDensity(pressure, temperature, equation, error, Psat):

    ''' Function to calculate the density of water. Essentially performs guesses and checks with
    different densities until it reaches the correct pressure down to two decimal places,
    as calculated by either Zhang & Duan (2005) or Zhang & Duan (2009).
    pressure       - The pressure to calculate the density of water at, in bars
    temperature    - The temperature to calculate the density of water at, in Celsius
    equation       - Determines which equation of state to use in calculating the density.
                     equation = 1 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2005)
                     equation = 2 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2009)
    error          - This function uses a form of the bisection method. This variable indicates
                     how close the approximation should get. Eg. if error = 0.01, the density calculated
                     will calculate the pressure using the respective equation accurate to 0.01 of the input pressure
    Psat           - Determines if the polynomial fit to psat densities should be used in the event
                     that calculations are along the Psat curve
    Returns the density of water at the input pressure and temperature, in units of g/cm^3. The density returned
    will calculate a pressure which differs from the input pressure by the value of "error" or less. If a proper value
    for the equation was not entered, zero is returned.
    fn_return_value = 0
    if Psat == True:

        #This equation models the density of water as a function of temperature along the Psat curve.
        #It has an R^2 value of 0.9999976885 as compared with Supcrt92 values.
        fn_return_value = - 1.01023381581205E-104 * pow(temperature, np.double(40)) + - 1.1368599785953E-27 * pow(temperature, np.double(10)) + - 2.11689207168779E-11 * pow(temperature, np.double(4)) + 1.26878850169523E-08 * pow(temperature, np.double(3)) + - 4.92010672693621E-06 * pow(temperature, np.double(2)) + - 3.2666598612692E-05 * temperature + 1.00046144613017
        #Define variables
        minGuess = 0.00001
        guess = 0.00001
        maxGuess = 7.5 * equation - 5
        calcP = 0
        #Loop through and find the density
        for i in range(1, 51):
            #Calculates the pressure using the specified equation
            calcP = DEWEquations.calculatePressure(guess, temperature, equation)
            #If the calculated pressure is not equal to input pressure, this determines a new
            #guess for the density based on current guess and how the calculated pressure
            #relates to the input pressure. In effect, this a form of a bisection method.
            if np.absolute(calcP - pressure) > error:
                if calcP > pressure:
                    maxGuess = guess
                    guess = ( guess + minGuess )  / 2
                elif calcP < pressure:
                    minGuess = guess
                    guess = ( guess + maxGuess )  / 2
                fn_return_value = guess
    return fn_return_value
def calculateEpsilon(density, temperature, equation, Psat)

This function calculates the dielectric constant (epsilon) of water using one of four possible equations. —Input— density - The density of water to use in calculating epsilon, in g/cm^3 temperature - The temperature to calculate epsilon with, in Celsius equation - Determines which equation should be used to calculate the dielectric constant of water. equation = 1 corresponds to using Johnson & Norton (1991), the equation used in Supcrt equation = 2 corresponds to using Franck (1990) equation = 3 corresponds to using Fernandez (1997) equation = 4 corredponds to using the Power Function. This is an equation derived by Dimitri Sverjensky and Brandon Harison at Johns Hopkins University. Psat - Determines if the polynomial fit to psat dielectric constant values should be used in the event that calculations are along the Psat curve —Output— Returns the Dielectric constant of water at the given density and temperature. If a proper value for equation was not entered, zero is returned.

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def calculateEpsilon(density, temperature, equation, Psat):
    ''' This function calculates the dielectric constant (epsilon) of water using one of four possible equations.
    density        - The density of water to use in calculating epsilon, in g/cm^3
    temperature    - The temperature to calculate epsilon with, in Celsius
    equation       - Determines which equation should be used to calculate the dielectric constant of water.
                     equation = 1 corresponds to using Johnson & Norton (1991), the equation used in Supcrt
                     equation = 2 corresponds to using Franck (1990)
                     equation = 3 corresponds to using Fernandez (1997)
                     equation = 4 corredponds to using the Power Function. This is an equation derived by
                     Dimitri Sverjensky and Brandon Harison at Johns Hopkins University.
    Psat           - Determines if the polynomial fit to psat dielectric constant values should be used
                     in the event that calculations are along the Psat curve
    Returns the Dielectric constant of water at the given density and temperature. If a proper value
    for equation was not entered, zero is returned.
    if Psat == True:
        #This equation models the dielectric constant of water as a function of temperature along the Psat curve.
        #It has an R^2 value of 0.9999991719 as compared with Supcrt92 values.
        fn_return_value = - 1.66686763214295E-77 * pow(temperature, np.double(30)) + - 9.02887020379887E-07 * pow(temperature, np.double(3)) + 8.4590281449009E-04 * pow(temperature, np.double(2)) + - 0.396542037778945 * temperature + 87.605024245432
        select_variable_3 = equation
        if (select_variable_3 == 1):
            T_hat = ( temperature + 273.15 )  / 298.15
            k0 = 1
            k1 = 14.70333593 / T_hat
            k2 = 212.8462733 / T_hat - 115.4445173 + 19.55210915 * T_hat
            k3 = - 83.3034798 / T_hat + 32.13240048 * T_hat - 6.69409865 *  ( T_hat * T_hat )
            k4 = - 37.86202045 /  ( T_hat * T_hat )  + 68.87359646 / T_hat - 27.29401652
            fn_return_value = k0 + k1 * density + k2 *  ( density * density )  + k3 * pow(density, 3) + k4 * pow(density, 4)
        elif (select_variable_3 == 2):
            pi = 3.14159265358979
            omega = 0.0000000268
            k = 1.380648E-16
            Na = 6.022E+23
            mu = 2.33E-18
            rhostar = ( density * 0.055508 )  * pow(omega, 3) * Na
            mustarsq = pow(mu, 2) /  ( k *  ( temperature + 273.15 )  * pow(omega, 3) )
            y = ( 4 * pi / 9 )  * rhostar * mustarsq
            f1 = 0.4341 * pow(rhostar, 2)
            f2 = - ( 0.05 + 0.75 * pow(rhostar, 3) )
            f3 = - 0.026 * pow(rhostar, 2) + 0.173 * pow(rhostar, 4)
            fn_return_value = ( ( 3 * y )  /  ( 1 - f1 * y ) )  *  ( 1 +  ( 1 - f1 )  * y + f2 *  ( y * y )  + f3 *  ( y * y * y ) )  + 1
        elif (select_variable_3 == 3):
            #Values for N_k
            N_k = {}
            N_k[0] = 0.978224486826
            N_k[1] = - 0.957771379375
            N_k[2] = 0.237511794148
            N_k[3] = 0.714692224396
            N_k[4] = - 0.298217036956
            N_k[5] = - 0.108863472196
            N_k[6] = 0.0949327488264
            N_k[7] = - 0.00980469816509
            N_k[8] = 0.000016516763497
            N_k[9] = 9.37359795772E-05
            N_k[10] = - 1.2317921872E-10
            N_k[11] = 0.00196096504426
            #Values for i_k
            i_k = {}
            i_k[0] = 1
            i_k[1] = 1
            i_k[2] = 1
            i_k[3] = 2
            i_k[4] = 3
            i_k[5] = 3
            i_k[6] = 4
            i_k[7] = 5
            i_k[8] = 6
            i_k[9] = 7
            i_k[10] = 10
            #Values for j_k
            j_k = {}
            j_k[0] = 0.25
            j_k[1] = 1
            j_k[2] = 2.5
            j_k[3] = 1.5
            j_k[4] = 1.5
            j_k[5] = 2.5
            j_k[6] = 2
            j_k[7] = 2
            j_k[8] = 5
            j_k[9] = 0.5
            j_k[10] = 10
            avogadro = 6.0221367E+23
            dipole = 6.138E-30
            epsilon_o = 8.8541878176204E-12
            boltzmann = 1.380658E-23
            alpha = 1.636E-40
            density_c = 17873.728
            T_c = 647.096
            #Convert density and temperature units
            density_molm3 = density * 0.055508 * 1000000
            T_K = temperature + 273.15
            #Defining the g equation
            g = 1
            for ii in range(0, 11):
                g = g + N_k[ii] * pow(density_molm3 / density_c, np.double(i_k[ii])) * pow(T_c / T_K, np.double(j_k[ii]))
            g = g + N_k[11] *  ( density_molm3 / density_c )  * pow(T_K / 228 - 1, - 1.2)
            #Defining the A, B, and C equations
            A = ( avogadro * pow(dipole, 2) * density_molm3 * g )  /  ( epsilon_o * boltzmann * T_K )
            B = ( avogadro * alpha * density_molm3 )  /  ( 3 * epsilon_o )
            C = 9 + 2 * A + 18 * B + A * A + 10 * A * B + 9 * B * B
            fn_return_value = ( 1 + A + 5 * B + np.sqrt(C) )  /  ( 4 - 4 * B )
        elif (select_variable_3 == 4):
            #Relevant parameters
            a1 = - 1.57637700752506E-03
            a2 = 6.81028783422197E-02
            a3 = 0.754875480393944
            b1 = - 8.01665106535394E-05
            b2 = - 6.87161761831994E-02
            b3 = 4.74797272182151
            A = a1 * temperature + a2 * np.sqrt(temperature) + a3
            B = b1 * temperature + b2 * np.sqrt(temperature) + b3
            fn_return_value = np.exp(B) * pow(density, np.double(A))
            fn_return_value = 0
    return fn_return_value
def calculateG(P, T, density)

Calculates the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function. This function should only be used for pressures less than 6 kb. —Input— P - The pressure to calculate at, in bars T - The temperature to calculate at, in celsius density - The density of water at which to calculate g at, in g/cm^3 —Output— Returns the value of the g function. If the density is greather than 1 g/cm^3, then zero is returned.

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def calculateG(P, T, density):
    '''Calculates the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function. This function should only be
    used for pressures less than 6 kb.
    P          - The pressure to calculate at, in bars
    T          - The temperature to calculate at, in celsius
    density    - The density of water at which to calculate g at, in g/cm^3
    Returns the value of the g function. If the density is greather than 1 g/cm^3, then zero is returned.'''
    if density >= 1:
        fn_return_value = 0
        a_g = - 2.037662 + 0.005747 * T - 0.000006557892 * T * T
        b_g = 6.107361 - 0.01074377 * T + 0.00001268348 * T * T
        #Calculates the difference function in the case where we need to calculate at Psat conditions
        if ( P <= 1000 and T >= 155 and T <= 355 ) :
            f = ( pow(( T - 155 )  / 300, 4.8) + 36.66666 * pow(( T - 155 )  / 300, np.double(16)) )  *( - 1.504956E-10 * pow(1000 - P, np.double(3)) + 5.017997E-14 * pow(1000 - P, np.double(4)) )
            f = 0
        fn_return_value = a_g * pow(1 - density, b_g) - f
    return fn_return_value
def calculateGibbsOfWater(pressure, temp, equation, densityEquation, Psat)

This function calculates the Gibbs Free Energy of Water. It can calculate with two equations. —Input—' pressure - The pressure to calculate the Gibbs Free Energy at, in bars temperature - The temperature to calculate the Gibbs Free Energy at, in Celsius equation - Determines which equation to use to calculate the Gibbs Free Energy, either Delaney & Helgeson (1978), corresonding to equation = 1, or simply integrating over the volume of water, corresponding to equation = 2 density Equation - Determines which equation to use to find the density, and thus the volume of water. Psat - Determines if the calculation should be done at Psat. —Output— Returns the Gibbs Free Energy of water in units of cal/mol. If a proper value for equation was not entered, zero is returned.

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def calculateGibbsOfWater(pressure, temp, equation, densityEquation, Psat):
    '''This function calculates the Gibbs Free Energy of Water. It can calculate with two equations.
    pressure           - The pressure to calculate the Gibbs Free Energy at, in bars
    temperature        - The temperature to calculate the Gibbs Free Energy at, in Celsius
    equation           - Determines which equation to use to calculate the Gibbs Free Energy,
                         either Delaney & Helgeson (1978), corresonding to equation = 1, or simply integrating
                         over the volume of water, corresponding to equation = 2
    density Equation    - Determines which equation to use to find the density, and thus the volume of water.
    Psat               - Determines if the calculation should be done at Psat.
    Returns the Gibbs Free Energy of water in units of cal/mol. If a proper value for equation was not entered,
    zero is returned.
    if Psat == True:
        #This equation models the Gibbs Free Energy of water as a function of temperature along the Psat curve.
        #It has an R^2 value of 0.9999999984518 as compared with Supcrt92 values.
        fn_return_value = - 2.72980941772081E-103 * pow(temp, np.double(40)) + 2.88918186300446E-25 * pow(temp, np.double(10)) + - 2.21891314234246E-08 * pow(temp, np.double(4)) + 3.0912103873633E-05 * pow(temp, np.double(3)) + - 3.20873264480928E-02 * pow(temp, np.double(2)) + - 15.169458452209 * temp + - 56289.0379433809
        select_variable_2 = equation
        if (select_variable_2 == 1):
            coeff = {}
            coeff[0] = - 56130.073
            coeff[1] = 0.38101798
            coeff[2] = - 0.0000021167697
            coeff[3] = 2.0266445E-11
            coeff[4] = - 8.3225572E-17
            coeff[5] = - 15.285559
            coeff[6] = 0.0001375239
            coeff[7] = - 1.5586868E-09
            coeff[8] = 6.6329577E-15
            coeff[9] = - 0.026092451
            coeff[10] = 0.000000035988857
            coeff[11] = - 2.7916588E-14
            coeff[12] = 0.000017140501
            coeff[13] = - 1.6860893E-11
            coeff[14] = - 6.0126987E-09
            gibbsFreeEnergy = 0
            Count = 0
            for j in range(0, 5):
                for k in range(0, 5 - j):
                    temp = np.absolute(temp)

                    gibbsFreeEnergy = gibbsFreeEnergy + coeff[Count] * pow((temp), np.double(j)) * pow(pressure, np.double(k))
                    Count = Count + 1
            fn_return_value = gibbsFreeEnergy
        elif (select_variable_2 == 2):
            #then defines the gibbs free energy as the integral over the volume as a function of temperature.
            #We can only perform this calculation if we can use one of the two density equations included
            #in the code. If densityEquation equals three, then that implies the user chose to use custom
            #density values. Because this procedure requires integration over a range of densities, this
            #cannot be calculated if the user has custom density values. Therefore, this will just return zero.
            if ( densityEquation == 3 ) :
                fn_return_value = 0
            #Gibbs Free Energy of water at 1 kb. This equation is a polynomial fit to data as a function of temperature.
            #It is valid in the range of 100 to 1000 C.

            temp = np.absolute(temp) 
            GAtOneKb = 2.6880734E-09 *(temp * temp)*(temp*temp) + 0.00000063163061 * (temp * temp * temp) - 0.019372355 *  ( temp * temp )  - 16.945093 * temp - 55769.287
            if pressure < 1000:
                fn_return_value = 0
            elif pressure == 1000:
                fn_return_value = GAtOneKb
            elif pressure > 1000:
                integral = 0
                #Integral is sum of rectangles with this width. This function in effect limits the spacing
                #to 20 bars so that very small pressures do not have unreasonably small widths. Otherwise the width
                #is chosen such that there are always 500 steps in the numerical integration. This ensures that for very
                #high pressures, there are not a huge number of steps calculated which is very computationally taxing.
                if ( pressure - 1000 )  / 500 < 20:
                    spacing = 20
                    spacing = ( pressure - 1000 )  / 500
                for i in range(1000, pressure + 1, int(spacing)):
                    #This integral determines the density only down to an error of 100 bars
                    #rather than the standard of 0.01. This is done to save computational
                    #time. Tests indicate this reduces the computation by about a half while
                    #introducing little error from the standard of 0.01.
                    integral = integral +  ( 18.01528 / DEWEquations.calculateDensity(i, temp, densityEquation, 100, False) / 41.84 )  * spacing
                fn_return_value = GAtOneKb + integral
            fn_return_value = 0
    return fn_return_value
def calculateOmega(P, T, density, name, wref, Z)

This function calculates the born coefficient omega for aqueous species as a function of pressure and temeprature —Input— P - Pressure to calculate at, in bars T - Temperature to calculate at, in Celsius density - Density of water to calculate omega at, in g/cm^3. This could be calculated from P and T, but it is used as an input parameter to save on calculation time. name - The name of the species this is being calculated for. wref - The value of omega at standard pressure and temperature, in units of cal/mol. This should not be the value generally given as omega*1E-5, but rather the actual value of omega. Z - The charge of the species —Output— Returns the value of omega at the input P and T. If Z is zero, the wprtr value is used. The value returned is in units of cal/mol and NOT multiplied by 10^-5.

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def calculateOmega(P, T, density, name, wref, Z):
    '''This function calculates the born coefficient omega for aqueous species as a function of pressure and temeprature
    P          - Pressure to calculate at, in bars
    T          - Temperature to calculate at, in Celsius
    density    - Density of water to calculate omega at, in g/cm^3. This could be calculated from P and T, but
                 it is used as an input parameter to save on calculation time.
    name       - The name of the species this is being calculated for.
    wref       - The value of omega at standard pressure and temperature, in units of cal/mol. This should not be
                 the value generally given as omega*1E-5, but rather the actual value of omega.
    Z          - The charge of the species
    Returns the value of omega at the input P and T. If Z is zero, the wprtr value is used. The value returned is
    in units of cal/mol and NOT multiplied by 10^-5.
    #If species is hydrogen, the species is neutral, or the pressure is above 6 kb,
    #this equation is not necessary because omega is very close to wref.
    if name == 'H+' or Z == 0 or P > 6000:
        fn_return_value = wref
        #These equations are given by Shock et al. (1992)
        eta = 166027
        #Defines the electrostatic radius at reference pressure and temperature
        reref = Z * Z /  ( wref / eta + Z / 3.082 )
        #This represents the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function
        g = DEWEquations.calculateG(P, T, density)
        #Defines the electrostatic radius at the input P and T
        re = reref + np.abs(Z) * g
        fn_return_value = eta *  ( Z * Z / re - Z /  ( 3.082 + g ) )
    return fn_return_value
def calculatePressure(density, temperature, equation)

Calculates the pressure of water as a function of density and temperature using one of two equation of states. —Input— density - The density to use in finding a pressure, in g/cm^3 temperature - The temperature to use in finding a pressure, in Celsius equation - The equation of state to use when calculating the pressure. equation = 1 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2005) equation = 2 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2009) —Output— Returns the pressure of water corresponding to the input density and temperature, in units of bars. If a proper value for the equation was not entered, zero is returned.

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def calculatePressure(density, temperature, equation):
    '''Calculates the pressure of water as a function of density and temperature using one of two
    equation of states.
    density        - The density to use in finding a pressure, in g/cm^3
    temperature    - The temperature to use in finding a pressure, in Celsius
    equation       - The equation of state to use when calculating the pressure.
                     equation = 1 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2005)
                     equation = 2 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2009)
    Returns the pressure of water corresponding to the input density and temperature, in units of bars.
    If a proper value for the equation was not entered, zero is returned.
    B = None

    C = None

    D = None

    E = None

    f = None

    g = None

    m = None
    m = np.double(18.01528)
    select_variable_0 = equation
    if (select_variable_0 == 1):
        ZD05_R = 83.144
        ZD05_Vc = 55.9480373
        ZD05_Tc = 647.25
        TK = temperature + 273.15
        Vr = m / density / ZD05_Vc
        Tr = TK / ZD05_Tc
        B = 0.349824207 - 2.91046273 /  ( Tr * Tr )  + 2.00914688 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
        C = 0.112819964 + 0.748997714 /  ( Tr * Tr )  - 0.87320704 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
        D = 0.0170609505 - 0.0146355822 /  ( Tr * Tr )  + 0.0579768283 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
        E = - 0.000841246372 + 0.00495186474 /  ( Tr * Tr )  - 0.00916248538 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
        f = - 0.100358152 / Tr
        g = np.double(- 0.00182674744 * Tr)
        delta = 1 + B / Vr + C /  ( Vr * Vr )  + D / pow(Vr, np.double(4)) + E / pow(Vr, np.double(5)) +  ( f /  ( Vr * Vr )  + g / pow(Vr, np.double(4)) )  * np.exp(- 0.0105999998 /  ( Vr * Vr ))
        fn_return_value = ZD05_R * TK * density * delta / m
    elif (select_variable_0 == 2):
        ZD09_R = 0.083145
        #Constant equal to ZD09_epsilon / (3.0626 * ZD09_omega^3)
        ZD09_c1 = 6.971118009
        #ZD09_epsilon = 510       'Lenard-Jones parameter in units of K
        #ZD09_omega = 2.88        'Lenard-Jones parameter in units of 1E-10 m
        #Prefactor calculated from 1000 * pow(ZD09_omega / 3.691, 3)
        dm = 475.05656886 * density
        #Prefactor calculated from 0.001 * pow(3.691 / ZD09_omega, 3)
        Vm = 0.0021050125 *  ( m / density )
        #Prefactor calculated from 154 / ZD09_epsilon
        Tm = 0.3019607843 *  ( temperature + 273.15 )  
        B = 0.029517729893 - 6337.56452413 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 275265.428882 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
        C = 0.00129128089283 - 145.797416153 /  ( Tm * Tm )  + 76593.8947237 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
        D = 2.58661493537E-06 + 0.52126532146 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 139.839523753 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
        E = - 2.36335007175E-08 + 0.00535026383543 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 0.27110649951 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
        f = 25038.7836486 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
        delta = 1 + B / Vm + C /  ( Vm * Vm )  + D / pow(Vm, 4) + E / pow(Vm, 5) + f /  ( Vm * Vm )  *  ( 0.73226726041 + 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ) )  * np.exp(- 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ))
        Pm = ZD09_R * Tm * delta / Vm
        fn_return_value = Pm * ZD09_c1
        fn_return_value = 0
    return fn_return_value
def calculateQ(pressure, temperature, density, densityEquation, epsilonEquation, Psat)

This method calculates the Born Coefficient Q as (1/eps^2)*(d(eps)/dP) - In other words the derivative of epsilon with respect to pressure, divided by epsilon squared —Input— pressure - The pressure to calculate Q at, in bars temperature - The temperature to calculate Q at, in Celsius density - The density at the input pressure and temperature, input simply to save time, in g/cm^3 denistyEquation - The density equation to use in calculating the density of water. epsilonEquation - The epsilon equation to use in calculating epsilon. Psat - Determines if the calculation should be done at Psat. —Output— Outputs the value of Q in units of bar^-1 Calculates the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function. This function should only be used for pressures less than 6 kb. —Input— P - The pressure to calculate at, in bars T - The temperature to calculate at, in celsius density - The density of water at which to calculate g at, in g/cm^3 —Output— Returns the value of the g function. If the density is greather than 1 g/cm^3, then zero is returned.

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def calculateQ(pressure, temperature, density, densityEquation, epsilonEquation, Psat):
    '''This method calculates the Born Coefficient Q as (1/eps^2)*(d(eps)/dP) - In other words the derivative of
    epsilon with respect to pressure, divided by epsilon squared
    pressure           - The pressure to calculate Q at, in bars
    temperature        - The temperature to calculate Q at, in Celsius
    density            - The density at the input pressure and temperature, input simply to save time, in g/cm^3
    denistyEquation    - The density equation to use in calculating the density of water.
    epsilonEquation    - The epsilon equation to use in calculating epsilon.
    Psat               - Determines if the calculation should be done at Psat.
    Outputs the value of Q in units of bar^-1
    Calculates the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function. This function should only be
    used for pressures less than 6 kb.
    P          - The pressure to calculate at, in bars
    T          - The temperature to calculate at, in celsius
    density    - The density of water at which to calculate g at, in g/cm^3
    Returns the value of the g function. If the density is greather than 1 g/cm^3, then zero is returned.
    if Psat == True:
        #This equation models the Q Born Coefficent as a function of temperature along the Psat curve.
        #It has an R^2 value of 0.99999998602 as compared with values listed in Shock et al. (1992).
        fn_return_value = ( 1.99258688758345E-49 * pow(temperature, np.double(20)) + - 4.43690270750774E-14 * pow(temperature, np.double(6)) + 4.29110215680165E-11 * pow(temperature, np.double(5)) + - 1.07146606081182E-08 * pow(temperature, np.double(4)) + 1.09982931856694E-06 * pow(temperature, np.double(3)) + 9.60705240954956E-06 * pow(temperature, np.double(2)) + 0.642579832259358 )  * 0.000001
        #This commented section is the code to calculate the value of Q using a finite difference derivative.
        #        Dim epsilon, delta, epsilonPlusDelta As Double
        #        delta = 1
        #        epsilon = DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(density, temperature, epsilonEquation, False)
        #        epsilonPlusDelta = DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(calculateDensity(pressure + delta, temperature, densityEquation, 0.01, False), temperature, epsilonEquation, False)
        #        calculateQ = (1 / pow(np.double(epsilon), 2)) * ((epsilonPlusDelta - epsilon) / delta)
        eps = DEWEquations.calculateEpsilon(density, temperature, epsilonEquation, Psat)
        depsdrho = DEWEquations.calculate_depsdrho(density, temperature, epsilonEquation)
        drhodP = DEWEquations.calculate_drhodP(density, temperature, densityEquation)
        fn_return_value = depsdrho * drhodP /  ( eps * eps )
    return fn_return_value
def calculate_depsdrho(density, temperature, equation)

Calculates the partial derivative of the dielectric constant (epsilon) with respect to density, i.e. (d(eps)/d(rho))_T This is done using one of four possible equations —Input— density - The density of water to calculate with, in g/cm^3 temperature - The temperature to calculate with, in Celsius equation - Determines which equation should be used to calculate the derivative equation = 1 corresponds to using Johnson & Norton (1991), the equation used in Supcrt equation = 2 corresponds to using Franck (1990) equation = 3 corresponds to using Fernandez (1997) equation = 4 corredponds to using the Power Function. This is an equation derived by Dimitri Sverjensky and Brandon Harison at Johns Hopkins University. —Output— Returns the partial derivative of the dielectric constant with respect to density in units of cm^3/g. If a proper value for equation was not entered, zero is returned.

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def calculate_depsdrho(density, temperature, equation):
    '''Calculates the partial derivative of the dielectric constant (epsilon) with respect to density, i.e. (d(eps)/d(rho))_T
    This is done using one of four possible equations
    density        - The density of water to calculate with, in g/cm^3
    temperature    - The temperature to calculate with, in Celsius
    equation       - Determines which equation should be used to calculate the derivative
                     equation = 1 corresponds to using Johnson & Norton (1991), the equation used in Supcrt
                     equation = 2 corresponds to using Franck (1990)
                     equation = 3 corresponds to using Fernandez (1997)
                     equation = 4 corredponds to using the Power Function. This is an equation derived by
                     Dimitri Sverjensky and Brandon Harison at Johns Hopkins University.
    Returns the partial derivative of the dielectric constant with respect to density in units of cm^3/g. If a proper value
    for equation was not entered, zero is returned.
    select_variable_4 = equation
    if (select_variable_4 == 1):
        T_hat = ( temperature + 273.15 )  / 298.15
        k1 = 14.70333593 / T_hat
        k2 = 212.8462733 / T_hat - 115.4445173 + 19.55210915 * T_hat
        k3 = - 83.3034798 / T_hat + 32.13240048 * T_hat - 6.69409865 *  ( T_hat * T_hat )
        k4 = - 37.86202045 /  ( T_hat * T_hat )  + 68.87359646 / T_hat - 27.29401652
        fn_return_value = k1 + 2 * k2 * density + 3 * k3 * pow(density, 2) + 4 * k4 * pow(density, 3)
    elif (select_variable_4 == 2):
        pi = 3.14159265358979
        omega = 0.0000000268
        k = 1.380648E-16
        Na = 6.022E+23
        mu = 2.33E-18
        density = density * 0.055508
        cc = pow(omega, 3) * Na
        rhostar = density * cc
        mustarsq = pow(mu, 2) /  ( k *  ( temperature + 273.15 )  * pow(omega, 3) )
        y = ( 4 * pi / 9 )  * rhostar * mustarsq
        f1 = 0.4341 * pow(rhostar, 2)
        f2 = - ( 0.05 + 0.75 * pow(rhostar, 3) )
        f3 = - 0.026 * pow(rhostar, 2) + 0.173 * pow(rhostar, 4)
        dydrho = ( 4 * pi / 9 )  * mustarsq * cc
        df1drho = 2 * 0.4341 * pow(cc, 2) * density
        df2drho = - 3 * 0.75 * pow(cc, 3) * pow(density, 2)
        df3drho = - 2 * 0.026 * pow(cc, 2) * density + 4 * 0.173 * pow(cc, 4) * pow(density, 3)
        eps = ( ( 3 * y )  /  ( 1 - f1 * y ) )  *  ( 1 +  ( 1 - f1 )  * y + f2 *  ( y * y )  + f3 *  ( y * y * y ) )  + 1
        #The 0.055508 value converts the units from cm^3/mol to cm^3/g
        fn_return_value = 0.05508 *  ( ( ( dydrho + pow(y, 2) * df1drho )  /  ( 1 - f1 * y ) )  *  ( eps - 1 )  / y +  ( ( 3 * y )  /  ( 1 - f1 * y ) )  *  
                                      ( - df1drho * y + df2drho * pow(y, 2) + df3drho * pow(y, 3) +  ( 1 - f1 + 2 * f2 * y + 3 * f3 * y * y )  * dydrho ) )
    elif (select_variable_4 == 3):
        #Values for N_k
        N_k = {}
        N_k[0] = 0.978224486826
        N_k[1] = - 0.957771379375
        N_k[2] = 0.237511794148
        N_k[3] = 0.714692224396
        N_k[4] = - 0.298217036956
        N_k[5] = - 0.108863472196
        N_k[6] = 0.0949327488264
        N_k[7] = - 0.00980469816509
        N_k[8] = 0.000016516763497
        N_k[9] = 9.37359795772E-05
        N_k[10] = - 1.2317921872E-10
        N_k[11] = 0.00196096504426
        #Values for i_k
        i_k = {}
        i_k[0] = 1
        i_k[1] = 1
        i_k[2] = 1
        i_k[3] = 2
        i_k[4] = 3
        i_k[5] = 3
        i_k[6] = 4
        i_k[7] = 5
        i_k[8] = 6
        i_k[9] = 7
        i_k[10] = 10
        #Values for j_k
        j_k = {}
        j_k[0] = 0.25
        j_k[1] = 1
        j_k[2] = 2.5
        j_k[3] = 1.5
        j_k[4] = 1.5
        j_k[5] = 2.5
        j_k[6] = 2
        j_k[7] = 2
        j_k[8] = 5
        j_k[9] = 0.5
        j_k[10] = 10
        avogadro = 6.0221367E+23
        dipole = 6.138E-30
        epsilon_o = 8.8541878176204E-12
        boltzmann = 1.380658E-23
        alpha = 1.636E-40
        density_c = 17873.728
        T_c = 647.096
        #Convert density and temperature units
        density_molm3 = density * 0.055508 * 1000000
        T_K = temperature + 273.15
        #Defining the g equation
        g = 1
        for ii in range(0, 11):
            g = g + N_k[ii] * pow(density_molm3 / density_c, np.double(i_k[ii])) * pow(T_c / T_K, np.double(j_k[ii]))
        g = g + N_k[11] *  ( density_molm3 / density_c )  * pow(T_K / 228 - 1, - 1.2)
        #Defining the dgdrho equation
        dgdrho = 0
        for ii in range(0, 11):
            dgdrho = dgdrho + i_k[ii] * N_k[ii] *  ( pow(density_molm3, np.double(i_k[ii] - 1)) / pow(density_c, np.double(i_k[ii])) )  * pow(T_c / T_K, np.double(j_k[ii]))
        dgdrho = dgdrho +  ( N_k[11] / density_c )  * pow(T_K / 228 - 1, - 1.2)
        #Defining the A, B, and C equations
        A = ( avogadro * pow(dipole, 2) * density_molm3 * g )  /  ( epsilon_o * boltzmann * T_K )
        B = ( avogadro * alpha * density_molm3 )  /  ( 3 * epsilon_o )
        C = 9 + 2 * A + 18 * B + A * A + 10 * A * B + 9 * B * B
        #Defining the derivatives and epsilon
        dAdrho = A / density_molm3 +  ( A / g )  * dgdrho
        dBdrho = B / density_molm3
        dCdrho = 2 * dAdrho + 18 * dBdrho + 2 * A * dAdrho + 10 *  ( dAdrho * B + A * dBdrho )  + 18 * B * dBdrho
        eps = ( 1 + A + 5 * B + pow(np.double(C), 0.5))   /  ( 4 - 4 * B )
        #The 55508 value converts the units from m^3/mol to cm^3/g
        fn_return_value = 55508 *  ( 1 /  ( 4 - 4 * B ) )  *  ( 4 * dBdrho * eps + dAdrho + 5 * dBdrho + 0.5 * pow(np.double(C), - 0.5) * dCdrho )
    elif (select_variable_4 == 4):
        #Relevant parameters
        a1 = - 1.57637700752506E-03
        a2 = 6.81028783422197E-02
        a3 = 0.754875480393944
        b1 = - 8.01665106535394E-05
        b2 = - 6.87161761831994E-02
        b3 = 4.74797272182151
        A = a1 * temperature + a2 * np.sqrt(temperature) + a3
        B = b1 * temperature + b2 * np.sqrt(temperature) + b3
        fn_return_value = A * np.exp(B) * pow(density, A - 1)
        fn_return_value = 0
    return fn_return_value
def calculate_dgdP(P, T, density, g, equation, Psat=True)

Calculates the pressure derivative of the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function. This function should only be used for pressures less than 6 kb. —Input— P - The pressure to calculate at, in bars T - The temperature to calculate at, in celsius density - The density of water at which to calculate g at, in g/cm^3 g - The value of the g solvent function at the input P and T equation - Determines which equation to use in calculating the derivative of density with respect to pressure equation = 1 corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2005) equation = 1 corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2009) Psat - Determines if the calculation should be done along the Psat curve. In this case there is no equation for drhodP and a polynomial fit to data from Shock et al. (1992) is used. —Output— Returns the pressure derivative of the g function. If the density is greather than 1 g/cm^3, then zero is returned.

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def calculate_dgdP(P, T, density, g, equation, Psat = True):
    '''Calculates the pressure derivative of the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function.
    This function should only be used for pressures less than 6 kb.
    P          - The pressure to calculate at, in bars
    T          - The temperature to calculate at, in celsius
    density    - The density of water at which to calculate g at, in g/cm^3
    g          - The value of the g solvent function at the input P and T
    equation   - Determines which equation to use in calculating the derivative of density
                 with respect to pressure
                 equation = 1  corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2005)
                 equation = 1  corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2009)
    Psat       - Determines if the calculation should be done along the Psat curve. In this case
                 there is no equation for drhodP and a polynomial fit to data from Shock et al. (1992) is used.
    Returns the pressure derivative of the g function. If the density is greather than 1 g/cm^3, then zero is returned.
    if Psat == True:
        #This equation models the derivative of the g solvent function with respect to pressure and
        #as a function of temperature along the Psat curve.
        #It has an R^2 value of 0.99995027718 as compared with values listed in Shock et al. (1992).
        #Particular care was taken to properly model the values at low temperatures which is why this
        #function not simply a polynomial
        if T < 0.01:
            fn_return_value = 0
            fn_return_value = np.exp(1.37105493109451E-10 * pow(np.log(T), np.double(15)) + - 1.43605469318795E-06 * pow(np.log(T), np.double(10)) + 26.2649453651117 * np.log(T) + - 125.108856715714) * 0.000001
        if density >= 1:
            fn_return_value = 0
            b_g = 6.107361 - 0.01074377 * T + 0.00001268348 * T * T
            #Calculates the difference function in the case where we need to calculate at Psat conditions
            if ( P <= 1000 and T >= 155 and T <= 355 ) :
                dfdP = - ( pow(( T - 155 )  / 300, 4.8) + 36.66666 * pow(( T - 155 )  / 300, 16) )  *  ( 3 * - 1.504956E-10 * pow(1000 - P, 2) + 4 * 5.017997E-14 * pow(1000 - P, 3) )
                dfdP = 0
            fn_return_value = - b_g * DEWEquations.calculate_drhodP(density, T, equation) * g /  ( 1 - density )  - dfdP
    return fn_return_value
def calculate_domegadP(P, T, density, name, wref, Z, densityEquation, Psat)

This function calculates the derivative of the born coefficient omega with respect to pressure for aqueous species as a function of pressure and temeprature —Input— P - Pressure to calculate at, in bars T - Temperature to calculate at, in Celsius density - Density of water to calculate omega at, in g/cm^3. This could be calculated from P and T, but it is used as an input parameter to save on calculation time. name - The name of the species this is being calculated for. wref - The value of omega at standard pressure and temperature, in units of cal/mol. This should not be the value generally given as omega*1E-5, but rather the actual value of omega. Z - The charge of the species densityEquation - Determines which equation to use in calculating the derivative of density with respect to pressure. This is passed direction to calculate_dgdP equation = 1 corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2005) equation = 1 corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2009) Psat - Determines if the calculation should be done along the Psat curve. In this case there is no equation for drhodP and a polynomial fit to data from Shock et al. (1992) is used. —Output— Returns the value of the derivative of omega with respect to pressure at the input P and T. If Z is zero, then the derivative is zero. The value returned is in units of cal/mol/bar

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def calculate_domegadP(P, T, density, name, wref, Z, densityEquation, Psat):
    '''This function calculates the derivative of the born coefficient omega with respect to pressure
    for aqueous species as a function of pressure and temeprature
    P                  - Pressure to calculate at, in bars
    T                  - Temperature to calculate at, in Celsius
    density            - Density of water to calculate omega at, in g/cm^3. This could be calculated from P and T, but
                         it is used as an input parameter to save on calculation time.
    name               - The name of the species this is being calculated for.
    wref               - The value of omega at standard pressure and temperature, in units of cal/mol. This should not be
                         the value generally given as omega*1E-5, but rather the actual value of omega.
    Z                  - The charge of the species
    densityEquation    - Determines which equation to use in calculating the derivative of density
                         with respect to pressure. This is passed direction to calculate_dgdP
                         equation = 1  corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2005)
                         equation = 1  corresponds to Zhang & Duan (2009)
    Psat               - Determines if the calculation should be done along the Psat curve. In this case
                         there is no equation for drhodP and a polynomial fit to data from Shock et al. (1992) is used.
    Returns the value of the derivative of omega with respect to pressure at the input P and T. If Z is zero, then
    the derivative is zero. The value returned is in units of cal/mol/bar
    #If species is hydrogen, the species is neutral, or the pressure is above 6 kb,
    #this equation is not necessary because omega is very close to wref.
    if name == 'H+' or Z == 0 or P > 6000:
        fn_return_value = 0
        #These equations are given by Shock et al. (1992)
        eta = 166027
        #Defines the electrostatic radius at reference pressure and temperature
        reref = Z * Z /  ( wref / eta + Z / 3.082 )
        #This represents the pressure and temperature dependent solvent function and its derivative
        g = DEWEquations.calculateG(P, T, density)
        dgdP = DEWEquations.calculate_dgdP(P, T, density, g, densityEquation, Psat)
        #Defines the electrostatic radius at the input P and T
        re = reref + np.absolute(Z) * g
        fn_return_value = - eta *  ( np.absolute(Z * Z * Z) / pow(re, 2) - Z / pow(3.082 + g, 2) )  * dgdP
    return fn_return_value
def calculate_drhodP(density, temperature, equation)

Calculates the partial derivative of density with respect to pressure, i.e. (d(rho)/dP)_T This is done using one of two equations of state for water. —Input— density - The density of water, in g/cm^3 temperature - The temperature of water, in Celsius equation - The equation of state to use when calculating the pressure. equation = 1 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2005) equation = 2 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2009) —Output— Returns the partial derivative of density with respect to pressure of water corresponding to the input density and temperature, in units of g^3/cm^3/bar. If a proper value for the equation was not entered, zero is returned.

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def calculate_drhodP(density, temperature, equation):
    '''Calculates the partial derivative of density with respect to pressure, i.e. (d(rho)/dP)_T
    This is done using one of two equations of state for water.
    density        - The density of water, in g/cm^3
    temperature    - The temperature of water, in Celsius
    equation       - The equation of state to use when calculating the pressure.
                     equation = 1 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2005)
                     equation = 2 corresponds to using Zhang & Duan (2009)
    Returns the partial derivative of density with respect to pressure of water corresponding
    to the input density and temperature, in units of g^3/cm^3/bar. If a proper value for the equation
    was not entered, zero is returned.
    B = None

    C = None

    D = None

    E = None

    f = None

    g = None

    m = None
    m = np.double(18.01528)
    select_variable_1 = equation
    if (select_variable_1 == 1):
        ZD05_R = 83.144
        ZD05_Vc = 55.9480373
        ZD05_Tc = 647.25
        TK = np.double(temperature + 273.15)
        Tr = TK / ZD05_Tc
        cc = ZD05_Vc / m
        Vr = m /  ( density * ZD05_Vc )
        B = 0.349824207 - 2.91046273 /  ( Tr * Tr )  + 2.00914688 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
        C = 0.112819964 + 0.748997714 /  ( Tr * Tr )  - 0.87320704 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
        D = 0.0170609505 - 0.0146355822 /  ( Tr * Tr )  + 0.0579768283 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
        E = - 0.000841246372 + 0.00495186474 /  ( Tr * Tr )  - 0.00916248538 /  ( Tr * Tr * Tr )
        f = - 0.100358152 / Tr
        # This value has been edited to be consistent with Mark Ghiorso's objective-C version of DEW and the original Zhang and Duan 2005 paper, 
        # although it is incosistent with the Excel-implemented DEW Model
        g = np.double(- 0.00182674744 * Tr)
        delta = 1 + B / Vr + C /  ( Vr * Vr )  + D / pow(Vr, 4) + E / pow(Vr, 5) +  ( f /  ( Vr * Vr )  + g / pow(Vr, 4) )  * np.exp(- 0.0105999998 / pow(Vr, 2))
        kappa = B * cc + 2 * C *  ( cc * cc )  * density + 4 * D * pow(cc, 4) * pow(density, 3) + 5 * E * pow(cc, 5) * pow(density, 4) +  ( 2 * f *  ( cc * cc )  * density + 4 * g * pow(cc, 4) * pow(density, 3) -  ( f /  ( Vr * Vr )  + g / pow(Vr, 4) )  *  ( 2 * 0.0105999998 *  ( cc * cc )  * density ) )  * np.exp(- 0.0105999998 /  ( Vr * Vr ))
        fn_return_value = m /  ( ZD05_R * TK *  ( delta + density * kappa ) )
    elif (select_variable_1 == 2):
        ZD09_R = 0.083145
        ZD09_c1 = 6.971118009
        #ZD09_epsilon = 510       'Lenard-Jones parameter in units of K
        #ZD09_omega = 2.88        'Lenard-Jones parameter in units of 1E-10 m
        #Prefactor calculated from 1000 * pow(ZD09_omega / 3.691, 3)
        dm = 475.05656886 * density
        #Prefactor calculated from 0.001 * pow(3.691 / ZD09_omega, 3)
        Vm = 0.0021050125 *  ( m / density )
        #Prefactor calculated from 154 / ZD09_epsilon
        Tm = 0.3019607843 *  ( temperature + 273.15 )   
        B = 0.029517729893 - 6337.56452413 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 275265.428882 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
        C = 0.00129128089283 - 145.797416153 /  ( Tm * Tm )  + 76593.8947237 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
        D = 2.58661493537E-06 + 0.52126532146 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 139.839523753 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
        E = - 2.36335007175E-08 + 0.00535026383543 /  ( Tm * Tm )  - 0.27110649951 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
        f = 25038.7836486 /  ( Tm * Tm * Tm )
        delta = 1 + B / Vm + C /  ( Vm * Vm )  + D / pow(Vm, 4) + E / pow(Vm, 5) + f /  ( Vm * Vm )  *  ( 0.73226726041 + 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ) )  * np.exp(- 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ))
        kappa = B / m + 2 * C * dm /  ( m * m )  + 4 * D * pow(dm, 3) / pow(m, 4) + 5 * E * pow(dm, 4) / pow(m, 5) + ( 2 * f * dm /  ( m * m )  *  ( 0.73226726041 + 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ) )  + f / pow(Vm, 2) *  ( 1 - 0.73226726041 - 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ) )  *  ( 2 * 0.015483335997 * dm /  ( m * m ) ) )  * np.exp(- 0.015483335997 /  ( Vm * Vm ))
        ##### Adding  a comment here because I've made ZD09_c4 into ZD09 C_1 #######
        ##### Original line######
        #fn_return_value = ZD09_c1 * m /  ( ZD09_c4 * ZD09_R * Tm *  ( delta + dm * kappa ) )
        fn_return_value = ZD09_c1 * m /  ( ZD09_c1 * ZD09_R * Tm *  ( delta + dm * kappa ) )
        fn_return_value = 0
    return fn_return_value